Are you a USAA member – Reply 1

I recv’d a brief reply from USAA, but only to let me know they kicked it upstairs. Here it is:

Dear Colonel Bathurst,

Your email addressed to Mr. Parker was received by CEO Member Relations.  Feedback from our members is important to us, and we are always interested in ways we can improve our products and services.  Your comments will be shared with the appropriate area for review, and our business specialist will follow-up with you directly within two business days.  We appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns.

Thank you,
Eric L


Originally posted 2017-02-11 16:21:16.

Are you a USAA Member?

I just sent the following message to my once-favorite American Corporation. I have my principles as I thought they did as well. Who knows what’s next – press one for English?


This message is meant for Mr. Stuart Parker, our CEO, and I will recognize a reply from no one except him for I believe I deserve no less. I have been a loyal member of USAA since 1974 when I, as a SNCO became eligible to join. I always considered USAA to be the MOST respected company in America, and during my thirty-six years as a Marine have probably been responsible for 100’s of Marines and sailors joining our organization. You are my bank, my investment broker, and my insurer. My five children are USAA members, as are my nine grandchildren. However, I have reached a point where I am seriously considering going back to Navy Federal for banking and mortgage help, to another brokerage house for my investment, and back to Geico for insurance.

Why? This morning I was attempting to find FOX News and happen to mistakenly click on CNN and found myself in the middle of an ad from USAA. Imagine my dismay that my once admired and highly respected company would spend “our” funds to advertise on such a biased and unethical organization that has been caught violating ethical standards and rules by their employees, e.g., leaking debate questions to a candidate. I watch FOX because, in my opinion; they are the “least” biased of all the TV news outlets. Obviously, you are free to advertise where you feel USAA will get its best bang for the least buck, but I would also expect you to consider the fallout for your choices as well. This missive will appear on my social media sources and my blog as well. I have a tough decision ahead of me now. Sign me as a highly disgruntled long-time member

Jim Bathurst 

PS If I get a reply from the “correct” person, I promise to post it as a follow-up. Should prove interesting.

Originally posted 2017-02-11 11:46:50.

One Light Bulb at a Time


Someone sent me the below piece on the internet. If you can get past the hokey manner in which it’s written, there really is a message here for all of us. Who caused all the corporations to move overseas? While they had much to do with it, I do believe we as consumers must share some of the blame. We bought the “things” made in China, Peru, Korea, Mexico, and even Vietnam to name only a few.

One of our duly elected President ‘s platform legs was to bring jobs back to America; by hook or crook get American corporations to move their plants back inside our borders thereby creating jobs for the American worker. The average American would be shocked to know what is not made in America. Allow me to digress with a story.

In 2000 my bride and I participated in a 43-day RV caravan deep into Mexico in our little 30′ fifth wheel trailer. It was fun and a true learning experience, and one I would never attempt today! Anyway, we entered Mexico around Brownsville, TX and came out in Nogales, AZ. About 50 or so miles south of the border coming out, we came upon the largest factory I have ever seen; it seemed to go on for at least 1/4 mile. There was no name on it; therefore, I had no idea what they were making inside this huge plant. That is, until I got to the northern end and the parking lot. Rows upon rows of GMC trucks waiting to be hauled into the U.S. So, the next time you start ribbing a friend about being UN-Americana by buying a piece of what we used to refer to as”Japanese junk” like a Camry, you best think twice and find out where your Ford, GM, or Chrysler was assembled. My bet is his Camry was made in the new Toyota factory in Chattanooga, TN (by American workers). I’ve toured the plant, and actually spoke with some workers (non-union, I might add), and they loved their jobs.

Can you imagine the impact a national movement could have on the three American car companies if no one bought their cars and trucks because the parts were made here, shipped to Canada or Mexico to be assembled, and then brought back in to sell to American consumers? Just imagine what would happen if we all started reading labels and refused to buy products not Made in the USA.

Trump needs our help folks, he can’t do it all by himself. Let’s help reduce that 44 billion dollar trade deficit by not buying any product made overseas, especially if it was made by an American company who moved out for cheap labor and high taxes. 

If you want to get an idea of just how many cars and trucks are assembled in Mexico, I challenge you to google it. You will be shocked!

I like the name the writer uses, “One Light Bulb at a Time.”

Made in the USA

Costco sells Goodyear wiper blades for almost half the price that you will pay on the outside and they are made in the U.S.A. Read and do the following. Unfortunately our politicians and top CEOs have pushed for trade to China and Mexico for years so Americans are now out of work.

Did you know that there is no electric coffee maker made in the US and that the only kitchen appliances made in the US is Viking? This information came from a report by Diane Sawyer.

Did you know Hallmark Cards were MADE IN CHINA? That’s why I don’t buy cards at Hallmark anymore. They are made in China and are more expensive! I buy them at Dollar Tree – 50 cents each and made in USA.

I have been looking at blenders available on the Internet. Kitchen Aid is MADE IN THE USA.

Yesterday I was in Wal-Mart looking for a wastebasket. I found some Made in China for $6.99. I didn’t want to pay that much so I asked the lady if they had any others. She took me to another department and they had some at $2.50 made in USA. They are just as good. Same as a kitchen rug I needed. I had to look, but I found some Made in The USA – what a concept!  And they were $3.00 cheaper.

We are being brainwashed to believe that everything that comes from China and Mexico is cheaper. Not so.

One Light Bulb at a Time.

I was in Lowe’s the other day and just out of curiosity, I looked at the hose attachments. They were all made in China. The next day I was in Ace Hardware and just for the heck of it I checked the hose attachments there. They were made in USA

Start looking, people. In our current economic situation, every little thing we buy or do affects someone else – most often, their job.

My grandson likes Hershey’s candy. I noticed, though, that it is now marked “Made in Mexico.” I don’t buy it anymore. My favorite toothpaste Colgate is made in Mexico …now I have switched to Crest.

You have to read the labels on everything.

This past weekend I was at Kroger. I needed 60 W light bulbs and Bounce dryer sheets. I was in the light bulb aisle, and right next to the GE brand I normally buy — was an off-brand labeled, “Everyday Value.” I picked up both types of bulbs and compared them: they were the same except for the price . . . the GE bulbs cost more than the Everyday Value Brand, but the thing that surprised me the most was that the GE was Made in MEXICO and the Everyday Value brand was made in – you guessed it – the USA at a company in Cleveland, Ohio.

It’s way past time to start finding and buying products you use every day that are made right here. Bounce dryer sheets… Yep, you guessed it, Bounce cost more money and is made in Canada. The Everyday Value Brand cost less, and was MADE IN THE USA! I did laundry and the dryer sheets performed just like the Bounce I have been using for years, at almost half the price.

My challenge to you is to start reading the labels when you shop for everyday things and see what you can find that is Made In the USA – The job you save may be your own or your neighbor’s!

If you accept the challenge, pass this on to others in your address book so we can all start buying American, one light bulb at a time!

Stop buying from overseas companies – you’re sending the jobs there. (We should have awakened a decade ago….)

Let’s get with the program and help our fellow Americans keep their jobs and create more jobs here in the USA.

Originally posted 2017-02-11 10:39:09.

Hail to the Chief (Not)

For those of you who have not read my book (shame on you; don’t know what you are missing), here is a peak at a small part of one chapters. After posting MSgt George Roof’s great commentary and recap of our illustrious past presidents beginning with LBJ, I could not help but think of my memories up close and personal with his first stalwart, LBJ. So for those of you who have chosen to not read my book, here is a small taste of chapter 30. Understand that I do not like to use “Marine talk” here on my blog or in my book, but in this case it is necessary to appreciate the scene. Enjoy. XX

~ 30 ~

Hail to the Chief

Every Marine remembers his first good ass chewing for a variety of reasons. My first as an officer occurred shortly after I had been commissioned and is remembered for who the “chewer” was. I recall quite clearly that I was at Camp David with my platoon and the president was to arrive for the weekend. The weather was bad, so all morning the plans fluctuated between flying the president to the camp, flying him to the LZ in Thurmont, or driving him up from the White House in Washington.

Since the camp sits on a mountaintop, it is fogged in at times. In these instances, the LZ down near Thurmont is often used and the chief executive is then driven up the mountain from there. On one particular day, it was on again – off again in attempting to fly the president and his party to Camp David. Finally, after numerous changes in the mode of transportation, his support personnel loaded the baggage into vehicles and began the hour and a half drive up the mountain. Meanwhile the heavy rains ceased and the fog lifted; the president and his guest, a visiting head of state, were flown straight to the camp.

I was turning over security responsibilities to the secret service when Major Baker walked by and said he would wait for me up ahead. When I finished, I joined him. As he and I were walking past Aspen on our way to the Ship’s Office suddenly the front door of the president’s cabin burst open and out came the “Boss,” President Lyndon B. Johnson. He shouted, “Hold up there!” He bolted over to us—we both saluted. The president began ranting and raving about being “surrounded by incompetent assholes.” He went on and on, cursing up a storm.

Unbeknown to me, Major Baker had terminated his salute. The president was standing between us directing his remarks at us both. Finally, after a barrage of curse words, he leaned over, looked me right in the eyes, and said, “Put your fucking hand down.” I terminated my salute.

He ended with a comment that burned into my psyche and to this very day has never left it: “If you assholes don’t get your fucking act together soon, I’ll send you all to Vietnam.” He then stormed off toward the house. I stood there with clinched fists, jaws so tight I couldn’t speak. Major Baker, obviously accustomed to this sort of abuse, laughed and said: “I wonder what we didn’t do this time?” At the Ship’s Office, we discovered the baggage had not yet arrived since it was coming by car. The president, apparently, was embarrassed that his guest could not change into more comfortable clothes.

There’s more, but you’ll have to get the book. To do so look to the left and you’ll see “Buy The Book,” click on it,  fill it out, I will get the email, and contact you personally.

Originally posted 2017-02-07 17:03:33.

A Great Recap of Past Presidents

I have confirmed that there is a George Roof and he did,in fact, author this piece. He  pent 30 years in the USAF retiring as a Master Sergeant. He now lives in Delaware and is a taxidermist. What a great recap of all the presidents staring with LBJ. AND, I can not find one comment he makes with which I disagree. He nails every single one of them perfectly.

Presidents I’ve Known by George Roof
Because I am a “lifer” in the military, I’ve seen the impact of a president more than many of you can imagine. I enlisted with LBJ and saw just what a Democrat clusterflock was all about. I went to Vietnam and saw how we were constantly and incessantly bombarded with micromanagement from Washington that got thousands of military people killed. I sometimes wonder if I’ll get

 to heaven, but if I go to hell, I’m sure I’ll still be a few hundred floors above that bastard Robert McNamara , LBJ, John Kerry, Jane Fonda, and yes, even the “hero” John McCain.
After Johnson “abdicated” rather than having his ass waxed, I lived through Nixon who was hawkish but allowed the generals (and there WERE a few real generals back then versus now) run the show. He was so out of touch that he never knew North Vietnam was about to surrender when the Paris Accord was presented.
Only God could help us after Gerald Ford was beaten by Jimmy Peanuts who’d been funded by Saudi money. The military was turned into Section 8 and even the White House suffered the austerity.
Then the light began to shine and Ronald Reagan swept into the fray. He not only loved the country and the military, they loved him back. Esprit d’corps was off the scale during his presidency. The Liberals were slowly turning into socialists, however, and about this time all the draft dodgers of the 1960’s who’d been given amnesty by Jimmy Peanuts were turning out college graduates with degrees in socialism.
Bush 1 was an enigma from the CIA and though he never did much either way, he NEVER DID MUCH EITHER WAY.
Welcome to Bill Clinton. Clinton spent most of his two terms wagging the dog and creating the Oral Office, sending a bomber to blow up Quaddafi’s tent and killing a goat or two, while allowing the UN to set up the infamous Black Hawk Down situation. He made history by becoming only the second president to be impeached.
I actually felt sorry for Bush 2. He was doomed to infamy from the start. He thought most of America was still the rah rah patriots of WWII when they were simply socialists waiting to feed him to the sharks.
Then there came the Manchurian Candidate with a faked (OK Democrats, let’s say “of questionable origin” to assuage your PC brains) birth certificate, who’d gotten a free ride through college under a foreign student exemption, and whose college records and complete life history had been sealed. (We know more about Thomas Jefferson’s bastard children than we do about Obama, Michelle, OR their two kids.) From his inaugural address, he slandered America and within days had begun to encourage dissention of the races as well as slandering police who “acted stupidly.” That was mild to the crap that would come in doubling the national debt from what had been built by ALL THE PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED, feeding us bullspit about how Muslims built this country, and nationalizing American industries. Fueled by George Soros’ money and using the Air Force fleet as his personal charters, he appointed malcontents and traitors into positions of authority. He trashed the Constitution by installing “czars” (interesting he chose a title like that) to bypass Congressional authority. By that time, Congress was completely corrupt on both sides of the aisle. No one had balls to impeach this charlatan.
Mysteriously, the lone outspoken conservative Supreme Court Justice suddenly dies in his sleep at an Obama pal’s hunting lodge and the Supreme Court is evenly split. Finally, Congress shows some balls and rejects Obama’s nomination. The Libtards aren’t worried because the fix is in. Soros has paid demonstrators to cause turmoil at all the Republican gatherings, Obama concedes that illegal aliens should vote as they won’t be prosecuted, and Soros-manufactured voting machines are caught switching votes in certain precincts. Hillary has cheated her way to the nomination and her lies are completely ignored by the brainwashed minions of sycophants who follow her.
But a shocking thing happened on the way to the forum.
Middle America had had enough and although the pollsters and the pipers tried to convince them not even to bother to vote, they were fed up with the denizens of the swamp. It was time. Florida was designated a “swing” state ignoring that all those old retirees living in St. Petersburg, and the fed up Cuban Americans of Miami weren’t interested in their platform. Ohio and Pennsylvania, where coal production was blacklisted and where Obama had ridiculed them for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” lay awaiting this supposed “landslide” Hillary vote and creamed it.
The Socialist world of the Democratic Party disintegrated. An American who expressed unbridled love of country and respect for police, firemen, and military steamrolled across the heartland and the liberals realized their scheme was trashed. A CONSTITUTIONALIST would be nominated to the Supreme Court and if the hag who’d claimed to retire if Trump were elected would actually leave, the Supreme Court would have a massive majority of CONSTITUTIONALISTS for the next 40-50 years.
Now, the same party who’d ridiculed Trump on his comments about the election being rigged, started screaming that the election was rigged. They even advocated having the election repeated. They created mobs that burned and pillaged, stopped traffic, threatened murder, batter and rape of Trump supporters, and became the anarchists that the socialist dream thrives upon. They run like castrated pigs for safe zones and use diaper pins as their national symbol.
This is exactly what happens when political correctness takes over and participation trophies are awarded to everyone. They can’t conceive how disgusting and subservient they have become. Donald Trump may NOT be the best person for the job, but he’s such a welcome respite from the candy-assed wimps who’ve been running the swamp that it’s refreshing to see. At the very least, Donald Trump derailed the Socialist train and bought us precious time. If he only does half of what he’s promised, we’ll still be legions ahead of where Obama has dragged us. Already countries who held us in contempt are lining up to be found in the favor of America.
So for you liberal lurkers and you half-assed fence-sitters, kiss off. You had your big hurrah and now your party is over. For you staunch Republicans in office, don’t gloat so much yourselves. You’ve been put on notice by the American people that we’re fed up with ALL YOU BASTARDS and if you don’t start putting America first, you do so at your own peril. You might want to buy a copy of George McGovern’s autobiography and see how shocking and humbling it can be for a professional politician to have to try to find legitimate work once he falls from grace. This election was pure, unadulterated AMERICAN. Hillary got beaten and AMERICA WON THE ELECTION. You> can claim he’s not “your president” all you want, but unless you forfeit your American citizenship, YES HE IS!!!! Go cry a river some place where they need water.

Originally posted 2017-02-07 13:08:00.