All Marine Radio Again




A few days ago, Major Michael McNamara, USMC (Ret) from the “All Marine Radio” had me on his show again wanting to talk about NCO Leadership. Wow, know that is a topic everybody seems to be “able” to talk about, right? Not! I used “able: in quotes because many think they can talk about that topic, but only those who walked in an NCO’s boots should be allowed to talk about it. When someone brings up the subject of leadership (at any level), I am immediately reminded of that song from some time ago about just another silly love song. Here we go again with another silly lecture on leadership. Well, I thought it was an okay interview. First of all, I don’t claim to be an expert on leadership. Oh, I’ve had me share of successes, but also my share of failures, but I kept trying thinking one of these days I’d have all the answers down pat. Whew, was I wrong.

Anyway, I think it was a lively discussion between Mac and me. If you have about an hour to kill, give it try. It’s on

Originally posted 2018-04-30 16:18:08.

3 thoughts on “All Marine Radio Again”

  1. Another fantastic and motivating podcast Jim. You and Mac really nail the topic. I ended my 4 years as a corporal in motor transport, and one of the hardest things to deal with was the friends I had served most of my fleet time with who did not make NCO although they had been in the Corps longer. I had so many awesome role models from Sr Lance corporals through colonels. Semper Fi

  2. I was an E5 in a reserve unit and was Motor Transport Chief. You talk about NCO Leadership. I had 4 mechanics and 18 Drivers under me. MT chief is a Gunnery Sgt Billet, But I was senior NCO at the time. It sure does make you learn fast. I was in the Corps from 1967-1973

    1. Thanks for the read and comment L.A. And yes the learning curve is very steep under those circumstances. I have one problem with your comment and if you’d read my book you’d understand why it’s a problem and the history behind it. You were not E-5 Jones sir; you were “Sergeant” Jones. While you may think it trivial to worry about such a small thing; it isn’t small to those of us who wore the stripes and cherished those days, which I am sure you do as well, so o please stop degrading yourself by using the term E-5. Look at you promotion warrant, it didn’t promote you some ridiculous position called E-5. And by the way, thank you for serving Sergeant Jones.

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