All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

Don’t Mess With Texas

Okay boys and girls, it’s Sunday, time for a respite from the swamp creatures . No telling what they are doi8ng. Probably in the muck dreaming up more ways to ruin our once great nation. But I digress. I do not want to talk about those scum sucking creatures today since it’s Sunday. 

I have a good one for you today. Pure enjoyment. Watch this political ad and someone please tell me how anyone from TX could not vote for this fellow and maybe even send him a donation. I can think of no other state in this Republic that would run an ad such as this one. Not even my state of Florida with our great Governor, Ron DeSantis. What do you think?

Well, would you vote for him if he was in your State?

Originally posted 2021-06-13 15:26:43.

Fashionable Racism

We are fast becoming a divided nation based solely on  skin color and gender, and Lightfoot and her spouse are the flag bearers.

Aren’t they a cute couple? Gee whiz. Their both uglier than ten bags of dead chickens a**holes. A match made in heaven. LOL Chicago, I have no sympathy or empathy for anyone in that city. You get what you elect. So suck it baby. She is reopening the city, so the criminals can get back out in the streets and pick up where they left off  killing one another. Why somone  would live in the city is beyond me. LOL

Another good one from my favorite contributor, Greg Maresca. Spot on as usual. Thanks Greg, keep em’ coming sir!

We have gone from social distancing to racial distancing, courtesy of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who is a proud black lesbian and recently declared, “I will be exclusively providing one-on-one interviews only with journalists of color.”

The justification for this blatantly racist tort is that white reporters simply cannot walk a mile in her shoes, so they must be shunned. The historic Supreme Court justices who decided Brown v. Board of Education would not be amused.

Lightfoot lamented about “institutionalized racism” throughout the media and suggested that any negative coverage she receives in office is the result of “racial and implicit bias.” Like the racists of the Jim Crow South, Lightfoot ranks reporters by their skin color. Lightfoot’s discriminatory interview policy is a slight to all Chicagoans. Lightfoot advocates what sociologists define as “reverse racial segregation,” which is just as hateful and abhorrent as Jim Crow.

White or not, successful mayors do not blame the messengers.

So much for Martin Luther King’s dream of a colorblind society where race is nonessential to being an American. Where has King’s legacy gone when such loathing, bigotry and prejudice has never been condemned by any civil rights groups and in particular, Black Lives Matter?

The woke media’s continued silence only sanctions this obnoxious behavior throughout the Democrat Party just like the Jim Crow days proving just how cyclical history can be.

Never mind Chicago’s soaring crime and record murder rates, failing public schools, and hurting downtown. When a city has as many shootings as Chicago and its mayor worries more about the skin tone of reporters – the electorate suffers. Then again, what do you expect from a city where their cemeteries double as voting venues. Lightfoot is re-segregating our nation’s third largest city and using “racial and implicit bias” as the excuse to deflect from her own inadequacies, failed policies and feckless governance.

The underlying crux of the problem has been just too many white guys milling around asking questions.

Who knew?

Such pungent wokeism and cancel culture masquerading as progress and equality rather than grievance and retribution must send a thrill up the leg of progressive leftists everywhere.

Race is the perfect divergence for a politician of color like Lightfoot. Apparently unbeknownst to Lightfoot is that her blatant hypocrisy serves as additional ammunition for bigots. One cannot demand equality when one openly discriminates. Lightfoot is another exemplar in a long line of Democrat mayors who are incapable of dealing with the daunting challenges of their cities that have suffered through decades of gross mismanagement.

Placing judgment and exclusion based purely on someone’s skin tone and not their merit was the foundation for the Civil Rights Act that protects against discrimination where standards are applied uniformly regardless of race.

Lightfoot’s defiance distinguishes equality from equity that runs counter to the protections guaranteed in our Constitution. Where is the U.S. Justice Department’s investigation?

The Left has hijacked Civil Rights into fashioning certain identifiable groups as permanent victims and protected classes of people who are excused from life’s responsibilities and virtues.

The Left, led by President Biden, would rather bemoan relentlessly about white criminals in Tulsa a century ago rather than where the problem truly lies with present-day black criminals – political expediency at its best. In an irony for the ages, black residents of Tulsa 100 years ago would be astonished to learn that it is no longer racist white criminals to be feared, but their own kind who are the biggest perpetrators of crime and chaos within their neighborhoods.

All degrees of the woke race agenda and its offspring – the cancel culture – are anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-male, and no functioning society can survive such a fundamental and corrupted transformation.

Since Lightfoot is gay, black, and female, she is not to be questioned, criticized, or best – recalled. No national figure in this second decade of this 21st century will dare to call out such obvious and blatant racist bigotry. Moreover, there are no Chicago candidates of better quality than Lightfoot, so the slide of the nation’s third largest metropolis will only accelerate.

Led by the political left, America is again dividing itself by race and roaming toward a perilous cliff.

Yes folks and that cliff is huge and long!


Originally posted 2021-06-11 13:17:39.

Go Army or Not?

Biden Throwing Cadets In Solitary Confinement For Not Getting Vaccinated

Well, well, how goes it at West Point? What have the swamp creatures done now? Shocking to say the least. This is despicable, I don’t care what service we are talking about. What a shame for an institution that produced such great leaders e.g. MacArthur, Pershing, etc. to have become Woke Academies. I’m sure those from years past when our country was a Republic are screaming in their graves.

National File

Military cadets at West Point Academy who refuse to take one of the controversial COVID vaccines are being put in solitary confinement, with more stringent restrictions than those who tested positive for the virus.

At West Point Military Academy, a number of cadets are currently rebelling against the push from the Biden administration and military higher-ups to take one of the controversial COVID-19 vaccines. 700 cadets who initially refused the vaccine were brought together into a meeting room, and were briefed as to the benefits of the vaccine. The number of cadets has now dwindled significantly after allegations of daily pressure by “senior officials” at the school, and rumors of reductions of leave. Some cadets relented and received the vaccine, while many left West Point due to the pressure.

Those who still refuse to take the vaccine are forced to wear masks everywhere, marking them out from everybody else who is vaccinated. A number of parents of those holdouts have now organized legal counsel on behalf of their children, with CDMedia reporting that they are “banding together to fight this perceived criminal behavior by those in power over their children.

An anonymous whistleblower, whose identity National File is protecting, gave a breakdown of the current restrictions that West Point cadets who refuse to take the COVID vaccine have to face. For those cadets returning for summer programs, they will have their two week leave shortened to one, as they have to spend 7 days in a quarantine that amounts to serious solitary confinement. The cadets are locked up for 23 hours each day in one room, and are only allowed out for one hour to walk or run outside.

Crucially, these cadets are not tested for COVID-19 before they are put into self-isolation. In fact, they are only tested at the end of the period. If they test negative, they will be released to their training programs. In a letter sent to the cadets deemed “high risk,” there was no detail as to what would happen if the cadet tested positive instead, in terms of whether they would be forced to endure another week or more of the solitary confinement. National File contacted West Point for details on this program via phone and email, but did not receive a response by the time of publication.

The new regime could not accurately be described as self-isolation or quarantine, as such programs already existed at West Point for cadets returning after the summer and Christmas breaks this academic year who tested positive. For those cadets, before the vaccination program kicked into high gear, they would be restricted at some points, but could also work out in the outside gyms, and leave their accommodation to go and order food, albeit being ordered to stay away from cadets who were not infected. These luxuries are not afforded to the cadets who refuse to take the vaccine, even though they may not have the virus.

West Point allegedly plans to round up all the cadets who are refusing the vaccine and transfer them into all one company or platoon based on how many they’re are. At the time of writing, around 50 cadets have not backed down. The whistleblower said this would likely be better for them, as they would not be around other troops who derogatorily shout at them, calling them “anti-vaxxers,” and instead would be with those who stand with them. “They’re being treated like criminals,” the whistleblower added. “They’re trying to protect other people’s rights and their rights are being compromised.”

National File reported last year on two successive suicides from the Colorado Springs Air Force, with students expressing to the academy that the deaths may have been linked to depression springing from the then extremely strict social distancing policies and punishments for violating the six-foot distance protocols. Following the deaths, looser restrictions were enacted.
I read the comments and vehemently disagree with two of them. I spent nearly thirty-six years in the Corps and no one, absolutely no one, ever “made” me take the Flu shot. I don’t know what service they were in, but it sounds like “War Stories” to me. Now, I was made to take certain inoculations if I was being sent to an area rampant with some disease e.g., Vietnam and Peru.

Originally posted 2021-06-10 13:20:32.


Got a good one for you today gang. From one of my FAVS, Bunkerville. I know I have said I was going to lay of the Biden swamp and their creatures, but this one was just too good to pass up. Be sure to click on Tucker’s pic; as usual he is on the nail head and really funny. When you are done listening to him be sure to click on the next pic and crank up the sound. That is if you are like me and a 70’s  rocker, albeit I was not a teenager then, but I loved the groups, especially the “Three Dogs.”

Clueless Kamala Harris debuts -‘Do not come’

Originally posted 2021-06-09 13:03:32.

Grab Your Socks!

Oh well, here we go again. Ask five Economists a question , and it’s a guarantee you will get at a minimum of six answers, possible more. Why? Because it is a “social” science. Give someone a $1,000 stimulus check, what will he do with it? Well, that’s where the “social” comes in. What’s the state of the economy at the time, who is getting this check, married or single, children, how many, where does he live, how much debt does he have, working, retired or unemployed? These and many more questions come into play before any one can predict what he does with it. And even then, it’s merely a prediction! I  cannot believe some of the garbage this former Fed chairman is spewing, but then I looked at her bio and saw where she was educated and who she worked for, and it all came to light. 

For what it is worth I am in the “No Fed Camp,” that is I do not believe in the Federal Reserve. I believe they do more harm than good and sometimes their actions are disastrous e.g., late 70’s when mortgage rates climbed well over 12% So, based on what this lady is saying, I believe we are on the road to disaster. Stupid comments by someone who should know better.

I could reprint the article for Bunkerville, but I’d like you to go see it for yourself and decide where you fit into the inflation world that is heading our way. Just click the link below

Yellen Concedes Inflation Is About To Surge, Says It Will Be A “Plus For Society”

Originally posted 2021-06-07 10:26:51.