The Poor Illegal Immigrant Children

Listen up gang, this video needs to go viral. Once again the left is exposed to their half-truths, innuendos, outright lies and bull shit they feed to their constituents. We have all heard the horrible stories spread by the democratic party about the way immigrant children are being treated, yet have you seen any concrete example? I haven’t, all I have heard are the talking stooges feeding their sheep. Be careful of the video, she is highly pissed.


Originally posted 2018-10-30 15:49:16.

4 thoughts on “The Poor Illegal Immigrant Children”

  1. SOO- true. Obama put kids in dog cages–forgiven and ignored. I saw a previous video of a Texas kids holding center and it had all this plus Hollywood sized big screen televisions with every video game a kid could want to play in a decked out giant game room. Those kids also got field trips to zoos and parks as well as the soccer fields and playgrounds. It’s impossible to get this information out to the left since media shuts it down to continue the hate narrative.

  2. Nothing really in the video that surprises me. Never did think those kids were in any threat of unhealthy living conditions, physically or emotionally.
    I shared on my facebook page…but it wont change the left, like you said Jim, “Stupid is as stupid does!”
    Of course I also like John Wayne’s comment, “Life is hard,but much harder if your stupid.

    1. LOL, “ain’t” that the truth. You know Mustang, I cannot help but feel a tad sorry for the sheep. The left like Schummer, Pelosi, Waters, et al have taken advantage of the less fortunate side of our society, but then I snap back to reality and remember you just can’t fix stupid! Stupid is what stupid be.

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