Amazing! Worth the watch! What a smart little girl!
Originally posted 2019-12-02 10:06:57.
Amazing! Worth the watch! What a smart little girl!
Originally posted 2019-12-02 10:06:57.
Okay, time out from my political rant for a commercial break. Many of you who follow me here have read “the book.” Yes, I am talking about my humble approach to become a writer, the title of which is the name of this blog. However, for those who simply stumbled onto this site you may not know of the book, let alone having read it.
So if you will beg my pardon I thought I’d throw in a short commercial break, I mean, damn it’s my blog right? LOL
The book is a print on demand, which means I paid to have it printed through a POD publisher (IUniverse), and while it was costly, they provide nothing, no marketing, advertising, etc. Oh, they’ll do that, but at a significant cost. I bit into their BS the first year and bought a few of their packages, but never once could I point to a sale and say it came from their marketing. For any future authors on here, I would not recommend a POD publisher, especially IUniverse.
It comes in soft cover (not a paperback, but better), eBook, and hardcover. IUniverse did an outstanding job on the cover based on my stern guidance. It is a beautiful book. I had no voice on the prices except on the eBook, it was the publisher’s call based solely on page count, and it’s a big book (564 pages including numerous pages of photographs). The list price is $42.95, $38.95 for the soft cover, and the eBook is $7.95.
Amazon, Barnes & Noble and few other online book stores sell all three at the list prices, plus shipping in most cases. I do sell the hard cover, but bear in mind I do not get the same deal from the publisher as do the online book stores, I’m only the author! UGH!
Okay, here’s my deal, I have recouped my initial printing costs; therefore, it is no longer a money thing to me, I simply want folks to read it and hopefully enjoy it. I sell the hard cover personally inscribed anyway you want it, signed, and dated for $35.00. And if you are a Marine, or if it is for a Marine, I will eat the postage myself. Truth be known, for every book I sell to a Marine I lose $0.63!
Personally, I believe it makes a great gift for a birthday, Christmas, or any special occasion, especially for a Marine, who I guarantee will enjoy it and rekindle many fond (and maybe not so fond LOL) memories of his/her time on active duty.
You can go to Amazon and Barnes & Noble and read all the reviews. I have even included some here on the website. Please click on “About the Book, About the Author, and About the Editor, as well as peek inside the book for selected pages, If you would like to order a book, simply go to “Buy The Book,” fill out the form, and submit it. Your message will come to me and I will contact you with details.
Okay, the commercial break is over, now back to the liberal BS we’re having to put up with in today’s rabid society.
Originally posted 2019-11-09 10:02:42.