Colonel of Truth and Nike

Another great post from my friend and Marine brother. My bet is  Nike will regret this, and I am hoping they do. I, like Col Andy, own nothing adorned with the name Nike, and never will. I prefer Under Armour. As an Economist by education, I am always amazed at some of the actions corporations do to please the owners (shareholders for those who think otherwise). I believe the company board of directors’ email boxes are now overloaded with protests. Good for them, shame on them! BTW, have you looked at the maker’s labels on Nike products lately? You should. Once an American icon, now a has been.

Sorry, but you’ll have to copy and paste the below URL, I seem to have lost some of my computer tech talent of late.

Originally posted 2018-09-04 12:55:31.

One thought on “Colonel of Truth and Nike”

  1. Have to agree with you Col. Hate what Nike has become. I have been a fan of NB for nearly 20 years no.

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