All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

Critical Race Theory II

Before I speak of the YouTube video on this post, I’d like to talk briefly about my post a few days ago entitled “A Man vs A Movement.” That particular post went absolutely viral, all over the world. It had 2,240 views in one day, yes, in one twenty-four hour period and is still getting views daily. It set a record for the most views on one day. So, if you haven’t looked at yet, you owe it to yourself to do so. For those of you who did read it, 1,034  of you passed it on to others to read. THANK YOU!

Now to this particular post. Much has been flying around cyberspace about this thing called Critical Race Theory, but how many of you know what it really means and where did this term “Critical Theory” itself come from? Well, I have done some research and I believe this video by Liz Wheeler explains it better than anything I have seen yet. Personally, I watched it twice and picked up some of her comments I had missed the first time. It’s not that long, but definitely a worthwhile watch. Just left click on the link below then click on the link that shows up. Enjoy and let me hear your comments.

Originally posted 2020-10-15 12:41:05.

Are COVID Case Surges More Fake News?

I know, just another M.D. giving an opinion. However, his opinion seems to me to have a little more information that any the other bone crushers I read. Does he make sense to you, or is it just me being fed up with all the BS from the MSM? Everyone is playing games with this pandemic, riots, allegations, name calling, etc. SICK of it ——-  PERIOD!

By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.

October 12, 2020

COVID cases are on the rise, or so we are told daily by a hysterical media. Newspaper headlines scream panic as this recent USAToday article proclaimed, “COVID-19 cases rising in 39 states – 9 months into the pandemic: We are overwhelmed.”

It’s the American people that are overwhelmed. Nine months into masks and lockdowns, with a presidential election just weeks away, facing a daily barrage of doom and gloom from the media. Are cases really on the rise or are these simply positive tests?

The above article, one of many warns, “A startling nine states setting ominous, seven-day records for infections.” 39 states reported more cases in the last week than they had in the week before.

What exactly is a “case”? The USAToday article doesn’t say. Neither do other articles or cable news doctors and other “experts.” Is a “case” simply a positive test?

The CDC answers this question with a “case definition.” A case is not just a positive test. Instead what is needed is, “Presumptive laboratory evidence AND either clinical criteria OR epidemiologic evidence.” Notice the AND, meaning not simply a positive test.

Yet what the media trumpets as “surging cases” are only positive tests. There is no discussion of whether or not any of the individuals with positive tests are showing symptoms or are actually sick with the Chinese flu. Or if they are contagious and needing to be quarantined.

As an analogy, suppose we routinely checked peoples’ blood sugar or blood pressure and called any single high reading as diabetes or hypertension. Imagine testing everyone’s blood sugar after lunch, when it naturally rises, and calling anyone with a reading over 140 a diabetic. We would have a surge in diabetes, yet the vast majority of these individuals are not actually diabetic.

The COVID PCR test is quite sensitive, amplifying any viral particles found in the nose, whether dead or alive, repeatedly until the test is positive. Most of these positive “cases” are neither contagious or symptomatic, as even the New York Times acknowledged.

The more people we test, the more positive tests will result. Nancy Pelosi called for “testing, testing, testing” and that is exactly what we now have. The U.S. is currently performing over a million tests per day, with just under 5 percent coming back positive.

The U.S. is performing 2.87 daily tests per thousand people, far more than most countries. For comparison, Canada is a third lower at 2.09 tests per thousand, France 1.9, Germany 1.87, Australia 1.21, and India 0.82.

More tests mean more positive results, but not necessarily cases of COVID. For example, the U.S. performing 2.87 tests per thousand people compared with Mexico performing 0.08 tests per thousand will yield dramatically different results, showing the U.S. “surging” in cases as the media describes.

This then fuels the false narrative that the U.S. has so many cases of COVID due to the orange man’s ineptitude rather than the orange man ramping up testing, as everyone called for, to a level unmatched by any major country.

Hospitalizations, a measure of disease severity, have been steadily declining since March, with a small bump in mid-summer. They’ve gone from a high of over 3,000 hospitalizations per week last spring, to less than 700 per week now, according to the CDC.

Fears of a surge early last spring lead to only the sickest patients being admitted to the hospital at that time. There are no such concerns now and those hospitalized presently are not as sick, receiving hospital care much earlier in their illness. President Trump’s recent hospitalization with only mild symptoms is an example.

Yet these so-called case surges, in actuality only positive tests, are driving societal policy decisions. New York City is shutting down nine neighborhoods based on a positive test rate of over 3 percent for seven straight days. Yet the country as a whole has a higher test positive rate of 4.9 percent currently.

There is no mention of how many New Yorkers are actually sick or hospitalized, simply positive tests as New York is following Nancy Pelosi’s recommendation of “testing, testing, testing.” In fact, back in July, New York had likely achieved herd immunity based on getting hit hard early in the course of the pandemic. Yet for inexplicable reasons New York is closing down again.

In my state of Colorado, Governor Jared Polis extended the mask mandate for another 30 days due to “a rise in hospitalizations” for the Chinese virus. This extension conveniently goes just past the election.

As Coloradans have been wearing masks for months, it begs the question of whether masks are doing anything if hospitalizations are increasing. Unknown is whether patients are being hospitalized earlier in the disease course given excess hospital capacity compared to last spring.

Colorado reports only a third of critical care ventilators in use, hardly a shortage, and unknown how many of those ventilators are for COVID patients versus the myriad of other conditions requiring ventilator support.

Many schools and businesses remain closed based on positive test numbers. The personal and societal costs mount as many states and cities prefer to keep draconian shut down orders in place long after they have served their purpose of “flattening the curve”.

How many cancer screenings, vaccinations, and other preventative care measures has been delayed over lockdowns, with consequences of undetected disease becoming manifest in years ahead?

Death counts were the metric of choice last April, a constant ticker on cable news shows. Now it’s cases, with no context between positive tests and actual cases. Democrats then blame Trump for not having a “national plan” allowing the virus to remain “out of control.”

The only plan is to make Americans miserable ahead of the election, hoping that voters choose a new leader, one whose COVID plan is virtually identical to the existing president’s plan.

What’s shameful is that the media, ignorant or uninterested in the facts, deliberately presents a false equivalence between positive tests and cases, all to push a gloom and doom narrative to influence the upcoming election.

President Trump was right when he said, after returning from Walter Reed to the White House, “Don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it.” “We’re going back, we’re going back to work. We’re going to be out front. … Don’t let it dominate your lives. Get out there, be careful.”

Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., is a Denver-based physician and freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in American Thinker, Daily Caller, Rasmussen Reports, and other publications. Follow him on Facebook,  LinkedInTwitterParler, and QuodVerum.

My answer to the Doctor’s question is an emphatic YES!!!! Anything to keep this this going until after 3 November, Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!


Originally posted 2020-10-13 10:30:59.

A Man vs A Movement

This gentleman has a valuable message.  His analysis is concise and brilliantly on-point, in my opinion.  Few, if any, have stated our circumstance as clearly.

Tom Klingenstein is the Chairman of the Board, Claremont Institute (a conservative think tank). He explains why 2020 may be the most consequential election since 1860—and why President Trump is the man most uniquely suited to the moment.

Please watch and listen carefully, then share with everyone you possibly can. Might I encourage reading some of the comments viewers left after watching his talk. Provocative to say the least. 


Originally posted 2020-10-12 13:20:24.

Lady Justice is Blind – Really?

Once again my friend and Marine brother, Col Andy, nails it, and I mean really nails it!! Please copy and paste the link below. It’s not often Col Andy gets mad, but I suspect he is on this issue. You decide


By Colonel Andy of “A Colonel of Truth”

Is this the next statue that needs to come down?

Originally posted 2020-10-12 08:22:32.

Critical Race Theory

A very well written piece, albeit there are some words the left may need a dictionary to understand what he saying. LOL. A mostly retired trial lawyer who began as a Marine JAG Officer 1975-1982.

He poses a great question we all should be asking today, and does a great job answering it. Worth the read! Thank you Michael for sending it to me.

“What is wrong with critical race theory?”

Once the exclusive domain of deep thinking university professors, critical race theory became a part of our national conversation when the Trump administration ordered federal agencies to stop conducting workplace training based on critical race theory and opened an inquiry into the City of Seattle’s use of it.  The training is in fact political indoctrination and the public ought to know what it is and why it should be resisted.

Critical theory sprung largely from the Marxist scholars of the Frankfurt School in 1930’s Germany.  In 1848 Karl Marx had introduced the world to an analysis of social relations characterized by oppression when he argued in The Communist Manifesto and Capital that working class laborers were oppressed by those in power, the owners of capital. He argued for class consciousness, and in advocating radical change, he famously argued the workers had nothing to lose but their chains.  The dilemma facing the Frankfurt School scholars was why after the Russian Revolution and the wide dissemination of Marx’s invitation to a workers’ paradise was it not being realized?  Industrial organization and mass communications seemed to divert the oppressed workers from their liberation.  Max Horkheimer of the Frankfurt School is credited with arguing a theory is “critical” if it seeks “to liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them”, and critical theory was applied to interrogate how power was used to perpetuate oppression.

Critical race theory is a variant of what began in the 1970’s as critical legal studies.  Critical legal studies looked at our laws with the assumption that law oppresses people, especially minorities, and examined how power was used to create and enforce the law.  Restrictive racial covenants in property deeds was an example of the use of law to perpetuate racial oppression.  Denying women the right to vote and prosecuting women like Susan B. Anthony in 1872 when she defied the law and cast a vote was an example of the use of law to perpetuate gender oppression.

Women gained the right to vote in Washington in 1910, Wyoming before that, and the US Supreme Court declared restrictive racial covenants were illegal and unenforceable everywhere in 1948.  Nonetheless, and not withstanding adoption of the 14th, 15th and 19th Amendments and a web of state and federal legislation outlawing discrimination based solely on race or gender, critical legal theorists concluded that the power of the oppressors was  embedded in our political structures and infects our laws today to perpetuate bias and discrimination against minorities and other marginalized communities.  As Samuel Gregg puts it in “Liberalism’s Civilization Problem,” Law and Liberty, September 7, 2020, the left’s “insistence that most of the West’s achievements are primarily masks for endless oppression largely flows from the left’s generally negative view of Western civilization” (emphasis mine).  In this dystopia there is no arc of justice, instead, US history is irredeemably rotten to the core.

Critical race theory proceeds from the fallacy that a binary of white and black, or white and everybody else, is the only appropriate frame of reference for a discussion of race.  Applying Ockham’s Razor to inconvenient facts, this binary ignores the history of racial bias against the Irish, Italian, Jewish people and many others ordinarily thought of as white.  Starting with this assumed racial binary, the critical theorists contend racial bias is embedded not only in our laws, but also our language, media, political structures and culture, and they set out to look for it.  Ignoring all the steps we have taken to eliminate racial prejudice from our laws and institutions, practitioners of critical race theory rediscovered what Stokely Carmichael described as “institutional racism” in his 1967 book, Black Power: The Politics of Liberation.

It’s called systemic racism today, and its corollary theory holds that implicit bias exists even among those who deny any bias at all.  Indeed, denial of bias is strong proof one is in fact sick with bias.  This demand to override a person’s reluctance to accept the fact that she is in fact racially biased is one of the most pernicious and dangerous features of critical race theory.  These are not mere thought crimes, they are unthought crimes.  And the unrepentant ominously resemble dissidents in the former Soviet Union or the unruly psychiatric patients in the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

The Trump administration’s recent Executive Order and inquiry into Seattle’s work place training alleges that only White employees are required to admit to and denounce their racist impulses.  At first blush the required training appears to violate state and federal laws prohibiting discrimination based solely on race.

Aside from the totalitarian impulse to control what people think and the words people speak, two fundamental issues should make us wary of the growth of this ideology.  First, it is no accident these theorists too often are White academics and legislators.  Robin Diangelo is a White academic whose popular 2018 book, “White Fragility,” is a lecture to White people about how they got race all wrong and ignorantly so.

White men legislated poverty programs in the 1960’s that in the end further impoverished Black communities.  So much so that White men led by President Bill Clinton and then Senator Joe Biden legislated welfare and criminal justice reform that was directed against the Black community.  The reform ended “welfare as we know it” as Clinton put it and incarcerated large numbers of Black men, “super-predators” who needed to be brought to heel as Ms. Clinton put it to an all White audience in New Hampshire.  White folks telling Black folks what they need is a not so subtle form of oppression. White folks telling White folks what they shouldn’t think or say is almost as bad.  Isn’t it time for White folk to stop telling Black folk what they need?

Second, the critical race ideology claims all White people are infected with the racism disease and need help regardless of who they are or where they grew up.  In Diangelos’ world there are no individuals, no person is unique; instead, as a “race” we produce and reproduce racism in lockstep in every aspect of our daily lives whether we know it or not.  All notions of freedom are illusory.  The chains that bind us are no longer mere economic shackles, they define our very being which is, not coincidentally, not capable of redemption.

It is by definition a racist ideology, it divides our communities, and gives cover to those who want to destroy our history and institutions.  No leap of imagination is required to draw a direct line from the claim that systemic racism infects our institutions and must be pulled out by its roots to the destruction of civic monuments, attacks on the police, looting of stores and burning buildings in our cities today.

As Galatians 6:7 taught us, “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

Michael J. Bond
Copyright 2020

Postscript: I’ll be off the net for a week, going fishing. Need a break. Meanwhile,let’s all pray for President Trump and his bride!!!

Originally posted 2020-10-03 15:51:40.