All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

Schlitz – The Beer that made Milwaukee Famous

No more Schlitz. Never did like it myself, even in my young enlisted days. Mine, as well as every other Marine’s favorite, was PBR. Actually, as best I can remember, that’s all the earlier “slop chutes” offered. Alas, now I prefer  Single Malt.  But then let us not dwell on the beer that made Milwaukee famous, for now it is famous for another reason – sissification by a leader.

Col AndyColonel Andy posts another great piece. What a sad example of someone elected to protect the people and their property. Shame of you Mayor, you are a gutless wonder so implies the Colonel, and I happen to agree with him.


Originally posted 2016-08-17 14:20:13.

Voter Fraud

HillaryCan the Clinton machine pull it off? Are you kidding me? You bet your life they can, and there is no doubt they will attempt it, and probably succeed! You read the link below and decide for yourself.

May have to copy and paste into your browser, but it is definitely worth it IMHO.


Can the 2016 election be rigged? You bet

Originally posted 2016-08-17 12:50:48.

Our Hobby

AnastasiaOK, it’s time I took a break and posted something besides the terrible state of our once great nation. My bride, Nancy, has her own blog that deals with our hobby – – raising Siberian cats. Yeah I know, I catch guff all the time from my Marine brothers about a lean, mean, retired Marine Infantry Colonel raising pussy cats. So, please don’t go there. LOL

Nancy just posted her weekly blog for our pet parents and those on our waiting list, and I think she out-did herself with this one. Check it out and you decide. If you like it, make a comment on her blog, and mine as well if you so choose to do so.  Pass your mouse over the photos for the caption.

Life With Sly


Semper Fi;
Jim Bathurst
Unit Commander of Fox Valley Young Marines.
Author of We’ll All Die as Marines -One Marine’s Journey From Private to Colonel

Originally posted 2016-08-15 11:41:36.


I encourage all to copy and paste the link below to read Colonel Andy’s tribute to the events of  23 October 1983. Do you remember where you were when you heard of the incident? I do. I was the CO of RS, Chicago. The city mourned for days as two of those lost in that horrible incident were natives.

When you read his tribute, keep in mind his last two sentences as we are no more prepared today, in fact even less prepared, then we were in 1983.

God Bless you Andy for reminding us all of that tragedy, and especially General Kell’s and President Reagan’s comments.

Copy and Paste:

Dems had to pay actors to fill up seats

khizr-khan-addresses-dataDo the antics of the democratic party ever end? I am sure the GOP pulls some shenanigans as well, but we hear about them every night from the talking heads, especially CNN, which I used to watch, but have now replaced MSNBC in my mind as the worst news station.

So, the Dems had to pay actors to fill up seats at their convention and now we learn they paid Khan??

– Khan was paid $25,000 by the Clinton campaign to speak at the DNC.
  – the speech was not written by Mr. Khan, but by two campaign staffers.
  – the copy of the US Constitution that Mr. Khan held up was bought only two HOURS before his speech by a female staffer, to be used solely as a prop and Khan returned the book after asking.
  – 5 Gold Star families turned down the opportunity to speak before Khan was contacted by the Clinton campaign.
  – All five families were paid $5,000 and signed a non disclosure.
  – Khan’s immigration law firm is in debt $1.7M and owes back taxes upward 
 of $850,000 plus penalties. – CNN paid Khan over $100,000 to tell his “story” and repeated interviews across networks.
  – Khan was given a bonus of $175k by the DNC for his effort in the media.
  – The IRS has since put Khan’s tax file on a “hold” status.

Is this guy going to claim this on his taxes?? And doesn’t this disgrace the memory of his son?? Talk about soulless…

Dr. Richard (Dick) Murphy
Associate Professor of Marketing
Davis College of Business
Jacksonville University
Jacksonville, FL 32211

Thank you Dick!


Originally posted 2016-08-14 12:16:03.