David J. Harris Jr. Speaks for Me

I am sure you have seen lots of videos on the recent millionaire NFL scum, but this one tops all that I’ve seen. Mr. Harris definitely speaks for Jim Bathurst. It’s powerful. Watch and if you agree, please pass it on; it needs to go viral. 


Originally posted 2017-09-28 16:33:43.

2 thoughts on “David J. Harris Jr. Speaks for Me”

  1. About as accurate as can be said. These athletes/ entertainers are supposed to be the tuff guys, the heros, role models…let’s see how they do in a fight where a whistle doesn’t bring it to a halt. There’s little comeradery with free agency. Nothing more than the actors in soap opera, scripted and the best actors get the part. Such a sad disloyal way to use their so called achievements. Semper Fi.

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