
Hi Gang.

It has been quite a while since I have posted anything on the blog, actually it has been over two months. And I do apologize, but Nancy and I have been a somewhat busy here in SWFL. I want to thank everyone who sent letters, emails, and texts supporting us  is so many, many ways. This was not something two people in the early 80’s needed, but it is what it is . We are still attempting to tackle the myriad of things we are having to do one day at a time.

The house is slowly beginning to look like a home, but still have a long way to go. We lost both of our cars and then learned that the RV was to be totaled as well. The insurance company has been gracious enough to allow us to live in it until we can move into the house, which I suspect will be sometime  in early spring.

I can’t believe how great FEMA has been. They came in for phase one and cleaned up all the curbside “stuff” from everyone’s home as well as all the trees that were cut down and stacked curbside. The photo at the top was the initial stuff that went to the curb; twice as much followed as the reclamation crew made their way through the entire house. The only furniture saved was some made from solid wood, all else went to the curb. Of course, there was much more added to the curbs after that phase as they were so quick to get in here and start the cleanup. They returned this week for phase two of the cleanup. For a govt agency, let me say I was impressed! Kudos to the guys working for that agency; they are very thorough!

Drywall is up and painted, some plumbing has been done as well as some electrical work. Once cabinets and counter tops are installed they will return to make all the necessary connections.  We purchased one mattress and are sleeping in the house, but all else is still taking place in the RV and will be for quite some time as the kitchen will take the longest to complete. The reason things are going slow is you can only imagine how contractors/vendors are in such high demand. For example, kitchen cabinets can take as long as fourteen weeks for delivery.

So, rest assured Nancy and I are well physically; can’t say the same emotionally as I’m sure you can imagine – LOL. Again, thank you so very much for the support everyone has provided

Semper Fi, Jim

Originally posted 2022-12-18 11:04:37.

30 thoughts on “Update”

  1. Colonel,

    I’m happy to hear that you are, “weathering the storm” both you, and Nancy are in my thoughts. As been said many times before, “tough times create tough men.” In this case, it wasn’t necessary, but you two have taken your lickings!

    Semper Fi!
    Lee Waananen

  2. Col B, may God keep you and protect you during this time of turmoil. It is very encouraging to hear FEMA is doing the folks down there right. I just came back from Lake Charles LA and rebuilding/repairing homes with Eight Days of Hope. I was amazed, two years later, to see hundreds of blue tarps still on roofs and roofs that were reshingled with rotten sheathing. Made for a busy eight days. Let me know how I can help. SF Andy

    1. Andy, bless you sir!! My niece lives in Lake Charles and I just saw her on 12/2 when I flew to JAX, NC for my sister’s 90th. She still has fully recovered from Katrina. When I spoke highly of FEMA, I was speaking only of their cleanup crews, which were fantastic and very thorough.

  3. So glad to hear the repair is moving along. When the storm first happened I had believed you to be on the east coast and was shocked to learn you were at ground zero. I’ve never experienced that kind of devastation so I can’t even imagine how you handled it. I hope you have a peaceful Christmas and better things coming in the new year. Hugs to your furry friends. Hazel

    1. Thank you Hazel! No, I’m afraid this won’t be a great Christmas. I am having a tough time singing Joy to World at church every Sunday. But we shall prevail!

  4. Colonel, so happy to hear that life is getting better for you and the better half! If there is anything else we can do for you both don’t hesitate to drop me an email or give me a call. My number is on my email, which I will resend. I’m just thinking, you might find this Christmas the best one you and your wife ever had. So Merry Christmas too the both of you this year!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement guys. I appreciate it very much and it does help.

  5. Prayers continuing. May God bless you both. Always, Chuck

  6. Very good to hear from you. I was impressed with both how the government has helped and how your legions of friends, fellow Marines, and family responded to the “call to arms.” Think if you often. Merry Christmas from Kristi and me.

    1. Thanks Dave, and you are right, I am humbled by all the assistance in every way from Marines, Navy friends, and family. It is what has helped try and keep my spirits up through it all. Bless you both and have a great Christmas. We told all the family, Christmas is cancelled by Gunny Scrooge this year. LOL

  7. So glad to hear that you and the wife are charging ahead as fast as the conditions allow. Really surprised about FEMA. Must be the good Lord’s divine intervention.
    God Speed,

    1. Thanks Smitty. Yes, FEMA gets a lot of flack from some folks who expect them to do everything. I could not have been more impressed with the job they did and are doing! They are one of the very few govt agencies I can’t say enough about.

  8. I was on Pine Island last month helping my adopted Dad & Mom rebuild their Winter place. Total devastating on that little Island. 😥

    1. I know Chico, there are lots of folks with more loss than we have. At least we have a solid structure to work with. Some on Marco Island lost everything including their house itself.

  9. So glad that you guys are progressing in your cleanup efforts. Having been through that I know it can take time and be depressing. It’s great that FEMA and your insurance company are working with you. That helps tremendously. Stay well. Semper Fi. Paul

  10. Thanks for the update…much appreciated. A total on the Class A is a nasty surprise. Linda and I wish you and the critters well.
    Best, Doug

  11. Col Jim I’m glad to hear that for once our government is actually helping deserving citizens after such an ordeal and loss given all the year you have both paid taxes. It is still a horrific thing to have inflicted on our both given your ages and after all you have given to your nation. But I am hearing the take charge and lead from the front for which you were so well known and respected for by all of us who served with with, or around you Col Jim. God Bless & Semper Fidelis. DB Wright

  12. I am so glad to hear y’all are recovering, albeit slowly.

    While FEMA may have proven a great resource, Almighty God is the true and universal resource Who is bringing y’all the blessings. I know He is faithful to continue.


    Col. Steve S. USMC Ret.

  13. Semper Fi, Colonel. Sending love, strength and prayers. 🙏

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