All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

Flush the Cesspit

Always did like Robert Davi, now I like him even more. Wow, he sure hits some great points.


Actor, singer, and Breitbart News contributor Robert Davi dropped in on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily for what SiriusXM host Alex Marlow described as a “victory lap” after Donald Trump’s election win.

robert-davi-twDavi described the election as a “cultural, emotional, spiritual shift.”

“It’s the soul of America,” he said. “It’s what I said, I think, June 16th, when I wrote the first article about Donald Trump, right after he gave his speech at Trump Tower, and he came down, and he announced that he was running. Everyone else thought it was, you know, either a joke or ridiculous or whatever that was – except a bunch of us. This is a battle for the soul of America, Alex – as you can see, even in terms of what’s happening now in the media, the attacks on Steve Bannon.”

Davi said it was “powerful and wonderful” to see Donald Trump’s presidency fulfilling Andrew’s “what’s happened, what the Democrats have done, they’ve gerrymandered the whole election process by breaking us down into special interests, unweaving the tapestry of E Pluribus Unum into this kind of separatist thing,” he said, tweaking the Democrats for their current obsession with gerrymandering as an alleged Republican tool for rigging elections.

“And then education, starting with Bill Ayers,” Davi continued. “The whole dictum of Bill Ayers in the sixties was bringing down every institution, meaning law enforcement. They were blowing them up at the time. Now what they’re doing is, they blew them up from inside.”

“The subversive infiltration that our youth has had is astounding. I’ve got five kids out there, Alex. I’ve seen how education has been indoctrinated over the last several decades. My twins that are 15 now, they go to private Catholic school, but still when they go to public school – my one son went to public school for a couple of years – it was astounding to me the indoctrination that they were receiving,” he said.

“We will lose this country. This was it. This was our shot,” Davi warned. “Now, I believe we have to attack education, not only the media again and expose them for what they are. I’m in Toronto right now because I have to do a concert Friday night, and they don’t have Fox at this hotel. They had just CNN. And I’m gonna tell you, I’m watching that news network – if I just had CNN, if I didn’t have Fox, you’d be so drugged into a kind of absolute brainwash, that they do one after another after another. Even their pundits that they have, to take the opposing side, are nice people, but their positioning, or the way that they combat the other announcers, is very weak.”

“So we’re having exactly what Andrew had said. We’re seeing that come to fruition now. It’s been exposed over the years. This is what we have to battle for,” he said.

Davi’s travels gave him reason to worry about America’s standing in the world and hope that Trump might be able to restore it.

“I was in Turkey just a couple of weeks ago. I gave a concert there for their Academy Awards,” he recalled. “They had a lot of American stars there. I was sitting at lunch, and they knew; they were hip. They knew that I was for Donald Trump. And a lot of these reporters were talking to me about it. Then they secretly said, ‘You know, we like Trump a lot; we’re for him, too.’ And they wrote a story that just came out two days ago in Turkey, three days ago, that was very favorable. But the odd part about it all is when Erdogan, when Turkey had the coup attempt, Trump has property there. People that worked on that property told me what a great guy he was.”

“This happened to me everywhere I traveled, in Germany and different places: Italy, Estonia, Latvia, Sweden, Budapest. The worldview that Hollywood gives of how certain other countries perceive America is so biased. They’re not getting the real story,” he said.

In a recent column for Breitbart News, Davi discussed how Donald Trump can “revive Reagan’s informed American patriotism.” Marlow asked him to define that brand of patriotism and how America can get back to it.

“The final speech that Reagan gave America, when he left the White House, and the final point he wanted to make, was that he was worried that the new American patriotism that his administration, his eight years had engendered, and the feeling of that – in other words, all these Trump rallies, this America First feeling, for the first time we’ve had that in, I don’t know how many years, we’ve had a feeling that America can come back,” Davi said.

“That feeling is what Ronald Reagan left the country with,” he explained. “He said that he was worried that through education, are we doing enough in education around the dinner table, in our public discourse, in our culture? Will we continue to do enough to not be besieged by an American amnesia? Because we’ve been indoctrinated. The kids have been confused. Again I go back to, just look at the news on CNN, or MSNBC. It takes part of history, distorts it, and then lobotomizes or removes the other aspect that would balance it out. It’s almost like what radical Islam does. It’s another form of radical Islam, what the Left does, in a politicized way. It’s just the gutting out of a nation,” he contended.

“So how do we get back to that? Donald Trump has already started to do that. It’s amazing what the movement has done and what Breitbart has been doing over the years. That’s been an informed patriotism. Absolutely that. But then you’ve had other offshoots of that. I’m astounded that the Glenn Becks of the world, and the Dana Loeschs of the world, just because of their own prejudice – you see, the networks don’t even tell you Former This of That. They don’t give you a background on who’s speaking about what,” he complained.

“We have to get into education. If Newt Gingrich was – let’s put it this way – special adviser to education, and Newt Gingrich along with Donald Trump created a program of education from preschool on, of American history, American civics, to put back into our universities and to our schools – our high schools, our elementary schools – starting from preschool, so we can have this new informed patriotism,” Davi advised.

He compared the problem of mass immigration without assimilation to the ocean being contaminated by an oil spill, since the two fluids will not blend, but neither can they be easily separated.

“By not having an immigrant population assimilate into our nation, they can’t vote correctly. They can be indoctrinated and lied to,” he contended. “And that’s what’s happening to the youth. That’s why we have these riots, besides the ones that are being paid. It’s because these kids at an early age have been taught and have been indoctrinated. I call it the feminization of America. It’s not just a gender thing. It’s not just a male-female thing. I mean, the strength of America has been taken away because of this lack of American exceptionalism, that they just want to talk about warts and all.”

Davi recalled an eighth-grade orientation speech he attended with his daughter a decade ago at a “good private school,” in which a teacher made it sound as if the focus of the “warts and all” American history curriculum would be on the warts, and the teacher was very much looking forward to dwelling on them.

“I couldn’t hold myself back any longer,” he recalled. “I said, ‘Excuse me, when you say you’re going to look at America from all angles, and then warts and all, it’s like you prefaced that as if that was going to be the main thing.’ I says, ‘America is an exceptional nation.’ This is now eight or nine years ago with my daughter in school. And he said, ‘Well, well, well, what I meant was, we’re gonna take a look at this and that and the other thing.’ I can’t tell you how many parents came up to me and said quietly, ‘Thank you for speaking up because that got us concerned.’”

“That’s what they’re doing in our education,” Davi warned. “It’s … concerted – make no mistake about it. It’s absolutely just the same thing they’re doing in media. Van Jones and these guys that are coming on these CNN shows with such a bias. They should have a tattoo on their foreheads, so this way, when someone speaks, we can see where they’re really coming from.”

Davi stressed that American culture was in need of repair, along with the education system: “Back in the day, you had TV that had family values. There was family values. Now we have the deconstruction of family values in popular culture. That’s what’s hip and easy. So they deconstruct family values, over and over again, and people are confused.”

Davi said many in Hollywood are not taking the election results well, citing Robert DeNiro’s outburst that Trump’s victory made him “feel like I did after 9/11,” and Bryan Cranston’s heated reaction to Election Day (although Cranston has reportedly changed his stance and now wishes Trump “success” at “unifying our wounded country”).

“And Bill Maher – I mean, look at this absurdity, look at this absolute absurdity. I did not agree at all with President Obama when he was elected. I did not agree philosophically, but I respectfully disagreed. I wrote about it on Breitbart. I wrote about it at the Hill. I met President Obama. I said, ‘God bless you, Mr. President.’ There was not one bit of vitriol or wanting to see him fail. I didn’t want to see him fail. These guys are calling for subversive action against our President-elect of the United States,” he said incredulously.

“They misread him since Day One, which was astounding,” Davi said of Hollywood. “And now, they’re attacking Steve Bannon. Now, they’ve got to find something to attack. It is such a cesspit. It’s a cesspit that needs to be flushed in some way because they’ve been indoctrinated. There is something so infecting, and what I think it is, Alex, they’re pure globalists, you see.”

He noted that Chinese billionaire Wang Jianlin has purchased six major Hollywood studios, accelerating a globalist trend that benefits top Hollywood talent and financiers, but leaves the many lower-level people involved in film production out in the cold.

“He just bought Dick Clark productions. He already owns a lot of it. They’re building an $8 billion studio in China. Now, that’s all good for Bryan Cranston, and de Niro, and myself. They can hire me for a film, and I can fly there. But what about the key grips? What about them? What about the makeup artists? What about the transportation guys? What about the set builders? What about the dry cleaners, and the restaurateurs?” Davi asked.

“There are two big exports America had: wheat, and American entertainment, besides the car industry,” he observed. “So they’re globalists, you see? And all the studio heads and the directors, all the above-the-line guys, can go anywhere. They’re needed. They don’t give a red rat’s ass about the American worker.”

He said the Republicans were clearly becoming the party of the forgotten American worker, in what he described as an “amazing shift.”

“What Donald Trump has done is, he has just extended this whole Republican party. He’s rejuvenated the Republican Party. He’s given it a rebirth. Believe it,” said Davi. “I left the Republican Party. I became an independent, more than several years ago, because of the frustration. I had gone on Hannity many years ago, saying that both the Left and the Right have failed America. I wrote O’Reilly an email before 9/11 saying we need another Boston Tea Party because the frustration that I saw happening in our government, slowly, this incremental frog – put the frog in the pan and turn up the heat – no one had done anything. No one had said anything.”

He saw this frustration as the genesis of the Tea Party movement and saluted Andrew Breitbart as one of the few who saw and understood Americans’ growing disenchantment with their political class. However, the signs were there long ago, for those who cared to look, as Davi recalled reading a New York Times article about mass layoffs in the steel industry that “scared the hell” out of him because the laid-off workers were expected to deal with the loss of 25-year careers.

“And then my own dad lost his job after 20-something years, and he had to go do something else,” Davi recalled. “So I saw that firsthand. It started slow, the dissolvement of the American worker and our industries and everything leaving America, being sold, whatever it was. Globalism was on the march.”

“This, to me, is why these Hollywood types, they have no concern. They don’t see past their nose. They don’t see past their cultural little circle. They go to the fundraisers, and they can talk among themselves, and that’s the agenda,” he said. “I mean, George Lopez, all these guys coming out, saying these terrible things, instead of wanting to say, ‘Let’s make America great again. Let’s go together on this. This sounds exciting.’”

“We’ve got some fresh blood. We’ve got an energized human being. They’re just worried about not being able to continue the destruction of our nation because that’s what was happening. They were destroying our nation,” Davi charged.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

Originally posted 2016-11-15 16:30:50.

We All Have Some

While we may not admit it, no matter what one’s walk of life was we all have had Godfathers at times who helped with the ladder of success. Personally, I had many in my career; however, there was one who stood head and shoulders above the rest. He had more to do with my career than anyone else, especially during my early years as an Enlisted Marine. His name was Lee Manuel Bradley, Sr.

We first met in 1962 as DI’s at PISC. He a Sgt, me a Cpl. Lee taught me much during our nearly two years together. While only a  year or so older than me, he taught me much more than how to be a better DI or Marine.

There was a policy in force at the time that two DI’s could not work two platoons together in sequence. How was it then that Lee and I worked three straight platoons together; he as the Senior DI (SDI) and me as the Junior DI (JDI)? Well, during our third platoon, I ask Lee that very question, and he shared with something that I never revealed to anyone. He said when the four seniors had been designated, they met with the Chief DI and picked their juniors. No one wanted me because they thought I beat recruits. I was loud, seemingly overbearing, aggressive acting type DI. The wild JDI that remained the disciplinarian throughout the 13 weeks while the SDI and other JDI backed off some. I was the discipline maintainer of the team.  From my outward actions and  appearances everyone thought I beat on recruits – I did not! Strangely we were allowed to work three straight platoon together and no one said a thing about it except to complain because we came in first in everything e.g., drill competition, 30 and 60 day tests,  inspections, etc. We were the team the beat; we were known as the “Two B’s.”

I will not regale all the other influences Lee had on my career. If you have read “The Book” you know all about them. They were indeed very influential.  In fact after our third platoon together, Lee transferred to Quantico, and I picked up the next platoon as the SDI. While he never admitted it, I am certain he had something to with assignment.

However, the biggest influence of all was getting me assigned to Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C. where I eventually was commissioned, and Lee was there to serve up my first salute.

It’s all in the book. In fact Lee’s name shows up in the book more than any other Marine with whom I served.

Sadly, Lee passed away on 29 August of this year. The world lost another of its heroes. Someone who made a difference every where he went and with whom he touched. I have personally lost many great Marine brothers this year, it has something to do with our age. As Charlie Tyrian (Col, USMC (Ret), who’s also in the book repeatedly told me when I turned 80, “Welcome to the decade of death.” However, the loss of Lee still tugs at my heart strings

I wept profusely when I received word from Lee’s oldest daughter, Geneva, that he had passed. Our current world is losing its heroes everyday, and this time it lost a huge one. All I could think about was the last we talked on the phone (he in CA and me in FL, 1000’s of miles apart) and how we laughed and joked about our times together. Why did I not call him more often is the question that keeps running through my mind as I think about Lee and his influence on me as a person and a Marine.

I know he is up there in the hands of the Lord and I am sure He has some special missions for Lee. Until The “Two B’s” are together again, save me an assignment Lee. May you be blessed as the godfather to so many souls here on earth. I love you Lee as the brother I never had.

God bless you Sgt Major!

Semper Fi,
The other “B”

Originally posted 2023-10-18 11:58:47.

Today is Special!

I woke up this morning, made a cup of coffee and settled at my computer to check mail as I knew there would be tons of it. I scanned down the subjects and saw a name that caused my heart to skip a beat, “Uncle David (Sgt. David F. Langley).”

For those who have read my book that name might ring a bell. What a surprise to read that email, I choked up, fought back the watery eyes, while memories swirled through my head. I closed my eyes and actually saw him standing in his dress blues. The email was from Sgt Langley’s niece. She opened with,

” How amazing life is….As I was searching online this morning for a picture of my Uncle David to post on Facebook, I found an excerpt from your book about him! Of all days, to have discovered that, on NOV 10, the Marine Corps Birthday.”

If you want to know the story of her uncle, go to page 239 of the book. I must warn you that it is sad.

I am amazed how the internet has allowed us to connect with people we actually never met, but have a link to our past, or to reconnect with a long-lost friend,  a ghost from our past, or a fellow warrior.

* * * * *

Today is the day, I have to keep my phone in my pocket, which I don’t normally do,  and have to charge it repeatedly . Why you ask? I am usually on the phone all day calling and receiving phone calls to/from people I love!

Two hundred Forty-one years ago we were born in a Tavern named Tuns in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I always thought it proper that we were born in bar.

039d06f75cb623b3d6276c7107fe2f14To all my brothers and sisters out there, raise a glass of your favorite libation, mine is single malt, but whatever your choice, and drink to every Marine who has ever served or is still serving. We are not a clan, group, alum, or any of that stuff, we are family. And I love my family dearly!

Happy Birthday Family!

The Marine Jim Bathurst

I know this is last year’s version, but I still love it!–Madison-Rising–MUSIC-VIDEO

Originally posted 2016-11-10 14:21:45.

A News Clip from Dennis

dennisExpert AuthorThe editor of my book, Dennis Copson, Major, USMC (Ret) , a regular contributor to this blog, and an Ezine Expert Author — to whom I spoke to in the wee hours of this morning as Donald was being lauded for his win when PA went into his column, sent me this via email. It’s disgusting and should be of interest to anyone that watched TV News. They should carry a disclaimer up front stating: ” Caution For Entertainment Only.” Considering all the Hollywood types, self-professed celebrities, elected types from both sides of aisle, pollsters, and all the MSM, including TV, radio, and print — she LOST! But, it still “ain’t” over, the fat lady’s not struck up a tune yet, and maybe she never will. From what I saw on TV today, the liberals have no intention of coming  to the middle aisle and shaking hands.; they still don’t get it. and I wonder if they ever will. “The Don” may have to lead with a big stick!

Liberal journalists are biggest losers in Trump victory


To most journalists, the election of Donald Trump is Mourning in America. Trump won despite a massive effort by the liberal media establishment to discredit and destroy him, and they were still at it early Wednesday morning, even as it became obvious that they’d utterly failed to derail his candidacy.

On CBS, Slate columnist Jamelle Bouie painted the anti-Washington wave that carried Trump to victory as a racist “push-back against the advancement of African-Americans, of Hispanics, of women, of Muslim-Americans.”

On MSNBC, co-anchor Rachel Maddow also played the race card: “I’m thinking about President Obama too. I mean, to have the first African American President succeeded by a guy who was endorsed by the KKK….it’s a big deal.”

The Stop Trump effort among journalists has played out in newspapers and on TV screens for months now. Just look at the broadcast networks: The Media Research Center analyzed the spin of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news coverage from July 29 through October 20, and found an astonishing 91% of the coverage was hostile to Trump.

The networks spent far more airtime airing the details of Trump’s controversies than trying to hold Hillary Clinton accountable for her scandals. The GOP nominee was slammed as embodying “the politics of fear,” a “dangerous” and “vulgar” “misogynistic bully” who had insulted vast swaths of the American electorate. Reporters also bluntly called out Trump for lying in his public remarks in a way they never did with Clinton, despite her own robust record of false statements.

It wasn’t just TV of course; this anti-Trump attitude permeated elite journalistic circles. Go back to May 4, when Trump clinched the GOP nomination by knocking off Ted Cruz and John Kasich in the Indiana primary. The gang on CBS This Morning greeted RNC chairman Reince Preibus with a copy of the New York Daily News; co-host Charlie Rose laughingly read him the headline: “It says, ‘Republican Party 1854-2016; Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here today to mourn the GOP. A once great political party killed by epidemic of Trump.’”

Co-host Gayle King helpfully added: “There’s an elephant, Reince, in a coffin, just to make the picture really clear for you.”

Over the next six months, the Trump bashing reached epic levels. On MSNBC, host Lawrence O’Donnell derided Trump as an “imbecile candidate,” while NPR’s Bob Garfield slammed him for “racism, xenophobia, misogyny, incitement, breathtaking ignorance on issues, both foreign and domestic, and a nuclear recklessness, reminiscent of a raving meth head with a machete on an episode of Cops.”

CBS Sunday Morning contributor Nancy Giles, on MSNBC in June, speculated that Trump was “clinically insane.” MSNBC Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski floated the same smear in late August: “It’s time to hear from somebody in the mental health community…There’s not anybody at this table who doesn’t think he has some sort of problem.”

ABC permitted left-wing author and MSNBC analyst Michael Eric Dyson to appear on This Week in June to claim Trump’s “nationalism is really a white racist supremacist nationalism that wreaks terror on the American democratic experiment.” Over on CNN, journalist Carl Bernstein agreed that Trump’s coalition “includes an awful lot of bigots and nativist and a lot of hateful people.”

“What’s the worst-case scenario for America if he [Donald Trump] wins?” MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow mused to Rolling Stone, just days before co-anchoring her network’s coverage of the GOP convention. “I’ve been reading a lot about what it was like when Hitler first became chancellor….I think that’s possibly where we are.”

The New Yorker’s Adam Gopnik, appearing on HBO’s Real Time in September, suggested the end of American democracy: “American democracy will be in greater danger than it’s been since 1860, if Donald Trump were elected president.”

On CBS following the second presidential debate, ex-Evening News anchor Bob Schieffer was disdainful: “I just hope to God I don’t see another campaign like this one. America can do better than what we have seen here tonight. This was just disgraceful….This was WrestleMania, this wasn’t about presidential politics….I think Donald Trump gets most of the blame here.”

Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation on October 16, former Newsweek editor Jon Meacham sneered: “To paraphrase Henry Adams, the movement from George H. W. Bush to Donald Trump disproves Darwin.”

The anti-Trump venom was welcomed by a number of leading journalists, who openly lobbied their brethren to drop any pretense of objectivity and become full-throated anti-Trump partisans.

Back on August 8, in an obvious signal to campaign journalists, the New York Times published a front-page “news analysis” by media writer Jim Rutenberg suggesting objectivity was impossible if reporters believed “Trump is a demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalistic tendencies, that he cozies up to anti-American dictators and that he would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes.”

Rutenberg offered a conscience-clearing get-out-of-jail free card for reporters who wanted to tilt the scales: “It is journalism’s job to be true to the readers and viewers, and true to the facts, in a way that will stand up to history’s judgment. To do anything less would be untenable.”

In a piece for, Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos echoed Rutenberg: “If a candidate is making racist and sexist remarks, we cannot hide in the principle of neutrality. That’s a false equivalence.”

The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank agreed: “In an ordinary presidential campaign, press neutrality is essential. But in Trump….attempting neutrality legitimized the illegitimate.”

You don’t have to be a Trump fan to see this kind of thinking as a dangerous corruption of the news media’s role in our system. Reporters are supposed to supply honest and balanced information about both candidates, and then voters get to decide which is the better choice. Throwing those rules away means either that journalists have no faith in voters to select the “correct” candidate, or arrogantly presume to make the choice themselves.

Journalism’s own credibility appears to be the final casualty of reporters’ over-the-top campaign bias.  According to a USA Today poll released October 26: “By nearly 10-1, all those surveyed say the news media, including major newspapers and TV stations, would like to see Clinton rather than Trump elected. That includes 82 percent of Trump supporters and 74 percent of Clinton supporters.”

An Associated Press poll found the same 10-to-1 perception of an anti-Trump bias in the media: “Overall, 56 percent of likely voters say the media is biased against Trump, just 5 percent say it’s biased in his favor.”

Now that Trump has won, journalists need to recognize that their unprecedented attempt to destroy a presidential candidate has resulted in serious, perhaps permanent damage to their credibility.

Rich Noyes, is research director for the Media Research Center.

Me? The damage is irreparable! 

Originally posted 2016-11-09 22:49:36.

What’s left to Say?

I assume my followers were wondering what I was going to come out with this morning. Well? It was a late night, didn’t hit the rack until around 0400. When I awoke a few hours ago, I ran to the TV and turned it on just to make sure it wasn’t all a dream. Thank you Lord, it was a divine intervention, and I am riding a wave of euphoric elation. First the Cubs, then this. WOW!

I don’t know what to say except it happened, it happened against all odds, every pundit, anchor, pollster, and political science major got it dead wrong from the get-go! This election will be studied for years by poly sci professors. How in the world could everybody, and I do mean everybody get it so wrong you may ask? Well, they forgot to listen to the people, they were too busy looking at everything through their own colored glasses and then putting everything into “their” little compartments and came up with the obvious answer.

My flag will continue to fly proudly, we won! God bless the United States of American and HER Marines…our birthday is tomorrow — 241 years old we are!


Originally posted 2016-11-09 14:02:51.