The Gipper

Greeting Folks, today is the Lord’s Day so I am taking a respite from the chaotic society in which we find ourselves. For one day, I shall let the swamp sink itself further down into the muck and post something calming. I hope you enjoy the break. It comes from  what I believe, and many of agree, the best Governor in this United States of America, the Honorable Mr. Ron Desantis proclaimed yesterday as Ronald Reagan Day within our State.

In Governor DeSantis’ words:

Ronald Reagan was one of the greatest presidents our nation has ever had and left an iconic legacy that continues to inspire. I’m pleased to proclaim today, Feb. 6, as Ronald Reagan Day in Florida in honor of The Gipper.

No photo description available.

I challenge you to compare this couple

To these pieces of political garbage. Not in any particular order; they were all garbage and hell bent on destroying our once great Nation














Can I get some Amens from those of you who agree. Amen!


Originally posted 2021-02-07 14:39:47.

9 thoughts on “The Gipper”

        1. traded the 2012 Newmar in on a Forest River 30′ gas. Same MPG as the Newmar, but 35-50 cents less than diesel. Do you travel much? Still in TN?

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