All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

What are Liberals really like?

Trump hatWant to find out what Liberals are really like? I mean REALLY like, their personality, attributes, concern for others’ ideas and opinions? Actually, it’s very easy and simple. Place a Trump sticker on the back of your car. I received my hat, yard sign, and bumper sticker a week or so ago. I immediately put my yard sign in place, and the sticker on the back window of my Mini Cooper. Now, I have a Purple Heart license plate inside a holder that says Retired U.S. Marine. Okay?

That very afternoon I had to run to Home Depot, 4.8 miles from my house. I’m at a traffic light,a car pulls up beside me in the right lane, and the horns toots. I look over and he shoots me the bird. Younger fellow, an obvious Millennial. I simply smile, and it appears that made him mad. Good.

Several days later I am on my way somewhere, and again a car pulls up beside me in the left lane. The horn toots. I look over and it is a woman, and she shoots me the bird. Now, in the passenger seat is a young girl, probably her daughter, around nine or ten, and in the back seat is a car carrier with a small child in it. The woman appeared to be of Millennial age. Again, I simply smile.

Okay, I see cars with Bernie stickers and Hillary stickers all the time. Would I, a 75-year-old man, having served my country for nearly thirty-six years, ever think of tooting my horn and shooting the person the bird? Absolutely not!

But liberals have no problem doing something like that, that’s the way they are. To them, it’s my way, or no way, I am just another stupid, ignorant, rich conservative. (Really? In a 2012 Mini Cooper?) They have no problem expressing themselves the only way they know how, in a rude, obnoxious, uncaring, angry, self-centered, contemptible, loathsome manner. Amazing. Thank goodness I live in a neighborhood that I believe is predominantly conservative or someone may run over my yard sign.

So, I now really enjoy running errands for my bride. I wear my Trump hat and when someone does that to me I simply tip my Trump hat to them and smile. Get yourself a sticker and start having fun with the liberals. I love it!.

Originally posted 2016-07-09 17:16:03.

Federal Reserve

Another good one from Marine Greg.  As you read this, remember a couple of things. One is the economic definition of inflation in layman’s terms: “Too much money chasing too few goods.” And secondly, one of the truisms I learned in Econ 101 is: Put five Economists in a room and ask them a question, and you will get six answers, all different. Why is that? Because Economics is a social science, not a hard science


A Binging Pivot                                                                      By: Greg Maresca

It was one of the most anticipated announcements of Joe Biden’s presidency that was nearly on par with him dropping out of the presidential race and fading to irrelevance.

For the first time since 2020, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates by half a percentage point making the range between 4.75% and 5% with anticipation of more to come.

“The U.S. economy is basically fine,” claimed the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, who made the cut regardless and seemed unconvinced about anything else. To no surprise, the stock market approved following up with record highs.

When deciding on rates, The Fed has always been a reactionary institution that relies on historical data and models like the Phillips curve that was debunked two generations ago. Cutting rates will grow the money supply and bring some relief from higher interest rates. The Fed is putting pressure on inflation to bring down interest rates as the way to manage our exploding deficits.

The rate cut will only fuel inflation – an unwritten and unrestricted tax on everyone – no exceptions.

The interest rate was at a historical average, but the national financial sector and the Washington bureaucratic swamp are addicted to cheap money that makes $50,000 cars and $300,000 homes seem affordable. Over time this money infusion will make those cars and houses even pricier. Believing cheap money is the driving force of economic prosperity is as counterfeit as they come. Such behavior increases demand without an increase in supply – the root cause of inflation. Keep in mind that both food and fuel are excluded from inflation calculations.  This, my friends, is unknown to most Americans. Should food and fuel be added to the inflation number, you would be shocked.

Interest rates are The Fed’s dependent drug.

“When is the next cut coming and how big?”

A half of a percent reduction suggests the economy and its capacity for job creation is not nearly as good as Powell or any other entrenched government bureaucrat will admit.

There was no need for the cut, but lower rates produce lower mortgages and pacifies the masses making them feel better about the current political and economic situation.

The Fed, “a nonpartisan agency,” put its thumb on the scale during a presidential campaign begging the question: Is The Fed an impartial and independent agency or beholden to politics and Wall Street? Lowering rates at the expense of higher inflation seems self-serving in the run up to a presidential election that is less than six weeks away.

Powell, who served as carnival barker for the Biden administration’s highest inflation rates in over 40 years, told us inflation was “only transitory” is doing his best to foster a post-inflation merry go round.

The Fed’s decision is analogous to the hangover coming the morning after a Friday night binger. This economic hangover, however, will conveniently occur after November’s election, so make sure you start your Christmas shopping early as none of this bodes well for glad tidings.

Typically, The Fed cuts rates in response to economic downspin, not because of a supposed stable and growing economy. Provided the economy goes south with rates already low, this only serves to dig the hole deeper.

The real issue that is ignored, dismissed or unacknowledged is the ever-increasing federal spending. Every dollar spent, pilfers a dollar through taxes, borrowing or money-printing. Unless there are cuts to spending and debt reduction, nothing changes diminishing even further the fading American dream.

How about less government and regulation and more innovation and investment to drive the economy.

The cut is all about the election and The Fed’s preferred outcome. It is nothing short of a lame attempt to prop up the incumbent executive branch that would certainly preserve Powell’s job. No need for the bureaucrats to fret as it is always the working class that takes the brunt of the foibles of incessant government intervention.

The cut also implicitly implies The Fed overplayed its hand and is concerned about a recession.

Prematurely cutting interest rates is the perfect recipe for an increase in inflation. The dollar lost 20% of its value in just three plus years turning greenbacks into proverbial toilet paper.

The Fed’s rate cut in a supposed stable and growing economy only kicks the inflation can farther down the road until after November’s election.

How politically expedient.

“How Low Can You Go?”


There is no bottom to the depths that this woman will go to deceive the American public . Here she was at a Memorial Day Parade with a “Sailor.” I am certain the average American saw this and assumed that this “Sailor” was there to show his support for her and to show that she is likewise a supporter of the military. However, we who have served know better. This fool is not a “Sailor.” How do I know that? First of all it is illegal for a member of the military service to appear campaigning, or showing support for a candidate in uniform. Secondly,  a close look at his uniform clearly shows that his fellow failed to get any advice as to how to wear the uniform of the US Navy. His medals are simply pinned on with no attempt to place them where they belong, and the same goes for his ribbons and his qualification badge. And lastly, no “Sailor” with that many years service would ever wear his cover in that manner.

Nice try Hildabeast, shame on you.

Navy Imposter






Originally posted 2016-07-08 10:21:43.

One Worth Following Closely

Okay, here we go, a case just like the Hildabeast’s. Only this Marine officer did it to save lives. Anyone want to take odds that he gets crucified?

Marine’s defense for disseminating classified information will cite Hillary Clinton’s case

BrezlerMaj. Jason Brezler, seen here during a deployment to Afghanistan spanning 2009 and 2010, is locked in a legal battle with the Marine Corps. (Courtesy of Kevin Carroll)

A Marine Corps officer who has been locked in a legal battle with his service after self-reporting that he improperly disseminated classified information will use Hillary Clinton’s email case to fight his involuntary separation from the service, his lawyer said.

Maj. Jason Brezler’s case has been tied up in federal court since he sued the service in December 2014. He became a cause celebre among some members of Congress, Marine generals and military veterans after he sent a classified message using an unclassified Yahoo email account to warn fellow Marines in southern Afghanistan about a potentially corrupt Afghan police chief. A servant of that police official killed three Marines and severely wounded a fourth 17 days later, on Aug. 10, 2012, opening fire with a Kalashnikov rifle in an insider attack.

Bowe said it is impossible to reconcile President Obama’s statement that Clinton’s intentional act of setting up a secret, unsecured email server did not detractfrom her excellent ability to carry out her duties while Brezler received a “completely opposite finding… involving infinitely less sensitive and limited information.”

Brezler, a reservist who works full time for the New York City Fire Department, was not charged criminally in his case. But he was issued a potentially career-ending fitness report (What? Are you kidding me, “potentially career-ending fitness report” – that is an absolute joke! He’s dead, done, never to see LtCol) after self-reporting that he sent the classified email to Afghanistan. That prompted concern from Rep. Peter T. King (R.-N.Y.), who wrote then-Commandant Gen. James F. Amos about the case in August 2013 and asked whether it was necessary to be so harsh on someone who had warned fellow Marines of a potential threat in combat.

News of the case was first reported by the independent Marine Corps Times in October 2013. Within days, the Marine Corps moved to send Brezler to a panel known as a board of inquiry to decide whether he was fit to continue serving.

The Naval Criminal Investigative Service reviewed electronics voluntarily turned over by Brezler and determined that he had more than 100 classified documents on his personal, unclassified hard drive and thumb drive.


Originally posted 2016-07-07 16:26:12.

Admiral Found

Dennis wrote an excellent article asking the critical question, “Where are our Admirals and Generals in time of need?” Well, I found one, and he is indeed a very high-ranking one, since I received his message by way of a source who is a good friend I have eliminated his name and title, but rest assured, it is accurate. So, folks here is where our Admirals and Generals are, and I apologize, but I simply could not stop myself from making some comments (in red):

Fellow Flags Officers,

After a year-long review, (by who? It was Rand Corp.) Secretary of Defense Carter announced yesterday that the Department of Defense is rescinding the ban on transgender individuals serving in the U.S. military.

That means that effective immediately, transgender individuals may serve openly, and will no longer be discharged or separated from the military solely for being transgender.  However, that does not mean that Sailors can begin transitioning tomorrow.   In other words, transgender Sailors should remain in the uniform and assigned to berthing facilities that correspond to their birth gender, as recognized by the Navy in DEERS, for now. (wonder how that’s working?) This policy change will be implemented in stages over the next 12 months – starting most immediately with addressing the needs of current service members (which ones?) and their commanders.

For those transgender service members already serving in uniform today, OSD will delegate authority to Navy and the other services the authority to approve transition plans no later than Oct. 1 (90 days after this announcement). Service members will then be able to begin the process to officially change their gender in our personnel management systems.  It will be a deliberate and methodical process that considers the individuals’ desires and medical needs, but also ensures the involvement of our commanders so that operational impacts and timing are taken into consideration, when medical considerations allow. (Yeah right, operational requirements will always take priority .. NOT!) That process is in the final stages of development, being refined by a Navy-wide working group.    We are on track to release that in advance of the 1 October OSD timeline.

Additionally, in order to serve the Fleet, we are developing training so that this change proceeds smoothly across the Navy – just like the repeal of DADT did.  Our plan is for training to be conducted by command triads via mobile training teams or DVDs with a facilitation guide if the unit is in a remote area and unable to receive face-to-face training.   There will be webinars for COs to ask questions prior to delivering training to their commands.  There will also be a DoD guide and a Commander’s Tool Kit (I’d love to see one of these.) designed to help provide resources, guidance and answer questions.  We expect those products to be available by Oct 1, and we will conduct training in a deliberate manner over the next year, except those units with currently serving transgender members will be front-loaded to ensure we do not delay their respective transition plans.  (OMG, we can’t allow that to happen).

I have attached both the OSD and Navy talking points, (in plain language, this term means propaganda) which include a bit more detail on the implementation timeline over the next year.  We also issued a release (Nine Things You Need to Know – yesterday so Sailors understand what this announcement means to them. Additionally, a call center will stand up 5 July, so if Sailors have questions, they can talk to someone.  That number will be: 1-855-628-311 (1-855-NAVY-311). Sailors will need to follow a series of prompts – or they can email:

We do not anticipate this to involve large numbers of folks. (Really? That’s funny, and something I would not bet on).  As of today, we have six formal written requests from Sailors asking to shift uniforms and berthing assignments that arrived prior to yesterday’s policy announcement. We are aware of approximately 20 other cases that will likely result in requests to transition.     Various studies have projected anywhere from 400-4000 transgender service members on active duty today in all of DoD, but we just do not know at this point.  There will be more information available in the coming months as we develop our (notice whose plan?) implementation plan.

Standing by for any questions.


Originally posted 2016-07-07 10:11:48.