I simply could not resist posting this. Sorry if it offends anyone; but if it does, crawl back under your rock Dude!
Copy and paste, relax and enjoy.
Originally posted 2016-09-26 15:53:52.
I know you all have been waiting for this. LOL I had to wait to see what Greg said before I posted my personal thoughts on Tuesday. Truthfully I shut the TV down and went to bed around 2400. Just couldn’t handle it anymore; he was at 246. Woke up to pee at 0200; all that Scotch had to get out. Afterwards I went out to the living room and turned on the TV just for a peek, and at around 0218 FOX News gave the election to Trump. I wanted to go out and start up the motorhome and lay on the air horns and wake the entire neighbor-hood up. That morning I texted my neighbor and told her what I was thought of doing and she said: “I was awake and I would have come outside in my PJ’s screaming”
What is there to say? All the pollsters and the fourth estate (the so-called guardians of our democracy) all got it wrong. I shall have more to say later, but let me post Greg’s excellent article and read your comments.
Election hangover
By: Greg Maresca
Despite democrats posing as election officials, Dominion voting machines, the questionable
counting of votes, foreign interference, ballot box fires in several states, ballot stuffing, cyber tampering, and voting by illegal immigrants, the best possible outcome of a decisive victory – both with the popular vote and the Electoral College – was a stark and much needed reality.
Even with the outcome well in hand, Trump Derangement Syndrome will not go away as those infected can’t stand the thought of how Donald Trump is a quasar of politics. No one in American history has been attacked as relentlessly, by such a phalanx of powerful forces, and for as long as Donald Trump.
It would be nice to know just how many noncitizens voted but the nation’s fourth estate – its media – just ain’t interested and underscores just how the media continues to fail the American Republic.
What about the polls that got it wrong?
Pollsters almost always oversample democrats. When no one was looking, plenty voted for Trump understanding that the course the USS America was on was headed straight to oblivion and that a change was absolutely necessary.
Leading up to the election, Barack Obama was not too happy that some independent thinking Black men would actually vote Trump over Kamala Harris. This underscores how out of touch the bi-racial Obama is. You would think by now Obama would know that a good percentage of the brothers will take the fat, white, blonde every time.
Even the Amish turned out for Trump. If Harris had an advantage with the Amish it was, they were the only Americans not ticked off about the high price of gas as they rode their horse
buggies flying their Trump flags on the way to the polls in Pennsylvania.
During the campaign, plenty of RINOs were exposed that are too many to mention and played the part of the useful idiot extremely well.
I held my breath and not my nose when I voted. With Trump’s remarkable and victorious political comeback, he has plenty of work ahead and is now exclusively positioned to accomplish plenty. However, will the Left’s hostility of hatred, fear, and animosity toward Trump attempt to obstruct him from performing his duties and keep his life in the crosshairs? Rather than chaos and a drop in the markets hurting the American greenback, the nation refused to go the banana republic route. The aftereffects had a distinct 2016 vibe as Trump peaked with the fall foliage.
Had those democrat honchos truly believed that Harris was leading in the polls; she would have remained sequestered. However, that was far from the case and Harris was compelled to appear time and again in public where she cannot help to expose herself as the incompetent DEI candidate she was. Her campaign was summed up in one sentence when she appeared on “The View” when she swung and missed with her slow-pitch softball of an interview when asked what she would do differently from President Joe Biden over the last four years. Harris was unapologetic and direct saying, “There is not a thing that comes to mind.” Game. Set. Match.
Harris won the democrat’s nomination for president without winning a single primary vote.
Perhaps the democrats will learn from this? To Harris’s credit, she did concede with dignity even though it was several hours after the fact.
If it’s any consolation to both sides of the aisle, all those political text messages and postcards will finally cease….
How any one with a brain and, at minimum cares even a tad about America, could cast a vote to a person who has never accomplished anything in her lifetime is beyond me. But then; that’s the society within which we live today. I want to be Trump’s head of the DHS. LOL
Something tells me there will be a pile of bureaucrats looking for a job come Inauguration Day. I suspect Trump will retreat to his once TV Show, “You’re Fired!”
This excellent article needs no explanation, except maybe to those who question its point. I do not.
A Hard Rain Is Going to Fall
Victor Davis Hanson · Sep. 22, 2016
This summer, President Obama was often golfing. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were promising to let the world be. The end of summer seemed sleepy, the world relatively calm.
The summer of 1914 in Europe also seemed quiet. But on July 28, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip with help from his accomplices, fellow Serbian separatists. That isolated act sparked World War I.
In the summer of 1939, most observers thought Adolf Hitler was finally through with his serial bullying. Appeasement supposedly had satiated his once enormous territorial appetites. But on Sept. 1, Nazi Germany unexpectedly invaded Poland and touched off World War II, which consumed some 60 million lives.
Wars often seem to come out of nowhere, as unlikely events ignite long-simmering disputes into global conflagrations.
The instigators often are weaker attackers who foolishly assume that more powerful nations wish peace at any cost, and so will not react to opportunistic aggression.
Unfortunately, our late-summer calm of 2016 has masked a lot of festering tensions that are now coming to a head — largely due to disengagement by a supposedly tired United States.
In contrast, war, unlike individual states, does not sleep.
Russia has been massing troops on its border with Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin apparently believes that Europe is in utter disarray and assumes that President Obama remains most interested in apologizing to foreigners for the past evils of the United States. Putin is wagering that no tired Western power could or would stop his reabsorption of Ukraine — or the Baltic states next. Who in hip Amsterdam cares what happens to faraway Kiev?
Iran swapped American hostages for cash. An Iranian missile narrowly missed a U.S. aircraft carrier not long ago. Iranians hijacked an American boat and buzzed our warships in the Persian Gulf. There are frequent promises from Tehran to destroy either Israel, America or both. So much for the peace dividend of the “Iran deal.”
North Korea is more than just delusional. Recent nuclear tests and missile launches toward Japan suggest that North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un actually believes that he could win a war — and thereby gain even larger concessions from the West and from his Asian neighbors.
Radical Islamists likewise seem emboldened to try more attacks on the premise that Western nations will hardly respond with overwhelming power. The past weekend brought pipe bombings in Manhattan and New Jersey as well as a mass stabbing in a Minnesota mall — and American frustration.
Europe and the United States have been bewildered by huge numbers of largely young male migrants from the war-torn Middle East. Political correctness has paralyzed Western leaders from even articulating the threat, much less replying to it.
Instead, the American government appears more concerned with shutting down the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, ensuring that no administration official utters the words “Islamic terror,” and issuing warnings to Americans not to lash out due to their supposedly innate prejudices.
Aggressors are also encouraged by vast cutbacks in the U.S. defense budget. The lame-duck Obama presidency, lead-from-behind policies and a culturally and racially divided America reflect voter weariness with overseas commitments.
It would be a mistake to assume that war is impossible because it logically benefits no one, or is outdated in our sophisticated 21st century, or would be insane in a world of nuclear weapons.
Human nature is unchanging and remains irrational. Evil is eternal. Unfortunately, appeasement is often seen by thugs not as magnanimity to be reciprocated but as timidity to be exploited.
Someone soon will have to tell the North Koreans that a stable world order cannot endure its frequent missile launches and nuclear detonations.
Someone could remind Putin that the former Soviet republics have a right to self-determination.
Someone might inform the Chinese that no one can plop down artificial islands and military bases to control commercial sea lanes.
Someone might make it clear to radical Islamic terrorists that there is a limit to Western patience with their chronic bombing, murdering and destruction.
The problem is that there is no other “someone” (especially not the United Nations or the European Union) with the requisite power and authority except the United States. But for a long time America has done more than its fair share of international policing — and its people are tired of costly dragon-slaying abroad.
The result is that at this late date, the tough medicine of restoring long-term deterrence is as almost as dangerous as the disease of continual short-term appeasement.
Obama apparently assumes he can leave office as a peacemaker before his appeased chickens come home to roost in violent fashion. He has assured us that the world has never been calmer and quieter.
Others said the same thing in the last calm summer weeks of 1914 and 1939.
War clouds are gathering. A hard rain is soon going to fall.
Originally posted 2016-09-25 23:23:47.
Every now and then I get melancholy and tire of political discourse (read BS), election diatribe, mean-spirited liberals slamming my vote choice, and of course my mean-spirited slams against “her,” which is certainly well-deserved, and think about my cats. Yes, this ole, worn-out, retired, (and yes tired), Infantry Marine, and my bride of 30 years raise cats. Not just plain old vanilla, house cats, but the gorgeous, intelligent, hypoallergenic, immigrant from Russia. So named for its homeland where it roams free in the harshest of climes – Siberia.
Siberians are smart, possessed of a dog-like personality by meeting you at the door and to welcome you from a day at work. Their jumping ability allows them to negotiate places ordinary cats just dream about. For example the photo of our Nadeah resting on the valance begs the question, “How’d she get there?” Well, she’s a Siberian!
Starting at 0130, our Zhaklin finished around 0430 this past Friday morning giving birth to three magnificent creatures, How anyone can watch the birthing of life followed by the natural tendencies to search for the nipple while Mom cleans them and helps them in their search and not belief there is a God is beyond me.
But then I digress, as one may well imagine, I take a lot of heat from my fellow Marines, about this gruff old Marine raising pussy cats. But I guess I deserve it. I get lots of attachments to emails about cats. Received one the other day that is the funniest to date. Each time I watch it I darn near roll out of the chair with laughter. Take a peek and see what you think.
Beforehand though here is a picture of Zhaklin with her new offspring.
May have to copy and paste:
Originally posted 2016-09-24 16:20:05.