Soaring Valor

I’m going out on the limb here and show a side that I don’t do all that often. I have always been a fan of Mr. Gary Sinise, not only for his abilities on the wide-screen, but for his unapologetic patriotism and concern for military members and veterans. He is atypical of the brash, ungrateful Hollywood types that flood our theaters and TV screens with their less than quality performances, and oftentimes political rhetoric—as though someone actually cares what they think.

I came across one of Mr. Sinise’s videos and was somewhat surprised by the lack of views (168K+). I believe it is well worth the less than eight minutes to watch the expressions of joy and the tears from those involved in these worthy events. God bless Mr. Sinise and all the others who participate in this program for our WW II Veterans—there are less and less of them remaining every month.

I wonder where are the Cruise’s, the Penn’s, the Clooney’s, and the rest of the scum that are missing from scenes. They are probably too busy promoting themselves and another of their trashy movies. Personally, I won’t watch one of their movies on my TV, let alone pay money to see them in a theater.

Originally posted 2015-12-19 15:43:07.

Those Blasted Gyrenes

039d06f75cb623b3d6276c7107fe2f14The Marines, the Marines,
Those blasted Gyrenes,
Those seagoing bellhops,
Those brass-buttoned queens,
Oh! They pat their own back
Write stories in reams,
All in the praise of themselves—
The U.S. Marines!

The Marines, The Marines,
Those publicity fiends,
They built all the forests,
Turned on all the streams,
Discontent with the earth,
They say Heaven’s scenes
Are guarded by—you guess
Right! U.S. Marines!

The moon never beams,
Except when the Marines
Give it permission to turn on its gleams.
And the tide never rises,
The wind never screams—
Unless authorized by the U.S. Marines

The Marines, the Marines,
In their khakis and greens,
Their pretty blue panties,
Red stripes down their seams.
They have thought all the thoughts,
Dreamed all the dreams.

Singing, “The Song of Myself”—The U.S. Marines.—From “Gismo” a publication for all servicemen in the South Pacific, this pent-up irritation was let out in doggerel “believed to be by a sailor.” May 6, 1944.


Originally posted 2015-12-17 12:33:18.


This Marine said NO!

Alex at DMVToday Alex went to the DMV to renew his license. When he was told to go have his picture taken he noticed there were some men having their pictures taken wearing turbans. Alex was asked to take his hat off to have his picture taken. He said “no”, and “no” again when asked the second time. When asked why he would not remove his hat he said, “those men didn’t remove their head wear, I shouldn’t either.” It was explained that this was their attire and their religion. Alex told the DMV person that what he had on was his attire, and when he entered the Marines he declared an oath to the USA, and one nation under God, so that his oath was under God—just as good as his religion. The DMV people didn’t know what to do, they spoke to supervisors and called Sacramento. Alex was told, after an hour, that he could wear his hat for the picture and if there were any problems they would let him know and he could appeal their decision. He told them if there was a problem he WILL appeal. Alex feels no one has more right to display their head-gear then a veteran or active duty service person. When he left several employees at the DMV clapped quietly for him. He has spoken to few other Veterans and they plan to do the same.


Originally posted 2015-12-16 23:27:05.

Radio Interview

The below link will take you to a radio interview conducted by Mr. Jay Douglas Barker of Toginet Radio for IUniverse—the publisher of the book. I must warn you; however,  it is long—personally, I believe too long– 25:42—so you may want to grab a big cup of coffee, or maybe even a stiff drink. Of course, I jest. Reducing the size was beyond the reach of this electronically handicapped Marine Grunt. Therefore, I added some photos throughout to perhaps relieve some boredom. Readers of the book will recognize some of the photos; however, there are many more that were not in the book. Listeners will learn the true genesis of the book


Originally posted 2015-12-16 14:44:39.

A Soldier’s Pledge

In case you were not old enough to have heard this speech, or perhaps more recent times and events have caused you to forget what it is like to listen to someone who truly loved his country and believed in its abilities. When he spoke, I sincerely believed he was talking to me! Where are the real patriots today, those who truly believe in the strength of every American and in our once great nation. God help us . . . please!

Originally posted 2015-12-16 13:14:18.