NFL Execs ‘Genuinely Hate’ Protesting Kaepernick

Take a knee son — for good! Finally, the NFL does something about this scumbag who started a new fad among the Millennials. If you go to the NewsMax post, you must read the comments, they are great! It surprised me that so many did the same thing I did — stopped watching the football except for the Super Bowl. And you know what, I didn’t miss it. I found other things to do or watch on Monday and Thursday nights and again on Sunday. I have a feeling what finally caused the NFL and the teams to can this guy — $$$$$. We do not need role models for our children like this POS. The only team I know of that made a statement about this bum was Jerry Jones, whom I never had much use for, told the team, take knee and you next move will be to the bench. Good for you JJ!

Now Kaepernick and his Muslim sweetie can spend all their time on their knees or wherever. Wonder how long his money will last?

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NFL teams “genuinely hate” former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick – one executive calling him “an embarrassment to football” – a GM told Bleacher Report’s Mike Freeman.

“He can still play at a high level – the problem is three things are happening with him,” the source reportedly said. “First, some teams genuinely believe that he can’t play. They think he’s shot. I’d put that number around 20 percent.

“Second, some teams fear the backlash from fans after getting him. They think there might be protests or [President Donald] Trump will tweet about the team. I’d say that number is around 10 percent. Then there’s another 10 percent that has a mix of those feelings.

“Third, the rest genuinely hate him and can’t stand what he did [kneeling for the national anthem].”

Kaepernick whipped up a firestorm for his protest against police treatment of minorities this past fall, which might have attributed to current lack of interest on the free-agent market in a league with a dearth of quarterbacks. From all the noise of the past fall, the “silence is deafening” now, Freeman wrote.

“They want nothing to do with him,” the source told Freeman. “They won’t move on. They think showing no interest is a form of punishment. I think some teams also want to use Kaepernick as a cautionary tale to stop other players in the future from doing what he did.”

Originally posted 2017-03-20 09:05:15.

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