Political Correctness

Interesting! If such a large majority is against PC, then why are we putting up with it? Why? Because we are clueless, scared, frightened sheep following the herd dogs.  I’m not PC and I really don’t care what the herd dog do. Do you?


When President Donald Trump ran for office, he said political correctness was a problem, and, according to a survey, a large majority of Americans agree with him, liberals and conservatives.

To the shock of many millennial’s, a study conducted by European nonprofit More In Common, found most Americans said they thought the issue of political correctness was a serious one.

The year-long study, “Hidden Tribes: A Study Of America’s Polarized Landscape,” sought out to understand the “forces that drive political polarization and tribalism in the United States.” What it found was that 80 percent of Americans — regardless of race, gender and income — have a serious dislike for today’s politically correct culture.

Researchers interviewed progressive activists (8 percent), traditional liberals (11 percent), passive liberals (15 percent), the politically disengaged (26 percent), moderates (15 percent), traditional conservatives (19 percent), and devoted conservatives (6 percent) about such issues as immigration, white privilege, sexual harassment and political correctness.

The study reported that 25 percent of Americans expressed what would be considered “traditional” or “devoted” opinions outside the mainstream. Around 8 percent of those polled were “progressive activists,” whose opinions were even more extreme.

Two-thirds of those studied reportedly didn’t belong to either extreme, and they constituted what the report referred to as an “exhausted majority.”

Members in this group came from both sides of the political isle and yet they shared a common “sense of fatigue” regarding polarizing issues. This group could be flexible with their political opinions, and the report found that they were not generally represented in the national conversation.

While most of the findings from the study wouldn’t be too surprising, the study learned that a huge number of people with diverse political backgrounds were in agreement regarding the topic of political correctness.

All of the groups, aside from a small percentage of progressive activists, believe political correctness is dangerous not only for the country but for Americans in general.

Even younger people, who are more likely to be open to liberal ideas, were opposed to how political correctness has seemed to divide the country. Of those aged 24 – 29, 74 percent saw it in a negative light. Among liberals, 61 percent disagreed with how politically correct our culture has become.

With numbers like these, it’s easy to see that while people may joke about the “PC police,” it is a real struggle.

In fact, it seems the possibility of offending someone makes most Americans so uncomfortable they would rather not talk about polarizing issues at all (unless they were talking with people who think like they do).

In a Cato poll taken last year, 71 percent of Americans said they believed that political correctness has silenced discussions we need to have. Furthermore, that same poll revealed that 58 percent of Americans thought the current political climate prevented them from sharing their political beliefs.

These numbers speak for themselves.

While the More in Common study did not attempt to define political correctness, it is safe to assume that their definition involved being expected to say just the right word(s) or do the right thing(s) simply to please someone else.

The results of this study indicate that most of the population was not only aware of, but actually weary of, how far the PC pendulum has swung. If moderates and liberals have a problem with hyper-sensitive types that get their feelings hurt when the other team wins a ball game, then clearly something must be wrong.

While some people might not be willing to openly talk about how bad the PC issue is, results like these reveal how problematic it has become.

The public’s animosity toward political correctness could help explain, at least in part, how Trump won the presidency.

With him, voters saw a man ready to fight against the politically correct agendas they have been forced to swallow for years.

What polls like these tell us is that Democrats are woefully detached from their constituents. While leftists like failed presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Rep. Nancy Pelosi like to force change in favor of politically correct ideas, they only seem to be alienating huge blocks of voters that simply want to be able to speak their minds without the worry of offending someone.

By golly I hope so, but many will simply not vote because they are sheep! Are you going to vote?

Originally posted 2018-10-15 16:59:55.

6 thoughts on “Political Correctness”

  1. I have always been ‘up front’ with my comments about things in general! Also..I have tried to be positive without being rude! I have relished our return to normalized conversation..where most people are back to saying “Christmas”..and, ” God Bless America”..! I hated the days of Obama.. when these ‘Political Correct’ people were afraid to say anything about him and his Muslin assholes! (Oops!! there I go again..being rude..) Sorry about that..just wanted to be truthful in my own belief system!! If being ‘politically correct’ means being cow-towed and being afraid to ‘speak out’..count me out!!

    1. Jack, don’t be afraid to tell us exactly how you feel. LOL I could not agree with you more sir! I refuse to be PC, and it does not matter to whom I am speaking. If they can’t handle it walk away from me! And don’t come back.

  2. I voted today. If I was a Democrat, I’d vote again tomorrow. As for PC it has been one of the More successful strategies of the communist left to fragment our society. I’m glad to see Americans pushing back.

    1. Mustang, LOL, loved your comment. I always tell people, especially libs, I want to be buried in Illinois so I can continue to vote.

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