All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

Paul Ryan is a FCJ

which stands for First Class Jerk. I said all along  he was the absolute wrong choice for the Speaker’s position. This fellow is a pure bred politician who need his nose wiped. I firmly believe he does not want Trump to win because he knows he will not get his way with him. He wants to be the big guy, the top dog in the pack of thieves, the larger than life person who knows and does all. However, under a Trump presidency, he will have to take a back seat (way back).

Now, I cannot attest to the fact that the headline here is valid, in fact, I have difficulty believing there were 70,000 American women raped by these low-life scumbags, but that’s not the point of the article. Just one is one too many, especially based on this POS’s record. What is going on in my country today? 


Criminal Aliens Sexually Assault 70,000 American Women — But Paul Ryan Targets Trump – Breitbart

Originally posted 2016-10-13 13:49:29.

Are You Worthy of him?

That’s the question Lou Dobbs is asking all of us. I can’t answer for you but I sure as hell can answer for myself. Damn right I am worthy!

Yes, he has warts, don’t we all? I have said and done many things in my nearly 76 years that I “ain’t” too proud of, but that doesn’t make me a bad person. Just look at our so-called GOP members that are jumping ship. They were simply waiting for the right moment, the right incident, the right excuse to jump on the anti bandwagon because they know damn well he will turn that cesspool upside down, and they may have to begin doing something they have forgotten how to do – serve the people instead of themselves and the special interest. Harry Truman once said, “You can’t get rich in politics.” Well there’s a lot of folks, about 535 of them, that have proven him wrong. 

Copy, Paste, and you answer for yourself. Tell me your answer in a comment unless, of course, you feel you are have no warts.


Originally posted 2016-10-12 17:24:44.

The “New” FBI

They are now referred to as the Federal Bureau of Immunity, that is, unless your name isn’t Clinton; then your toast.

By Paul Sperry   October 6, 2016 | 8:54 pm

jamescomeyVeteran FBI agents say FBI Director James Comey has permanently damaged the bureau’s reputation for uncompromising investigations with his “cowardly” whitewash of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information using an unauthorized private email server.

Feeling the heat from congressional critics, Comey last week argued that the case was investigated by career FBI agents, “So if I blew it, they blew it, too.”

But agents say Comey tied investigators’ hands by agreeing to unheard-of ground rules and other demands by the lawyers for Clinton and her aides that limited their investigation.

“In my 25 years with the bureau, I never had any ground rules in my interviews,” said retired agent Dennis V. Hughes, the first chief of the FBI’s computer investigations unit.

Instead of going to prosecutors and insisting on using grand jury leverage to compel testimony and seize evidence, Comey allowed immunity for several key witnesses, including potential targets.

The immunity agreements came with outrageous side deals, including preventing agents from searching for any documents on a Dell laptop owned by former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills generated after Jan. 31, 2015, when she communicated with the server administrator who destroyed subpoenaed emails.

Comey also agreed to have Mills’ laptop destroyed after the restricted search, denying Congress the chance to look at it and making the FBI an accomplice to the destruction of evidence.

Comey’s immunized witnesses nonetheless suffered chronic lapses in memory, made unsubstantiated claims of attorney-client privilege upon tougher questioning and at least two gave demonstrably false statements. And yet Comey indulged it all.

What’s more, Comey cut a deal to give Clinton a “voluntary” witness interview on a major holiday, and even let her ex-chief of staff sit in on the interview as a lawyer, even though she, too, was under investigation.

Clinton’s interview, the culmination of a yearlong investigation, lasted just 3½ hours. Despite some 40 bouts of amnesia, she wasn’t called back for questioning; and three days later, Comey cleared her of criminal wrongdoing.

“The FBI has politicized itself, and its reputation will suffer for a long time,” Hughes said. “I hold Director Comey responsible.”

Agreed retired FBI agent Michael M. Biasello: “Comey has singlehandedly ruined the reputation of the organization.”

The accommodations afforded Clinton and her aides are “unprecedented,” Biasello added, “which is another way of saying this outcome was by design.” He called Comey’s decision not to seek charges “cowardly.”

“Each month for 27 years, I received oral and computer admonishments concerning the proper protocol for handling top-secret and other classified material, and was informed of the harsh penalties, to include prosecution and incarceration,” for mishandling such material, he pointed out. “Had myself or my colleagues engaged in behavior of the magnitude of Hillary Clinton, as described by Comey, we would be serving time in Leavenworth.”

Former FBI official I.C. Smith knows a thing or two about Clinton corruption. After working at FBI headquarters as a section chief in the National Security Division, he retired as special agent in charge of the Little Rock, Ark., field office, where he investigated top Clinton fundraisers for public corruption and even Chinese espionage.

“FBI agents upset with Comey’s decision have every reason to feel that way,” Smith said. “Clearly there was a different standard applied to Clinton.”

“I have no doubt resourceful prosecutors and FBI agents could have come up with some charge that she would have been subject to prosecution,” the 25-year veteran added. “What she did is absolutely abhorrent for anyone who has access to classified information.”

Smith said Congress should subpoena the case’s agents to testify about the direction they received from Comey and their supervisors: “It would be interesting to see what the results would be if those involved with the investigation were questioned under oath.”

Comey made the 25 agents who worked on the case sign nondisclosure agreements. But others say morale has sunk inside the bureau.

“The director is giving the bureau a bad rap with all the gaps in the investigation,” one agent in the Washington field office said. “There’s a perception that the FBI has been politicized and let down the country.”

Comey has turned a once-proud institution known for its independence into one that bows to election pressure, hands out political immunity to candidates and effectively pardons their co-conspirators. He’s turned the FBI into the Federal Bureau of Immunity and lost the trust and respect of not only his agents but the country at large. He ought to step down.

Originally posted 2016-10-08 12:01:44.



If this wasn’t so sad, it would be a great story. I am certain the MSM is eating this up, I mean what could be more news worthy than  a nightly brief on how the “Baby on Board” is doing? I wonder if Mad Mabus and Ash & Trash Carter passed out “It’s a Girl” cigars and gave everyone at the five-sided nuthouse the rest of the day off. I love it. Welcome to our new “Armed” Forces. we just don’t know for what they are armed. 

Another dandy from Col Andy

Col Andy

Originally posted 2016-10-07 15:21:42.

Electile Dysfunction

I had (and still have) since Tuesday 3 November 2020 believed in my heart of hearts that the election was the worse thing that happened in America in my lifetime. But as usual with the help of our infamous left leaning media, we as Constitutional loving Americans turned a blind eye to all the evidence. Even the dumbest, non-caring, self-centered  scumbag alive should have been able to clearly see that America had become a third-world shithole as far as the ability to hold a legal national election. I was literally beside myself and became the angriest person alive to my family and friends. I am sure that my thirty-six years of blood, sweat, and tears to this once great nation had much to do with my angst.

Then the democratic party immediately began attacking Trump with the help of their appointed gang of misfits throughout the administration who were appointed to positions of authority not because because of their experience or knowledge, but due to their race, being queer, or female, or transgender. Such a disgrace for a country founded on the principles of justice.

Greg has done a magnificent job of researching the anomolies between the past elections. Enjoy.

By: Greg Maresca

Numbers can’t lie. Since the dust has settled on the 2024 presidential election, the dustup on the 2020 election begs many questions. The numbers don’t add up or add up way too much thanks to being able to multiply after hours.

The disparity between the two elections was telling with Trump winning the Electoral College in 2024: 312 to 226 and the popular vote by over three million: 75,579,513 to 72,420,967.

Trump’s electoral victory was the most by a Republican since 1988 and his third presidential election win in a row.

Barack Obama received 69 million votes in 2008 and 65 million in 2012. In 2020, Sleepy Joe Biden’s basement campaign collected 81 million.  Trump had massive rallies, while Biden couldn’t draw flies.

Early returns had Trump winning but like a political vampire rising before dawn, Biden’s crop of absentee ballots, vote harvesting and drop boxes rolled in by the truckload as the steal was on.  Taking advantage of COVID, democrats refused to “never let a crisis go to waste.”

One of the biggest miscarriages of justice in American politics was the premeditated, unabashed, and overt theft of the 2020 presidential election by democrats, the mainstream media, and left-wing elitists.

Stolen elections, however, are nothing new to the American political landscape.

In 1960, Democrats stole the election for John F. Kennedy. He won Illinois by 8,858 votes thanks to Chicago Mayor Daley’s political machine. Texas, home of Kennedy’s Vice President Lyndon Johnson, was in on the theft, too.

Does anyone really believe they run fair elections in Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and New York, where big-city democrat machines have dominated for over a century?

In the 1992 presidential election while covering in Columbia County, Pennsylvania, I was told before the polls opened that democrats are always ahead by at least 500 votes. This was Columbia County, not Chicago and more than 30 years ago.

At 92, longtime conservative avantgarde Phyllis Schlafly summed it up: “Why wouldn’t people who kill babies also steal elections?”

In both 2016 and 2020, the presidential race was decided by a few ten thousand voters dispersed across a handful of battleground states. These mostly urban voting precincts utilize the hackable Dominion voting machines that made late night ballot dumps feasible and unverifiable.  Biden won Georgia by 11,779 votes; Arizona by 10,457; and Wisconsin by 20,682.

All margins that can be overcome with a collective effort.

During this year’s Casey/McCormick senate race, election officials openly defied a 2023 Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision by counting illegal ballots attempting to usurp the initial results that favored McCormick, the republican challenger.

Bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza exposes the voting fraud that you were told didn’t exist in the film “2000 Mules.”  Why have laws on proof of voter eligibility and ballot counting requirements and deadlines if they aren’t enforced?

Without enforcement anarchy reigns.

Republicans failed to call out the big cheat immediately in the 2020 election and until the malefactors are identified, convicted, and imprisoned, such nefarious criminality at some point will resurface.

Harris collected about nine million fewer votes than Biden in 2020.

Yet, many still believe the 2020 election was untainted. What is outright dismissed and forgotten is how a stolen election would nullify any legislation passed over the last four years.

The aftermath of 2020’s coup d’état that undermined our constitution has resulted in dozens of lawsuits and an army of trained poll watchers that produced fewer delays and a more consistent and timely accounting in 2024.

This is the first of three presidential elections where Trump won the popular vote including the Electoral College. The 72 million votes tallied for Harris is more than Hillary Clinton’s 65 million in 2016 when she lost to Trump. It is on par with Obama’s 69 million votes in 2008, and higher than Obama’s 65 million when he won a second term in 2012.

With Trump having won the 2020 election, democrats are drafting articles of impeachment that made him ineligible to run in 2024.  Other democrat initiatives include counting illegal ballots to prevent any Republican “threat to democracy” and if that doesn’t work abolishing the popular vote altogether.

When Harris implored “we are not going back,” she was wrong again.

We are going back – to a road leading faithfully forward.