Logic and Logistics

I have not been closely following the caravan(s) coming up through Mexico. Oh, I get a glimpse of their whereabouts now and then, and hear of the MSM following along beside a woman with a small child carrying an Ecuadorean flag sobbing about her needs and what America can do to help her and her small child. Hmm. Interesting?” Yes. Heart wrenching? Absolutely not!

First of all, these folks seem to be well nourished, well-kept, and clean. So I am wondering how can that be? They supposedly have traveled hundreds of miles through terrain which would not be considered highly hospitable, allegedly harangued by police and soldiers in attempts to halt their progress. Yet all has failed or even slightly deterred them from the mission, which is………what? I’m told by the MSM they want help and demand the USA to provide it. Nah, I don’t think that’s the “real” mission. Perhaps it might be to arrive at our border on Election Day to make a statement for one of the political party’s. Hmm, now that makes it even more interesting.

I was not a logistics officer in the Corps, but I did know a lot of them, some were even friends. But as an infantry enlisted and officer, I did, on occasion, have to move large numbers of Marines and sailors over not so hospitable terrain for several days. So I have some questions for the MSM, which I am wondering why they have not already been asked.

Where do they shit?  A human excretes roughly one pound of feces per day. Thus, a caravan of 7,000 would create 3.5 tons of shit. Where is it? Who collected it? What did they do with it?

Where do they eat? Who is feeding them? Where do they sleep? Better yet, who is paying for all this?

Does anyone really believe that one day out of the blue, 7,000 Ecuadorians woke up and said, “Hey, Let’s all march to the American border, and demand they let us in and take care of us.” Really?

Well, I have an idea who is paying for it, but I’ll let you decide for yourself.


Originally posted 2018-11-01 10:27:39.

2 thoughts on “Logic and Logistics”

  1. As an afterthought, what has actually happened is we have traded the occasional riot in a city far away to a caravan of refugees…the drama that feeds our media has no boundaries. Semper Fi

  2. Unbelievable is about the only way to put it in words… good hearing from you Devil Dog

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