All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

Thank You!

For those of us who were there, this is OUR DAY! Enjoy it as best you can, but remember those who cannot. Even to this day, I stand by what I say in Chapter #28, The Silent Majority, of the book, kiss my ass!

                     Welcome Home Brothers and Sisters of all branches;                       WELCOME HOME!

Originally posted 2022-03-29 09:38:18.

A Sunday Respite

Well, sort of. It really is a break from the normal news of the day or should I say the no news of the day because we only hear, as Greg says “if the story fits — their agenda.” Anyway, I love stories with happy endings. Try this one on for size. This story is about a millennial who gets her comeuppance. Enjoy and have a great Sunday.

Of course we all know this was staged, but it sure is true with the young ones today and what they expect. LOL

Originally posted 2022-03-27 09:48:59.


While the news of the day seems to be the 22 generals who have come out from under their rocks and spoke out against King Berger’s changes to my Corps. I’m sick of it. Yeah, I know they had to try diplomacy first and when Berger continued to march, they finally had to say something. Only three spoke out in favor of my “Open Letter to CMC Berger”; which to date has garnered >6,ooo hits and still going strong. The plea now is to write your elected criminals, as most are, and mirror their comments Hmm, I did that several months ago. Now even the liberal; Jim Webb spoke out; I was waiting for that one. It was a good, concise, on the mark article. Maybe some of his liberal friends in Congress will now pay attention since one of their own has spoke out. But I digress as that’s not what this post is about.

Once again, my friend and Marine brother hits the mark concerning this scumbag we all love to hate – Hunter Biden, and of course his beloved father. Both of whom are criminals and deserve to be in jail serving life. I fear once again that nothing, absolutely nothing will come about from the newest and greatest investigation. It’s a laugh. Our justice system is a system catered to the guilty, not you and me.

How about the latest nomination for the Supreme Court who was unable to define a woman when questioned by a Congresswoman.

I’m amazed that the infamous NYT is still publishing a newspaper. Who the hell buys it, do you? I love Greg’s comment about “All the news that fits.” LOL And how about Twitter and  Facebook? Does anyone still have accounts with those communist, socialist social medias? I do have a FB page where I only go to in order to add my posts; I’m amazed they have yet to censor me. And I sure as hell do not have a Twitter account, albeit they “think” I do as I get emails from them, which I reply to telling them where to go. In sum we are feed nothing but BS from the media, including the social media. I love Greg’s closing comment about the comparisons between Russia’s and our medias. Read and enjoy if you can.

Hunter’s Pandora’s Laptop

By: G. Maresca

The New York Times’ time-honored maxim: “All the news that is fit to print” finally conceded that Hunter Biden’s laptop’s emails are newsworthy as first reported by the New York Post in October 2020 – 16 months after the presidential election.

The conservative New York Post founded by Alexander Hamilton deserved a Pulitzer but will never see it.

The Times has relished their bloated reputation for decades while perfecting the art of falsehood and being left-wing. Some 90 years ago, their Moscow correspondent was Walter Duranty. While Stalin was executing his political opponents and starving millions of Ukrainians, Duranty’s dispatches rendered Stalin’s homeland a worker’s paradise. Duranty was double-dipping collecting from the Times and Stalin, who bribed him with money, booze, drugs, and prostitutes while being awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 1932.

Sounds like Duranty was Hunter Biden’s prototype.

When it was finally revealed that Duranty had lied, the Times refused to surrender the Pulitzer.

In Laurel Leff’s 2005 book: “Buried by The Times,” during World War II “the paper of record” suppressed news of Nazi atrocities against Jews because publisher Arthur Sulzberger was a Jewish assimilationist. The paper referred to the Jews as “refugees” to assuage how the Nazis were targeting a pogrom of European Jewry.

The difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is nearly a year and a half provided you consider the Times an arbiter of truth. The Times must believe Biden is toast giving the paper nearly three years to bolster the next Democrat nominee.

If that wasn’t enough and despite no evidence, 50 government sleuths claimed that Hunter’s laptop was part of a Russian disinformation plot published in a Times op-ed piece. What remains unanswered is do these fabulous 50 maintain their employment and security clearances? You bet your bippy nothing will happen to these scum.

All the Times offered was an unconvincing admission buried deep inside their broadsheet. The Times did not just conceal the facts about Hunter Biden’s illicit dealings and his father’s 10% kickback, they bungled, beat, and buried the story with Jimmy Hoffa.

Hunter’s emails underscored how he was profiting from his father’s connections including being a board member of a Ukrainian gas company. According to the Wall Street Journal, Biden’s former business partner admitted the laptop’s contents had Biden profiting from a Shanghai company directly tied to the Chinese communists.

The Times was living their true creed: “All the news that fits – their agenda.” Twitter jumped on the suppression train by censoring their New York Post account, while Facebook algorithmically did their leftist duty in killing the story as Hunter’s laptop conveniently met the journalistic abyss on the cusp of Election Day. Censorship and abject lying are the core tenets of the left’s strategy, as there is no substance to their socialist agenda.

Rather than investigate, the mainstream media dismissed it or claimed Hunter Biden’s debauched escapades were fake news – case closed – until now.

A post-election survey of Biden voters said 10% would not have voted for him provided they aware of the illicit dealings of his son. Imagine what the Times would publish provided one of Donald Trump’s sons had impregnated a stripper like Hunter? How many articles about Joe’s grand baby in Arkansas have you read?

The news’ profession is infiltrated with plenty of bias editors who have no issue about using deliberate omission as suppression. News and its ensuing opinion pieces are affected as much by what is omitted as by what is covered. This column is just one example. And provided it disappears for a week or two, you know the deal.

When will the IRS investigate the Biden’s dealings? Indictments would open a Pandora’s box exposing Biden as the corrupt, incompetent lifetime politico he is. Biden is compromised, while his son possesses no shame after being captured on video snorting cocaine naked with a prostitute.

The complicit media was promoting false narratives to take down a sitting president, in Donald Trump, is the biggest story.

Corrupt politicians and their mainstream media cohorts are the rust corroding our liberties. The difference between the state media in Russia and what passes for news in the U.S. is the eight-hour time difference between the two nations.

If these stories don’t grow legs, the nation’s fourth estate is failing everyone.

I just have to post the following pictures about how far our military has gone in order to “positively impact diversity, equity, and inclusion.” –  both from our combat ready Air Farce.

Oh, and don’t forget about our Corps’ endeavor to impact the goals as well.

Isn’t this a great country or what? 

Originally posted 2022-03-26 14:50:48.

Come Fly With Me!

Trust me, you will love this short clip! A liberal couple get their justice, but not what they expected or wanted. I wish I knew what airline this was; I’d like to send them a congratulatory email and might consider flying with them every time I must fly!  Everything is all about them. I LOVE IT!!!

Wasn’t that great? I just love that the young man simply sits there calmly while this woman runs her mouth. Her meek,  whimpy husband sits there while she rants, then he tries to make amends.

LOL Damn, don’t you just LOVE IT?

Originally posted 2022-03-23 09:58:18.

March Madness

Another good one from my friend and brother Marine, Greg. Thank you Greg. Yes March Madness is upon us in more ways than one. BTW, the Lady Vols won there first round. LOL. Yeah I know, my bride and I watch Women’s College Basketball. I get ribbed about that a lot, especially from the book’s editor, my best Marine friend, Dennis. He simply cannot understand why I watch the women play but not the men. Because watching 7′ giants beat each other up, while I can watch what basketball used to be many tears ago i.e., the Bulls in their heyday!

A March to Madness

By: G. Maresca

Not too long ago, March madness meant college basketball rather than nuclear brinkmanship.

By not winning quickly and outright in Ukraine, former Russian president, and prime minister Dmitri Medvedev, a Putin hand puppet, wasted no time threatening the West saying Russia could rip up its nuclear agreements. Putin endorsed such malfeasance by placing his nuclear forces on heightened alert saying we may face “consequences you have never seen.”

In doing so, Russia placed the once remote possibility that tactical nuclear weapons could be exploited on the battlefield making what was once inconceivable, anything but. Moreover, BCA Research set the odds of a “civilization-ending global nuclear war” over the next year at an “uncomfortably high 10%.”

Russia telegraphed their intentions when troops seized the decommissioned Chernobyl nuclear plant that in 1986 produced the planet’s worst nuclear accident.

Russia is a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency where an attack against any nuclear facility committed to civilian power production is a violation of governance. This breach is also included in the United Nations Charter, and the Geneva Conventions.

Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear facility, Europe’s biggest, triggered a fire in the plant’s administrative building that fortunately did not affect the facility’s six nuclear reactors or produce a radiation leak. This flagrant assault was nothing short of a war crime proving that conventional weapons are far from the only option available in the Russian arsenal.

Putin made it clear for years what he intended to do given his invasion of Georgia and the Crimea proving he has no intention of stopping until his objectives are met. Having NATO intervene to defuse a nuclear disaster risks further escalation but at some point, may be necessary.

Provided Russia captures all of Ukraine’s nuclear reactors it would hold Ukrainians hostage by manipulating the energy supply where small armed detachments would protect the reactors is certainly strategically feasible.

No nation is sovereign without energy independence of which nuclear plays a major role.  President Biden voluntarily surrendered ours in exchange for Russian and Middle Eastern oil. American environmentalists approve of fossil fuels provided they come from such perilous places where tyrants like Putin are able to finance their evil.

Provided Ukraine’s nuclear facilities are unsecure, its spent radioactive matter will risk a nuclear catastrophe far beyond Ukraine’s borders. Ukrainians are diligently laboring in the middle of a war to keep the reactors safely operating – unsung heroes in a crusade teeming with them.  Ukrainians need an abundance of aid on many levels most especially securing their nuclear power plants and the radioactive material they produce.

Putin’s invasion is not just about returning Ukraine to the Russian fold, but a siege on the international order that for decades has worked to safeguard the peaceful use of nuclear power.

By closing in on Ukraine’s nuclear power plants that total 15 reactors at four sites, Russia rather than the contracted Westinghouse Electric, will profit from Ukrainian nuclear fuel that they had been supplying. What garnered little media attention is the fact that Westinghouse was in the planning stages to build at least five nuclear reactors in Ukraine over the next two decades. According to the World Nuclear Association, that enterprise is worth more than $30 billion for Westinghouse, an American company.

What kept nuclear war at bay during the longstanding Cold War era was M.A.D. — Mutually Assured Destruction. Both the U.S. and Soviet Union knew that any nuclear launch would be returned and annihilate both countries. However, it is another thing entirely to confront a potential nuclear conflict when one side believes it can win.

Russia is not the only American adversary that could employ its nuclear arsenal as a buffer for a conventional invasion. China is modernizing and multiplying its nuclear forces and covets Taiwan the way the Russians do Ukraine. Regarding Ukraine, the Chinese are trying to appear neutral, but in actuality are Russia’s co-conspirator.

The war raging throughout Ukraine should alarm the international community to reassess suppressing nuclear weapons. Failing to take heed to such a benevolent cause will lead to another and unnecessary nuclear arms race.

Add to this toxic mix, the nuclear starved Iranian mullahs – religious zealots possessed with an Islamic apocalyptic mentality – where “mutually assured destruction” is not a deterrent, but an incentive.


Originally posted 2022-03-20 14:58:36.