All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

Found: A Real Life Progressive

Good day folks, I hope your Saturday is going as well as mine. As you should know I don’t mind discourse of things I post here, but there are some rules. And if those who choose to comment do not abide by them, I simply block them. I do not allow vulgar language, nor getting personal.  I understand completely why someone would use an email address of  I mean no one  chooses to use their real name in that manner. But,  I do expect someone who wants to comment here to at least identify themselves with their name. I really have no trust, belief, or time for someone who uses the name “Redacted,” I simply shut them down, albeit this will be a first.

How can you even trust anyone who is afraid to use his/her name, I mean heck, the person knows my name and my email address, but they choose to hide their identity. Which is what I would expect of someone who espouses the kind of philosophy as shown below. Rather than answer his/her last hoot, I’ll invite my followers to do so, but a rule is a rule. I will not allow any more emails coming from “Redacted.” Either tell us who you are or remain a mystery and talk to yourself.

First is “Redacted’s” reply to the original post entitled “Why Trump in 2020.”

“RINO Trump. Bigger socialist than Obama. Bigger gun grabber than Obama. Outspent every liberal president over the past 100 years combined. Tramples the Constitution more than Obama. Put out advisories causing governors to issue unconstitutional state lockdowns, plunging the economy into depression over something the CDC now admits has a 99.74% survival rate. And he gets republicans to cheer for leftism. Bigly.

Who is living under a rock? That would be you, Jim.”

I responded with: LOL. OMG. Unbelievable, finally a real live progressive commenting on my blog. Wow, I love it. You have been listening to the MSM news too much sir/ma’am. Bigger gun grabber, bigger socialist than that racist Muslim loving pig before him? I cannot even find reason nor rationale worth repeating all your other “claims” because you cannot back up your mouth with facts. And most of all, you do not even have the integrity to state your name so you must not honestly believe anything you are saying. That’s manly or womanly of you. Carry on!

Then he/she responded with this; you may have to pause once in a while to control your laughter:

“This is a joke, right? RINO Trump has outspent every liberal president over the past 100 years combined and he did it in less than 4 years. How’s that taking away anyone’s golden egg? You think he’s going to suddenly become conservative and respect the Constitution in his last four years? He’s a bigger socialist than Obama. And he has you cheering for it.

If he’s “beholden to no one” then why did he pick all of the people in his administration from the same pool of subversive, anti-American Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Goldman Sachs, George Soros affiliates, lobbyists, etc.?

“Receives no kickbacks, let alone his salary.” Sure. RINO Trump gives back his $400K salary, but he has cost taxpayers over $130 MILLION in golf AT HIS OWN RESORTS. Do the math, that’s a hell of a trade off. Plus he gets free security at all of his properties now, courtesy of taxpayers.

Hillary not locked up, never going to be locked up; he protects his cousin and enacts her agenda of more big unconstitutional government.
No wall. Mexico not paying for it. Illegal aliens pouring across the border; RINO Trump expanded catch-and-release.
RINO Trump did more gun control than Obama and wants more.
RINO Trump trashes the Constitution as much, if not more than Obama.

And you cheer for him.

Keep on lying for the man. You’re throwing away your integrity on a lifelong NY liberal charlatan who is destroying America.”

I simply cannot get my arms around someone who honestly believes what he/she is saying. Really? Nothing said can be factually proven to be even close to the truth. OMG,. I love it. Followers comments are welcome.


Originally posted 2020-05-30 10:52:53.

Why Trump in 2020?

Okay Folks, I’ve been silent long enuff, it’s time to speak up again. Here are the many  reasons why Donald Trump deserves to be reelected. If you disagree, you’ve been living under a rock!?

I like this guy, he doesn’t hold back., lays it all on the line, and I can find nothing wrong or incorrect with any of his facts. but then you be the judge. Six minutes and thirteen seconds of truth for which liberal Washington has no defense.


Originally posted 2020-05-29 10:42:54.


I tried to find out who wrote this so I could attribute such a great a piece to the owner, but could not. And I have not vetted that of which it speaks. The only thing I have to go on is my logical mind and common sense as to what has been going on around me for seventy-nine years of living.

It’s for your reading pleasure and you decide what you think. I believe it was Shakespeare who said, “Let’s kill all the lawyers.”  Not a bad idea. This isn’t meant to degrade all lawyers, I guess there are a few around who should be saved, but I don’t know one myself. They write the laws so you must have a lawyer to do certain things throughout your life–something stinks about that. Go to your local phone book and count the pages of Physicians and the lawyers. I’ll bet money there are many more of the latter than the former. Why?

I never thought much about the Democratic party being the “Lawyer Party,” but now it all makes sense, at least to me. What about you? Enjoy the read.


Every Democratic presidential nominee since 1984 went to law school (although Gore did not graduate). Every Democratic vice-presidential nominee since 1976, except for Lloyd Bentsen, went to law school.

Barack Obama was a lawyer. Michelle Obama was a lawyer.

Hillary Clinton was a lawyer. Bill Clinton was a lawyer.

John Edwards is a lawyer. Elizabeth Edwards was a lawyer.


Leaders of the Democratic Party in Congress:

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer is a lawyer.

Adam Schiff is lawyer.

Jerry Nadler is a lawyer.

Amy Kobuchar is a lawyer

Ex-Senator Harry Reid is a lawyer.

Elizabeth Warren is a lawyer.

Ted Kennedy would have been, but was kicked out of University of Virginia Law School for cheating.


The Republican Party is different:

President Trump is a businessman.

President Bush 1 and 2 were businessmen.

Vice President Cheney is a businessman.

President Eisenhower was a five-star General

Ronald Reagan was an actor.


The leaders of the Republican Revolution:


Newt Gingrich was a history professor.

Tom Delay was an exterminator

Dick Armey was an economist.

Ex-House Minority Leader Boehner was a plastic manufacturer.

The former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, MD is a heart surgeon


Who was the last lawyer Republican president? Gerald Ford, who left office 31 years ago

The Republican Party is made up of real people doing real work, who are often the target of lawyers.

The Democrat Party is made up of lawyers. Democrats mock and scorn men and women who create wealth, like Trump, Bush and Cheney, or who heal the sick like Frist, or who immerse themselves in history like Gingrich.


The “Lawyers Party” sees these sorts of people, who provide goods and services that people want, as the enemies of America. And we have seen the procession of official enemies, in the eyes of the Lawyers Party grow.


Against whom do Hillary and Obama rail? Pharmaceutical companies, oil companies, hospitals, manufacturers, fast food restaurant chains, large retail businesses, bankers, Wall Street, and anyone producing anything of value in our nation.


This is the natural consequence of viewing everything through the eyes of lawyers.


Lawyers seek to have new laws passed, they seek to win lawsuits, they press appellate courts to overturn precedent, and lawyers always parse language to favor their side. Confined to the narrow practice of law, that is fine, but it is an awful way to govern a great nation. When politicians, as lawyers, begin to view Americans as clients and opposing parties, then the role of the legal system in our life becomes all-consuming.


We are not all litigants in some vast social class-action suit. We are citizens of a republic that promises us a great deal of freedom from laws, from courts, and from lawyers. Today, we are drowning in laws; we are contorted by judicial decisions; we are driven to distraction by omnipresent lawyers in all parts of our once private lives.


America has a place for laws and lawyers, but that place is modest and reasonable, not vast and unchecked.


When House Democrats sue America in order to hamstring our efforts to learn what our enemies are planning to do to us, then the role of litigation in America has become crushing.


Perhaps Americans will understand that change cannot be brought to our nation by those lawyers, who already largely dictate American society and business.


Perhaps Americans will see that hope does not come from the mouths of lawyers, but rather from personal dreams nourished by hard work of American citizens—yes citizens!!


Perhaps Americans will embrace the truth that more lawyers with more power will only make our problems worse.


The United States has 5% of the world’s population and 66% of the world’s lawyers!


Tort (Legal) reform legislation has been introduced in congress several times in the last several years to limit punitive damages in ridiculous lawsuits such as spilling hot coffee on yourself and suing the establishment that sold it to you. This legislation has continually been blocked from even being voted on by the Lawyer Democrat Party


When you see that 97% of the political contributions from the American Trial Lawyers Association go to the Democrat Party, then you realize who is responsible for our medical and product costs being so high vs the rest of the world—it is not simply greed as democrats would have you believe.



Originally posted 2020-05-21 15:34:04.

Help Him!

Stop scrolling for a minute and look at the photo below. We don’t see photos of him like this. He is always depicted strong, demanding, passing off derogatory comments, defending himself, answering questions from stupid, arrogant, know-it-all reporters. This is NOT a political post by any means. This is simply something everyone should stop and think about.

Can you imagine the weight this man is feeling right now? I have only a wife that depends on me daily, yet on some days my stress level is through the roof and I feel like the weight of the world is all on me.

When he signed up for this role (without pay) He was willing to take on the job, but the magnitude of what we’re currently experiencing has got to be paralyzing. This is possibly the first time he has ever felt powerless over something.

To some, nothing he does is ever right or good enough and I understand that, but do you ever wonder how he must be dealing with it all? When his head finally hits the pillow at night after press conferences, the scrutiny of the ignorant arrogant media, countless meetings, the endless negative and derogatory comments thrown at him and his family, and constantly trying to defend himself and protect our country.

Does he break down and cry from all the pressure?

Is he scared and confused?

Is he even able to sleep?

Can he shut his mind off at all?

Or does he lay there and talk to God all night praying for strength and answers?

Whether he’s making you proud or not, look at that photo again and ask God to soften your heart just a little bit and lift this man up in prayer. He needs them right now more than ever. He is carrying the weight of OUR country on his shoulders and I don’t think anybody could or would want to be in his position right now.

Feel free to share this post and remind everyone to be kind and to pray for President Trump; he certainly needs us. With all this man has had to put up with for the last three and one-half years, I find it unimaginable that he would want four more years, but he does, and this photo explains why.




We need to make it happen and keep praying for him.

Originally posted 2020-05-18 12:22:47.