A Humbling Review


A very humbling review by a friend and fellow Marine for which I always held in high regard. Alastair and I served in the 7th Marines together at  Camp Pendleton, CA in the tumultuous early 70’s. Both of us were company commanders fighting the Camp San Mateo wars. Thank you very much kind sir!


Upon receipt I immediately read your book, but have now had time to re-read at my leisure, and it’s a wonderful tribute to a great career, written by a most erudite and talented author. What memories it has brought back…and on almost every page a friend or past comrade pops up..names upon names, locations all well remembered. I hadn’t realized for example, that both Wayne Rollins and John McGinty had been on the Drill Field with you. And, it’s funny how Boot Camp is so much clearer in my mind than TBS.

Your dedication is all the more dear and meaningful to me now. You do me great honour, as it should be you in whom I stand in awe !

Do keep in touch. All the best.



Originally posted 2017-06-12 16:25:46.

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