It’s amazing how much bum scoop exist about this particular medal. I’ve been in groups and heard Vietnam Vets explaining this medal and had I not known better I would have walked away thinking WOW, it’s equal to our Medal of Honor, or at the least the Silver Star. God bless them, I know they are proud of their service to the country and especially since they served during an unpopular time, but still did their part. I certainly applaud that and by this piece I do not want anyone to think I am belittling anyone for their misconception of what this medal is all about. This link takes you to an article based on facts, and the author even does so with a little tongue-in-check attitude. So, if you have any doubt about that nice looking medal (ribbon) that has no large medal for Americans to wear, here’s the facts,

Originally posted 2017-04-19 12:27:35.

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