Got Mail?

I know it is Sunday, the Lord’s Day, and I was going to take a respite, but then this came across my computer screen. WOW! It would be funny if it weren’t so terrible. It’s almost unbelievable , but watch the videos and decide for yourself. Has anyone seen this on national news? I don’t watch the news so I don’t know. All I can say, who would want to live in CA, and especially in LA?  But then to each his/her own I guess. That place has become a lawless Third World Sh*thole! I don’t know which is worse Chicago or Los Angeles?? Copy and paste the URL below and watch  the actual videos of what is going on and see why your expected packages may be a little late. You might even see yours LOL.

Absolutely unbelievable!!!!!!! Comments welcome!

Originally posted 2022-01-16 11:24:08.

9 thoughts on “Got Mail?”

  1. I’m old enough to remember the good old days when there were signs posted ” looters will be shot on sight.” I miss those days. We have changed into a society of pansies.

  2. Unbelievable, I watched that yesterday on Anthony Brian Logan. Every day things just get dumber and dumber. Semper Fi

  3. Jim, The Hollywood elites and the democrats who control LA don’t care. They live in gated mansions. Maxine Waters doesn’t live in her district. 35,000 homeless.

  4. I know this sounds foolish but if the railroad knows this illegal action is going on, at minimum why don’t they employ a security company with armed guards to protect that railway line??? It is not like they can’t afford it? Certainly the LAPD are not capable of patrolling the area. I moved to Southern CA in the San Fernando Valley in 1954 from CT. SOCAL was a wonderful and beautiful place to live in the late 50’s early 60’s. As you said, Jim, now like SFO, it is a complete shithole!

    1. Tom, good question, We (Marines) once guarded the mail trains. LOL I don’t know Tom. What would the armed guards do? Couldn’t shot any body, not the way the legal system is out there, and the robbers know that. They’d still steal with impunity. Hell they are robbing stores everywhere and the store can can’t do anything. The fact of the matter is we are moving towards a becoming a shithole at the speed of light.

  5. By all means, let us continue to vote for Democrats so that one day, in the not too distant future, we can leave our children and grandchild with towns and cities like any of those found in the Middle East and in South and Central America — rife with filth and stupid people.

  6. This is how Republics die , when they allow mobocracy to be fed oxygen. The entirety of Western Civilization is becoming one big dumpster fire. And few recognizes the dangerous path we are on. Because they’re too busy trying to save the mermaids and unicorns. S/FI!

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