Shame on US!

I cannot believe this is happening within America and no one is doing a damn thing about it. How can these criminals simply walk around free with impunity. If you and I did 1/10 of misdeeds these two have done, we’d be sharing a cell for many years. Unbelievable. Once again the “silent Majority” remains silent and does nothing but whine. Do you even know who is your congressman? Shame on you!

Originally posted 2018-03-24 09:00:38.

3 thoughts on “Shame on US!”

  1. If one wanted to know whatever happened to America, I would have to say first, examine what has happened to our family structure. Second, realize that public education has become a tool for brainwashing our future generations. If one were to realize the impact of single-family homes, our lack of faithfulness with God and each other, the corruption of our school systems, then there should be no surprise to anyone that our society has become divided, immoral, and a morass. Above the basic social unit, we have learned no valuable lessons from history, which on the world stage makes the American people both corrupt and stupid. We have never learned, for example, that a house divided cannot stand … or that there is no such thing as free stuff, or that government is untrustworthy. Except for those few occasions when people have believed themselves in great peril, America has never been united in political sentiment or deed. For most of our history, most people have been content to allow others to defend the things they hold dear. The United States today is following the path of Rome sixteen-hundred years ago—and for the same reasons. Americans no longer value civic virtue—and perhaps they never did. So the bad news is that American cannot be healed or saved. The really bad news is that we foisted this sorry condition upon ourselves and our children.

  2. I asked my wife if I pressured her in voting for Trump…..she said no…it was crooked Hillary that forced her.

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