The Truth About

22 Veteran Suicides A Day

By Stacy Bare

Body BearersWhile the suicide rate among veterans from operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom is still too high, it’s not 22 a day.

There is a statistic that has been widely quoted in the veteran community that highlights an estimated 22 veterans a day are committing suicide. It is a deeply troubling statistic and has galvanized the veteran movement, both from inside the military and veteran communities, and externally, to bring about a wide range of programming nationwide. The statistic, however, is widely misunderstood.

This figure — 22 veterans a day commit suicide — while widely touted by politicians, media outlets, veterans service organizations, among others, comes from the VA’s 2012 Suicide Data Report, which analyzed the death certificates of 21 states from 1999 to 2011, and often is not provided within the right context. The report itself, as cited by the Washington Post earlier this year, warned, “It is recommended that the estimated number of veterans be interpreted with caution due to the use of data from a sample of states and existing evidence of uncertainty in veteran identifiers on U.S. death certificates.” As an example, the average age of veteran suicides within the data set was nearly 60 years old, not representative of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans generation.

A more recent study, which surveyed 1.3 million veterans who were discharged between 2001 and 2007, found that “Between 2001 and 2009, there were 1650 deployed veterans and 7703 non-deployed veteran deaths. Of those, 351 were suicides among deployed veterans and 1517 were suicides among non-deployed veterans. That means over nine years, there was not quite one veteran suicide a day,” according to the Washington Post.

While veterans have a suicide rate 50% higher than those who did not serve in the military, the rate of suicide was, as the LA Times reported, “…slightly higher among veterans who never deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq, suggesting that the causes extend beyond the trauma of war.”

Coming home from war, a six-month deployment on a ship, or simply transitioning from a life in uniform to a life without one, can be difficult and the various state and federal systems set up to deal with this transition and life after military services are unable to meet the need. That is not to say these programs — the Veterans Affairs entitlement and benefit programs like medical care, the G.I. Bill, the VA Home Loan, etc. — are not helpful; they are. But, for my generation of veterans from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, our suicide rate is closer to one a day and most likely to occur in the first three years of return. While this this is still very troubling, it is not 22.

Still, there are further steps needed in bridging the gap created by those who serve and those who don’t. Supporting integration back into families and communities requires robust public-private partnerships. The veterans, as well as the communities they live in, are both responsible for filling or bridging that gap, though not necessarily equally.

The challenges of adjustment and transition, post-traumatic stress, traumatic brain injuries, and physical disabilities, all need to be addressed especially as these things result in barriers to education, employment, health care, and overall individual well-being. Many of these needs are being met by a combination of different veteran-serving nonprofits and VA support. Unfortunately, there are still gaps in the system.

We in the veteran advocacy community need to tailor our programming, especially if we are in the business of preventing suicides, to respond to what we’ve learned from the data. One suicide is one suicide too many. Effective programming to help service members, veterans, and families transition to a positive life after service in their first three years home from service is a must.

Another requirement is fostering supportive community relationships for veterans, and really for all people, when life gets difficult as they surge past the age of 50. It also means that if we are serious about tackling the problem, we need to be creating, or rather shifting, programming specifically to address the needs of older veterans while maintaining preventative care for recently returned veterans.

As soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines, we all prided ourselves in uniform on not making the emotional decision, but the right decision. As veterans, we should have the same commitment and that means we need to act within the framework of facts — in advocacy and programming. Inadvertently, we’re preying on a well-intentioned public by citing a misleading statistic to receive financial support and that’s not right.

As veterans, we’re far more resilient than we’ve given ourselves credit for. If we do our job now, and extend a helping hand to our brothers and sisters over 50, we can decrease that suicide rate, and ensure our generation avoids despair in the future.

Stacy Bare is focused on providing programming and advocacy for veterans and others to engage in the power of time spent outdoors. He is working on a project, Make Adventure Not War, that will allow him to ski or climb in the various countries he deployed to during his time in service. 

Originally posted 2016-09-11 12:54:43.

You Watch and Decide . . . .

If this person fit to be the leader of the free world, and more importantly the leader of our country? This is an astounding report by someone that appears to know what he’s talking about and supports his premise with medical facts. Believe me, it may be a tad long, but if you care about our country and it’s future you need to watch it to the end.


Originally posted 2016-09-07 15:07:58.

FOX – Fair and Balanced?

FOX_wordmark.svgIf you think so, maybe this article will alter that opinion a tad.

Wow! Well said Howard, well said! I never was much of a Chris Wallace fan, I always looked at him as snotty-nosed kid that never grew up, but now? What a scumbag to have asked Dr. Carson such an inappropriate question.


Tuesday, September 06, 2016

By: Howard Galganov


On Sunday, September 4, 2016 . . . as Anne and I were heading to the Shooting Range, we were tuned to FOX News on the Sirius/XM Radio in the F-150, listening to the 2:00 O’clock replay of the Chris Wallace Sunday News Show.

The reason why I listened to Wallace, with whom I have very little Regard, was to hear the interview he had with Dr Ben Carson, concerning the Trump OUTREACH to the Black Community in Detroit, held on Saturday September 3, 2016.

I’m not going to go into the whole Interview, since it was irrelevant: BUT WHAT IS 100% RELEVANT, was just one question Wallace asked, which probably took less than 5-Seconds to ask – BUT IS WORTH HOURS OF DISCUSSION.


Near the Middle of the interview, Wallace asked the following Question of Ben Carson, which I’m going to Paraphrase, because I can’t remember the exact words . . . but I can remember the EXACT implication:

Do you feel that you’re being used by Trump to legitimize him in the Black Community?


In other words . . . as I heard it . . . and as I understood it in the terms and use of words from a different time and place, not that long ago, are akin to – ARE YOU TRUMP’S HOUSE NIGGER?

I write this with incredulity beyond the norm . . . I’ve heard HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS of Interviews by News Pundits, including Chris Wallace, who have interviewed all sorts of Political Candidates and their SUPPORTERS over every type of imaginable issue, BUT I HAVE NEVER HEARD ANY SUPPORTER ASKED . . . If he or she was being used by the Candidate to WEASEL into that SUPPORTERS’ cultural or Racial Group, especially one group that is as Racially Sensitive and important to the outcome of an Election as is the American Black Community, for what perhaps is the MOST important Election in our lifetime – SO WHY CARSON?


No one who is SUPPOSEDLY Fair and Balanced would ask a Black Man, but especially such an accomplished and extraordinarily well known and World Medically Renowned Black Man the likes of Doctor Ben Carson, if he was being USED to promote Trump BECAUSE he is a Black Man.

In other words . . . this RACIST question by Chris Wallace created a subliminal doubt about Ben Carson’s lack of awareness that he MIGHT be, being used because he was a Black Man.


WOULD CHRIS WALLACE . . . ask a Prominent Jew if he or she was worried about being used by Hillary, because he or she was a Jew, to give approbation to their support for  Hillary? Or Black Leaders who are supporting  Hillary, if they were HOUSE BOYS OR HOUSE GIRLS for Hillary?

Or how about Gays, Lesbians and who knows what else . . . if they were SEXUALLY GENDERED DUPES for Crooked Hillary, because they support her?

So . . . Anyone who believes that Chris Wallace is Fair and Balanced, should write to FOX News and ask them why Wallace asked Ben Carson if he was being used by Trump because Dr Carson is a Black Man? AND HOW IS THAT NOT RACIST?


The Polls, which were released TODAY (Tuesday September 6, 2016), which show Trump is2% AHEAD OF CROOKED HILLARY NATIONALLY, are in my opinion not all that accurate. Perhaps they are in some LEFTIST’S demented mind, that she is only 2% BEHIND in their perfect Rainbow Colored World . . . BUT IN ALL REALITY – I am utterly convinced that come Election Day, Crooked Hillary will be CREAMED, not as much by Trump, but as much by the American People, who have had enough of her type of SCUM.

I’m waiting on SHPILKES (Pins and Needles) for the debates between someone with a Passion and a Plan for Making AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, compared to a Carpet Bagger who wants to hang-on to the Ill Begotten Position she has taken through CORRUPTION, LIES & DECEIT . . . Let The Games Begin.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

Originally posted 2016-09-06 14:47:46.

A Must Watch

Admiral Lyons was among other assignments:

  • Com2ndFlt in the Atlantic aboard USS Mt. Whitney.
  • Director of Naval Operations in the Pentagon.
  • CinCPacFlt in the Pacific & Indian Oceans out of Hawaii.

His age is showing, as is yours and mine!, but his mind is clear – and he’s spot on!

This is a long video (21 minutes), but you need to listen to him, and then send it to all your liberal “friends,” that is, if you have any.

Originally posted 2016-09-06 13:21:55.


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