Personal Classified Ad

Please accept my apologies for posting a classified ad on my blog, but I’m somewhat desperate and want to sell this item ASAP. It is our RV that we purchased back in April to replace the one we lost in the hurricane. In our aged old wisdom we thought we wanted to downsize further from the 34′ rig we lost and went to a 25′ 8″ Class C, our first. Well, when you go from a 40′ to a 34′ to a  25′ “things” just don’t fit and some of those “things” are creature comforts that 15 years ago we cared less about, but at our ripe age TOTAL comfort is what I considered needed  AND deserved. For example, Ms. Nancy misses her washer/dryer on long trips like the one we took during  August up north in search of cooler weather, which we FINALLY found in Northern MN,  LOL. So, if you or anyone of your friends and acquaintances are in search of a a quality RV guaranteed by myself, a very experienced RV-er, send them my way at my basic email address, which is To be totally honest, with what I have added to this rig, this is one helluva deal.

Here is the link, and do not be afraid to make a sensible offer. May have to copy and paste in your browser.

Semper Brothers and Sisters!! Jim

Originally posted 2023-09-22 12:52:50.

2 thoughts on “Personal Classified Ad”

  1. Hey Jim and Nancy. That rig is a beauty and someone will snap it up for sure. My problem is we only travel about 35-70 miles from home a couple times a year. But, it must be hard getting through toll booths with that side thingy sticking out. Even an inexperienced Naval Officer like myself can figure that out (jk). Anyway, hope you end up with whatever works best for you both and Edgar.



  2. It’s your blog; you don’t have to apologize for anything.

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