This is So Funny

Only in a Third World shit hole could something such as this happen. I mean let’s be serious folks, this has got to be a Joke, but Judicial Watch says it ain’t.  I mean what can we expect next from our citizens? I mean this is hilarious. I’m sure this guy, this felon, this murderer will carry out his duties in a respectful manner. LOL


As the homicide rate hits a record high in Washington D.C. the city elects a convicted murderer to public office in a unique election featuring all inmate candidates. The freshly elected public official, Joel Caston, has been in prison 26 years and is currently incarcerated at the District of Columbia Jail. In 1996 Caston was convicted by a jury of first-degree murder for ambushing and killing a man in the city’s Anacostia neighborhood. Court records obtained by Judicial Watch indicate that a 2016 appeal was denied. In the document, Caston’s attorneys name the victim, which is not common practice today. Court records also reveal a “speed loader”—a device used to rapidly load ammunition into a firearm—was found by police under Caston’s mattress after the shooting. It contained six rounds of .44 caliber ammunition as well as additional rounds of ammo.

Now Caston is a commissioner on D.C.’s Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC), which advises the D.C. Council and other local government entities involving matters ranging from liquor license applications to public safety. Commissioners serve two-year terms and are elected in even-numbered years. The ANC was established to bring “government closer to the people, and to bring the people closer to government,” according to its website. Caston was chosen by voters to represent Ward 7, one of D.C.’s most crime-infested areas. It is represented by Councilman Vince Gray, an ex-D.C. mayor who was embroiled in a campaign finance scandal. The Ward 7 ANC seat has never been occupied and D.C. officials conducted an unprecedented election earlier this month to fill the post. All five candidates and the majority of voters they courted are incarcerated at the same prison with Caston, according to a local news report.


Originally posted 2021-06-25 11:27:04.

3 thoughts on “This is So Funny”

  1. In this new twisted world it makes perfect sense: He is in prison. He’s in charge of the most crime infested area. Most of his voters are in prison with him. Pure logic in a leftist universe.

  2. Seems fitting, politicians, crooks, felons all the same. At least we know this guy already spent time for crimes, politicians need to pay their debt as well. Semper Fi

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