All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

Drug Addicts Need Help

And here comes Joey to the rescue. Ha!

Folks, is there any end to the idiotic, lame brain, destructive, life threatening ideas that come from the swamp? I think not. Some of you who watch the news have probably already seen this, but I know there are a lot folks on here who, like me, do not watch any of the MSM  propaganda programs, and yes that even includes FOX. But I have some Marine and Navy brothers who insist on trying to raise my blood pressure and send me what they think I should know. about; really? LOL

I can’t imagine what this act by Joey, and his gang of thugs is supposed to do. I must simply be a right wing, conservative dummy. If any of you can explain in Grunt terms what this idea is supposed to do for racial equality, please enlighten me. Thank you.

Be sure to click on the link at the bottom and watch the short video as Leo points out some thing I hope you all know. One of the most important elections in your town is for the members of the school board. I totally agree! The sad thing is those running are not required to reveal what side of the aisle they are on. It is supposed to be a bi-partisan, non-political election for those seats. That is, in and of itself, a joke! You can bet your bippee I will know who is who when I vote for board members

Leo Terrell hammers Biden admin plan to distribute ‘smoking kits’: ‘How does this achieve racial equality?’

Fox News contributor Leo Terrell on Tuesday blasted the White House over a reported plan to give out “smoking kits” in poor communities in the name of racial equity and reducing harm.

“I want to be very clear. They are using the term racial equity. Racial equity is a code for affirmative action, low expectations. You’re basically having a government involved in distributing equipment, pipes to help encourage drug use in minority communities. How does that achieve racial equality?” Terrell told “Fox & Friends.”

The Biden administration is set to fund the distribution of “smoking kits and supplies” as part of a $30 million grant program aimed at reducing drug-related infections, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

An HHS spokesman told the Free Beacon the kits contain pipes for users to smoke crack cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, and “any illicit substance” and that the grants will be targeted to underserved communities to advance racial equity.

Leo Terrell hammers Biden admin plan to distribute ‘smoking kits’_ ‘How does this achieve racial equality_’ _ Fox News


Amazing! Thirty billion dollars of tax payer money will supply the drug afflicted folks in the poorer neighborhoods with pipes. Why? Because they can’t afford them? WOW! I wonder who the grant is going to and will be responsible for where they are distributed?

Originally posted 2022-02-09 16:58:31.


Well, the Olympics have begun. So stand by America, get ready to be entertained, albeit I think I know what you’ll see. I won’t HA! You see, I feel the same about this event as I do about the Super Bowl. I’ll watch 1883 on my TV and enjoy it as much as I enjoy “Yellowstone.” I won’t watch it and not so much because of this article, albeit is a serious slap in the face, but because of what I would probably see from the American athletes. The Olympics has become nothing but a political football for all to play with.

I  don’t need to see fists raised, disgracing our flag, and all the other BS that athletes tend to produce while on center stage. All nothing but an embarrassment to our once great nation. Sorry, but that is MHO. I know there will be some of the same stuff we always  see from these immature smartass athletes who get to go to this event at the taxpayers expense, then slap us in the face. No way Jose.

China Thumbs Its Nose at the West With Sick Move During Opening Ceremony of the Olympics

China’s government is showing how it feels about international condemnation of its human rights abuses.

During the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, China made a particularly brazen decision to choose an Uyghur athlete to deliver the ceremonial flame, which NBC News notes “often carries symbolic weight based in part on who is selected for the task.”

“This was a riposte to President Joe Biden for skipping these Olympics,” Andy Browne, editorial director of the Bloomberg New Economy Forum said during NBC’s broadcast, adding that it was “a message to the West: China won’t be lectured to on human rights, or on any other issue.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper weighed on China’s move on Twitter, “Hard to imagine a more cynical move. The Chinese government is literally committing genocide simultaneously against the Uyghurs.”

He went on to share a series of articles detailing horrific allegations of forced labor, sterilization, and torture that Uyghurs have been subjected to in the northwest region of Xinjiang.

Last year, a U.K.-based panel determined that China’s treatment of Uyghurs amounts to genocide. And the U.S. announced a diplomatic boycott of the games but vowed to support its athletes.

China has denied that it mistreats Uyghurs.

Kenneth Roth, the executive director of Human Rights Watch, also called out China in a tweet writing, “The Chinese government selects an athlete with Uyghur heritage to light the Olympic torch, as if that might make us forget that Beijing is detaining one million Uyghur Muslims to force them to abandon their religion, culture, and language.”

As Rushan Abbas, an Uyghur activist, noted in a column in USA Today, “The 1936 Berlin Games were known as the ‘Nazi Olympics.’ More than merely a sporting event, these Games gave Germany a platform for Nazi propaganda.”

“The Nazis already operated concentration camps, just as China operates and denies the existence of Uyghur concentration camps. The Nazis promoted a false image of a free and open society before the Berlin Games, just as China attempts to portray with Uyghurs,” she added.

NBC faced heavy criticism on Friday over its coverage of the games, with some alleging it is “casually pushing Chinese Communist propaganda” and brushing off concerns about human rights abuses.

China’s decision to thumb its nose at charges of genocide by having a smiling Uyghur athlete deliver the Olympic torch truly is a ghoulish move.

Otherwise, how is your day going, mine is going well. Have a great one, and if you have not been watching “1883” you don’t know what you are missing. Semper Fi gang, Jim


Originally posted 2022-02-04 16:43:37.

Biden’s Briar Patch

What is going on in the swamp these days? There is always so much going on among the creatures, tis hard to stay tuned up. Recv’d this missive from my good friend, fellow Marine Brother, Greg, this a.m. Biden just cannot stay out of trouble. To quote a famous Philosopher, “Stupid is what stupid is.” Why do so many of his remarks, promises, and decisions come back to bite him in the backside? Well, this one surely will. Stay tuned.

By: G. Maresca

With Republicans poised to win back the Senate after the November midterm election, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, who is the court’s second-longest serving member, announced his retirement at the end of the court’s term this summer.

Biden promised during the 2020 South Carolina primary that provided he was elected his first appointment to the nation’s highest court would be a Black woman. Biden prefers identity politics taking precedent over qualifications.

Perhaps Biden is trying to make up for the fact that when George W. Bush nominated Janice Rogers Brown, a black woman for the U.S. Court of Appeals, she was opposed and filibustered by Sen. Biden. Brown was eventually confirmed and then nominated by Bush for the Supreme Court but replaced by Samuel Alito due to Biden’s opposition. In 1987, Biden bashed renowned judge Robert Bork, a Ronald Reagan Supreme Court nominee, so maliciously that he transformed Bork’s name into a verb.

Biden weaves a long and sordid tale with Supreme Court nominees, so don’t be fooled by this latest “first” just ask Janice Rogers Brown.

Biden’s appointment record speaks volumes with Kamala Harris as Vice President and Jennifer Granholm as Secretary of Energy – pure ideological selections. Biden’s first year has been a disaster yet, he continues along the same path as he kowtows to the extreme elements of his party. By announcing his intention to only consider black women, Biden insults his nominee, the court and nation.

Biden did his nominee a disfavor and thus put her judicial qualifications in question for the remainder of her career. The search will be limited to roughly 2% of the national lawyer consortium, which narrows the pool tremendously, while handcuffing the best candidates.

Biden’s nominee will not change the court’s balance of power but it will make it much younger.

The nation deserves a robust debate about the nominee, whether Black, Hispanic White, Asian, man, or woman. Diversity does not afford one to accurately read the law better. The increasing acceptance that gender and race, rather than individual merit, is the most important characteristic no matter how well-intended, should raise fervent alarm.

Even if the nominee was the best, she is denigrated by being chosen for race and gender rather than capabilities and credentials. She will certainly not get the disgraceful grilling that Kavanaugh received at his nomination hearing. Nor will she be asked why does any accomplished Black woman stoop to being played as a political pawn?

Biden was reminded that nominating Diana Ross to the Supremes happened a long time ago and he should select Kamala Harris already a torchbearer as the first woman who was Jamaican and Indian to become a Black woman.  Oh yeah, do that Biden, good choice. Wait, stop, watch this short video.

Replacing Harris with a competent vice president would enhance Biden’s ticket should he run again, or who can lead the ticket if he is unable.  

Biden said he will miss Breyer, as he is especially fond of his chocolate ice cream. Wait, stop, sorry to interrupt again, but watch this short clip of our clear thinking president

Naturally, any criticism of Biden’s pick will be treated as racist and misogynistic.

Once upon a time in America, Martin Luther King’s dream had relevance: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Many who observe King’s legacy embrace racism and sexism and fool no one.

Rather, they threaten and intimidate.

Biden treats the Constitution as a mere suggestion rather than the nation’s foundational law while failing to live up to his oath to faithfully uphold it.

Democrats run government by quota, rather than merit. Meritocracy is dead as race, gender, religion or lack thereof, is what characterizes contemporary America and not for the better.

This fall, the Supreme Court will hear arguments regarding race discrimination in admissions at Harvard and the University of North Carolina. Biden’s nominee, who gained her seat by race and gender, will now adjudicate such cases.

Breyer’s last line of his resignation letter reads: “Throughout, I have been aware of the great honor of participating as a judge in the effort to maintain our Constitution and the rule of law.”

That should be priority one.

Sadly, it is anything but.

Ice Cream anyone?


Originally posted 2022-02-03 09:18:11.

Super Bowl LVI

Okay folks, may I ask where will you be at at 1730 EST on Sunday 13 February? Well, first I shall share with you where I will be. I will be sitting outside under the lanai by the pool having a couple fingers of my favorite Single Malt Scotch, Monkey Shoulder, and a mild, hand rolled sweet cigar. Why you ask? Because it’s Happy Hour dummy. And when that is finished, my bride and I will retire to the LR and probably watch a movie on Netflix or Amazon Prime, or maybe a taped episode of 1883 — a great western if you haven’t seen it.

Bet I’ll know where you will be. You will probably be glued to your TV set with beer in hand and maybe some Tacos or Nachos spread out before you and ready to watch the Rams and 49ers battle it out at  Bowl LVI — right?

Sorry, but I don’t watch the NFL,. I did periodically this and last season, but now that my favorite player has announced he is retiring, my NFL days are over. I let you try and figure out who that player was.

But then, after some of you who do have some principles left in your body will, after ready this post, join me at Happy Hour. I mean for me it is 1730 and Happy Hour, but it may not be where you live, but remember the old saying, “It has to five o-clock somewhere. Who said that,, was it Jimmy Buffet, one of my FAVS.

Anyway, you don;t have to tell where you’ll be at that designated time, but if you choose to, by all means do so. Have a good day and enjoy the read Americans.

New York Post
January 29, 2022

Snoop Dogg performing at Super Bowl halftime show

Keepin’ it real. Let’s do it together.

Last Saturday, during CBS’s telecast of the Titans-Bengals playoff game, a commercial for Corona beer aired, starring Snoop Dogg, who, despite countless arrests for guns and drugs, has become a must-have to endorse products.

So what if he luridly degrades women as one of his stocks in trade if he can sell beer?

The night before that ad ran, NYPD officer Jason Rivera, 22, was shot dead with an assault rifle while responding to a domestic violence call in East Harlem. His partner, Wilbert Mora, 27, died from his wounds four days later.

And as I watched that Corona ad, I got to thinking about Snoop Dogg’s violently anti-police, pro-crime vile and vulgar “artistry,” mindful that Roger Goodell appointed and anointed Snoop Dogg the headliner at this year’s Super Bowl halftime.

Perhaps Goodell, also in the interest of keeping it real, would like to rap along with a “song” by Snoop and J5 Slap entitled, “Police.” Ready, Roger? It reads thusly:

“All you n—as out there,

Take your guns that you using to shoot each other

And start shooting these b—h-ass

mother-f–king police.

That’ll impress a mother-f–king n—a like me.”

But Snoop’s Super Bowl selection doesn’t just meet with the approval of the NFL and “It’s All About Our Fans” Goodell. The halftime show and Snoop’s appearance is sponsored with the full, proud commercial and financial support of Pepsi, which seems eager to become the soft drink of hardcore.

Back to that charming, ahem, song. Ready Team Pepsi? It’s Karaoke Night! Here we go:

“Dipping through the city with a Glock in a Range Rove

If you sleeping probably not with the same hoe

Rock the same clothes rich n—as do

And rock by the same code till I’m a rich n—a too

I be in the club with the stick in my shoe

You call the f–king police like a bitch n—a do.”

Five NYPD officers have been shot in the first 20 days of this year. And the fellow chosen by the NFL and approved by Goodell to star in this year’s halftime produces, records, sells and profits from “artistry” advocating streets filled with the blood of cops and threats against those who would help solve the shootings of cops and civilians.

More? We’ll give this part to NBC’s NFL pregame panelist, Jac Collinsworth. Sunday, after NBC presented a Super Bowl halftime promo narrated by Snoop Dogg, he said, “That was our friend, Snoop.”

Roger Goodell

Is that right? He’s our friend? Come on up to the mic, Jac. Now, in the name of keepin’ it real, pick it up with this, the refrain from “our friend’s” charming ditty (with Master P), “Snitches”:

“Snitches snitches snitches

N—as be running they mouth just like b–ches …

Snitches snitches snitches

I got a slug for ya’ll mother-f–king snitches.”

Hey, Corona beer marketing department, your turn. Ready? Snoop Dogg has a video in which he sings a cover version of NWA’s “F–k the police” while holding his crotch in a courtroom. It’s an easy one. Just repeat after Snoop:

“F–k the po-lice! F–k the po-lice!”

I invite — dare, challenge — everyone — Goodell, the NFLPA, NFL team owners, the executive board at Pepsi and Corona, NBC Sports, young Collinsworth — to demonstrate the courage of their convictions to join with Snoop Dogg in any of his dozens of similarly depraved enterprises presented as entertainment.

And now, just for added kicks, look up the lurid lyrics of two other Goodell-certified entertainers who will perform at this Super Bowl halftime, Eminem (“Just Don’t Give A F–k”) and crotch-grabbing Kendrick (“B–ch, Don’t Kill My Vibe”) Lamar.

This is what Roger Goodell thinks NFL audiences, of all ages, are worth on a Super Bowl Sunday. These acts are far beneath him as he has already admitted that he can’t repeat what Snoop Dogg raps. But he feels as if Snoop Dogg is perfect for you and yours — and professional football.

And it’s not as if previous Super Bowl halftime shows under Goodell’s classy, dignified guidance haven’t caused those who know right from wrong to ask why they’ve been dismissed as unworthy, disinvited as out of step with marching that points all of us backwards.

Why, under Goodell, have halftime shows been diving lower and lower? And why has he allowed such uncivil performers to be attached to a championship ball game?

Meanwhile, the classic “To Kill a Mockingbird,” has been removed from a Washington State school’s required reading list because it contains racial slurs.

And Goodell, the shameless $63 million per pandering phony, slaps “Stop Hate” and “End Racism” along the backs of end zones and players’ helmets, then invites Snoop Dogg to be the star of the Super Bowl.

Maybe Snoop will be granted a police escort to the stadium. For his safety, of course.

Officer Rivera was 22. Officer Mora was 27. Just keepin’ it real.

Postscript: Well let’s see I stopped buying Coke products because they went Woke and now Pepsi is sponsoring this half time debacle so I reckon I’ll have to stick with my single malt. HA! Corona? Eh? Not a beer drinker so that’s not a problem, but I do have some in my lanai fridge for guests; that’ll be gone

Originally posted 2022-01-31 08:59:00.

What A Letter!

Folks, I know it’s Sunday, the Lord’s Day, and I did attend church this morning as my bride and I do every week. But then I come home and while I should have stayed off the computer, it was too cold outside (would you believe it was in the low 30′ last night; had to cover my tomato plants. Yeah I know shame on me talking about such mundane things to you folks up north), but then I digress as usual. Anyway I go online and start eliminating emails that are always filled with the goings on of the day, which usually contain more about the Third World Shithole in which we live. But one email I never delete without reading is from my dear friend and brother, Lobo

He had an attachment written by a Marine retired general for whom I have the utmost  regard and respect, albeit I never served under him, and I consider that my loss. We were; however, within shouting distance several times during our careers. His reputation  stands for itself.

I strongly recommend you read his letter, and for God’s sake, take heed and let’s continue our mission. Write some damn letters, make some phone calls, and above all else — MAKE SO NOISE!


The best places to start a study of today’s Washington are Congressman Jim Jordan’s highly readable book, “Do What You Said You Would Do” and the much longer, even more staggering, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” authored by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Both provide authoritative confirmation of the news that flies daily on the internet.

Former topflight college wrestler and one of the few members of the current Congress who aggressively supports the desires of his constituency, Jordan exposes such matters as the 6 January 2021 “insurrection” in the capitol and is harshly critical of colleagues, Republican and Democrat, who campaign using promises that are ignored once they take office. He also addresses lies like the “insurrection” of 6 January 2021, recently called, “worse than Pearl Harbor” by a “woke” Democrat politician.

Both books are most instructive. Every American who is concerned about what is happening to our once great country will find cause and confirmation of their concerns in the authors’ works.
Robert Kennedy, a gentleman who had a “… 40 year career as an environmental and public health advocate…” provides a detailed exposition of America’s catastrophic response to the COVID – 19 epidemic. By page xx of the Introduction, the reader learns that the lockdown strategy put 58 million Americans out of work and among other things contributed to, “a run-up in the national deficit … the interest payments alone will cost almost $1 trillion annually.” To add perspective, it takes $1,000 Billion to equal $1 Trillion. Adding insult to stupidity, according to Google, the National Debt is hovering around $29 Trillion.

That’s not all. Among other things, page xxi of the Introduction reveals that, “When Dr. Fauci took office, America was still ranked among the world’s healthiest populations. Not now. An August 2021 study by the Commonwealth Fund ranked America’s health care system,” dead last among industrialized nations, with the highest infant mortality and the lowest life expectancy.” And there’s more. Much more, including the page 29 revelation of published studies based on fictional information provided by an Illinois based “medical education” company. The company had 11 employees, including a “… science fiction writer and a porn star/events hostess.” Yessir, just “follow the science.” Read further and you have to wonder why many people, including Fauci are not in jail.

Both books ought to be on every bookshelf in America. Every day brings corruption on steroids into American life. The books are enough to prove that America is in serious trouble. Much of the mainstream media is useless. It is an ally of the “woke” and a megaphone for the distribution of lies and amazingly stupid and often unpopular policies.

An example of the media lapdog relationship with the Democrats is found in a recent internet video showing a Republican House Member announcing that the much ballyhooed Build Back Better Bill contains a proviso that the Federal Government will pay one half the salary of every print or electronic news reporter  THROUGHOUT THE NATION.

Think of it, a back door, government controlled news agency. Whose money will be used? Or even better, think of Dr. Josef Goebbels and the Nazi propaganda machine. It takes a seriously sick group of politicians to come up with that portion of the trillion dollar farce.

The above examples show why the internet is a major source of current news, especially news that most major print and electronic media outlets ignore or even lie about.

More samples of internet content are found in January 19th’s early morning internet intake. It included four articles and a highly informative video, all overlooked by the lapdogs. All spread the stench of official corruption, incompetence, lies and, illegality that abound on a daily basis.

The intake started with a missive entitled, “Bad Border Crisis – Mexico a Larger Crisis.” It included, as an attachment, a copy of a speech delivered by the former Director for Texas Homeland Security from 2007 – 2018. He had much to say about our border with Mexico; however, his starting point was that “… Mexico is on the brink of becoming a failed state.” He went on to note that the cartels currently have influence over the Mexican government and upon failure of the government, they will move in and take full control of Mexico.

The cartels already have operatives in the United States to keep an eye on police activity and run the deadly drug distribution network (they must have celebrated the Defund the Police insanity as a true gift). A Mexico under full control of cartels, some of which are already smuggling lethal Chinese drugs into the US via our southern border, is a potential national security threat of the highest order. The cartels will expand the number of US based drug and human smuggling operations. To do so, they will add the necessary violent criminal manpower.

Our current Secretary of Homeland Security has said, “The Border is Closed.” That is a blatant lie. Border officials have repeatedly stated that, “we have lost control of the border.” The US Government has done nothing to close the border. The number of illegals and flow of lethal drugs continue to increase. China’s involvement continues to increase. Who are the illegals? What are they? Why doesn’t Washington care about the drugs and associated deaths? Border patrol officers are shot at from Mexico. Washington does nothing. Why? The Southern Border. Is clearly in a catastrophic state. Why does the Federal Government not do its DUTY and actually close the border?? A nation without a border is no longer a nation.

And why, in the name of God, are Illegal immigrants allowed to use arrest warrants as ID alternatives in order to board aircraft? That gem was initially announced by the Transportation Security Administration on 21 January. According to a 22 January internet report, it was confirmed by the Western Journal the same day. Whose aircraft? Where do they go? Why? Who pays for the flights?

The second internet offering was an edition of “Fred on Everything.” The subject was the crumbling American educational system. One of the more maddening facts surfaced when our educational system was compared to those of other countries. It was reported that, “America’s mathematics teachings are being dumbed down because math is racist.” How insane! Where is the nation’s Department of Education as parents fight Board of Education introduction of pornography in grade school curricula and libraries? Where is the Department of Education while math is being “dumbed down” or porn is being taught in grade schools? Get rid of it.

Next comes the internet report that the Department of Defense is “… quietly looking into how nonbinary troops can serve openly.” This, and the DOD effort to identify racists and right wing extremists in the services, is occurring just as Russia masses infantry, artillery, armor and combat support commands on the Ukrainian border. Shades of 1939 Europe and the Nazi force buildup on the Polish border.

If Russia invades Ukraine, Europe either goes to war or faces the prospect of possible further Russian ambitions to recreate the Soviet Empire. If Europe prefers freedom to possible subservient domination, highly possible NATO commitments will force American participation.

Of much greater importance, just as Russia threatens to invade the Ukraine, Communist China is drooling at the prospect of occupying Taiwan According to internet reports, DOD has openly stated that wargames against China have repeatedly resulted in America’s defeat.

Unfortunately, even cursory discussion of DOD and the services requires a separate paper. However, it is worth noting that DOD is now slow rolling a congressional demand for a report concerning the gift of roughly $80 Billion worth of military equipment to Afghanistan’s Taliban. The report was due two months ago. There’s trouble in the wind. Real trouble.

One military related matter that was not mentioned in the 19 January string of early emails is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) unbelievable phone call to his Chinese counterpart. He told the Chinese general that, should America decide to activate the nuclear launch system with China as the target, he would give the Chinaman a warning phone call. Reports of that phone conversation were received with amazement by government officials and the public. Nothing has since been said or apparently, done about that call.

It is reasonable to assume that China’s decision making chain of command for launching nuclear strikes is shorter than ours. The Chinese could launch a first strike nuclear attack and then claim, for public benefit, that their attack was prompted by a warning phone call. Or the call could actually be made as the activation system is working its way through the chain only to be stopped for some reason. At that point, China would have every reason to launch its nukes. Much talking about nukes. Little thinking.
The final example of one morning’s internet intake is a Lawrence Sellin article discussing the amount of taxpayer money Fauci has spread around to support questionable biowarfare research. Fauci is no friend of America.

Washington is not a swamp. It is a malfunctioning open air sewage treatment plant. The lies, corruption and power grabbing must be stopped. America is not just going in the wrong direction; it is sliding rapidly downhill toward the loss of freedom and the tyranny of communism. Look at the 6 January protestors who are still confined in a DC jail. What happened to “a speedy trial?” What is being done about reports of prisoner abuse? Why are they jailed when real rioters and insurrectionists burned down government buildings and attacked policemen during the 2021 riots run free?

There are signs that the American people are catching on. Great! But not enough. The lies, insanities and illegalities continue unabated. Military veterans who have gone many places and seen so many things in peace, or often in war, have a broader background than others. They should be prominent in the defense of America. Washington should be barraged with letters by the thousands. Numbers count to politicians. Veterans should identify themselves. They are citizens who contributed to America’s defense. As a group, they have clout. And they should encourage friends and relatives to join in the effort. It’s their country, too. They must be heard.

Please start the hobby of tormenting DC with letters. We have a huge, target rich environment. Expand upon subjects in this paper. Go after others … crime; inflation; the failure to investigate $1.5 Billion the Chinese gave Hunter Biden; the police who beat a defenseless woman’s head with nightsticks during the 6 January demonstration; and empty grocery store shelves. Given what goes on in the sewage treatment plant, the possibilities are virtually endless.

Major General Jarvis Lynch, USMC (Ret).

Originally posted 2022-01-30 17:40:29.