A Very Intelligent Young Lady

cropped-DEAD-STUPID-e1457537417619.jpgYowser! If you like Hillary Clinton I would not watch this young lady’s video. But wait a minute, if you do like her, maybe you NEED to watch this well-written, well-articulated diatribe about the very woman of whom I speak. It is great and filled with so much truth — WOW! I love it, I even watched it twice for fear that I may have missed something. Comments please, I’d’ like to know what you thought about it. Of course if you are one of “those” of whom she speaks, you need to do what she recommends before you comment on this blog, and let me know what you found under there. Oh Dear God, excuse me, I have to go watch it again!!



Originally posted 2016-04-13 16:30:31.

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