Super Bowl LVI

Okay folks, may I ask where will you be at at 1730 EST on Sunday 13 February? Well, first I shall share with you where I will be. I will be sitting outside under the lanai by the pool having a couple fingers of my favorite Single Malt Scotch, Monkey Shoulder, and a mild, hand rolled sweet cigar. Why you ask? Because it’s Happy Hour dummy. And when that is finished, my bride and I will retire to the LR and probably watch a movie on Netflix or Amazon Prime, or maybe a taped episode of 1883 — a great western if you haven’t seen it.

Bet I’ll know where you will be. You will probably be glued to your TV set with beer in hand and maybe some Tacos or Nachos spread out before you and ready to watch the Rams and 49ers battle it out at  Bowl LVI — right?

Sorry, but I don’t watch the NFL,. I did periodically this and last season, but now that my favorite player has announced he is retiring, my NFL days are over. I let you try and figure out who that player was.

But then, after some of you who do have some principles left in your body will, after ready this post, join me at Happy Hour. I mean for me it is 1730 and Happy Hour, but it may not be where you live, but remember the old saying, “It has to five o-clock somewhere. Who said that,, was it Jimmy Buffet, one of my FAVS.

Anyway, you don;t have to tell where you’ll be at that designated time, but if you choose to, by all means do so. Have a good day and enjoy the read Americans.

New York Post
January 29, 2022

Snoop Dogg performing at Super Bowl halftime show

Keepin’ it real. Let’s do it together.

Last Saturday, during CBS’s telecast of the Titans-Bengals playoff game, a commercial for Corona beer aired, starring Snoop Dogg, who, despite countless arrests for guns and drugs, has become a must-have to endorse products.

So what if he luridly degrades women as one of his stocks in trade if he can sell beer?

The night before that ad ran, NYPD officer Jason Rivera, 22, was shot dead with an assault rifle while responding to a domestic violence call in East Harlem. His partner, Wilbert Mora, 27, died from his wounds four days later.

And as I watched that Corona ad, I got to thinking about Snoop Dogg’s violently anti-police, pro-crime vile and vulgar “artistry,” mindful that Roger Goodell appointed and anointed Snoop Dogg the headliner at this year’s Super Bowl halftime.

Perhaps Goodell, also in the interest of keeping it real, would like to rap along with a “song” by Snoop and J5 Slap entitled, “Police.” Ready, Roger? It reads thusly:

“All you n—as out there,

Take your guns that you using to shoot each other

And start shooting these b—h-ass

mother-f–king police.

That’ll impress a mother-f–king n—a like me.”

But Snoop’s Super Bowl selection doesn’t just meet with the approval of the NFL and “It’s All About Our Fans” Goodell. The halftime show and Snoop’s appearance is sponsored with the full, proud commercial and financial support of Pepsi, which seems eager to become the soft drink of hardcore.

Back to that charming, ahem, song. Ready Team Pepsi? It’s Karaoke Night! Here we go:

“Dipping through the city with a Glock in a Range Rove

If you sleeping probably not with the same hoe

Rock the same clothes rich n—as do

And rock by the same code till I’m a rich n—a too

I be in the club with the stick in my shoe

You call the f–king police like a bitch n—a do.”

Five NYPD officers have been shot in the first 20 days of this year. And the fellow chosen by the NFL and approved by Goodell to star in this year’s halftime produces, records, sells and profits from “artistry” advocating streets filled with the blood of cops and threats against those who would help solve the shootings of cops and civilians.

More? We’ll give this part to NBC’s NFL pregame panelist, Jac Collinsworth. Sunday, after NBC presented a Super Bowl halftime promo narrated by Snoop Dogg, he said, “That was our friend, Snoop.”

Roger Goodell

Is that right? He’s our friend? Come on up to the mic, Jac. Now, in the name of keepin’ it real, pick it up with this, the refrain from “our friend’s” charming ditty (with Master P), “Snitches”:

“Snitches snitches snitches

N—as be running they mouth just like b–ches …

Snitches snitches snitches

I got a slug for ya’ll mother-f–king snitches.”

Hey, Corona beer marketing department, your turn. Ready? Snoop Dogg has a video in which he sings a cover version of NWA’s “F–k the police” while holding his crotch in a courtroom. It’s an easy one. Just repeat after Snoop:

“F–k the po-lice! F–k the po-lice!”

I invite — dare, challenge — everyone — Goodell, the NFLPA, NFL team owners, the executive board at Pepsi and Corona, NBC Sports, young Collinsworth — to demonstrate the courage of their convictions to join with Snoop Dogg in any of his dozens of similarly depraved enterprises presented as entertainment.

And now, just for added kicks, look up the lurid lyrics of two other Goodell-certified entertainers who will perform at this Super Bowl halftime, Eminem (“Just Don’t Give A F–k”) and crotch-grabbing Kendrick (“B–ch, Don’t Kill My Vibe”) Lamar.

This is what Roger Goodell thinks NFL audiences, of all ages, are worth on a Super Bowl Sunday. These acts are far beneath him as he has already admitted that he can’t repeat what Snoop Dogg raps. But he feels as if Snoop Dogg is perfect for you and yours — and professional football.

And it’s not as if previous Super Bowl halftime shows under Goodell’s classy, dignified guidance haven’t caused those who know right from wrong to ask why they’ve been dismissed as unworthy, disinvited as out of step with marching that points all of us backwards.

Why, under Goodell, have halftime shows been diving lower and lower? And why has he allowed such uncivil performers to be attached to a championship ball game?

Meanwhile, the classic “To Kill a Mockingbird,” has been removed from a Washington State school’s required reading list because it contains racial slurs.

And Goodell, the shameless $63 million per pandering phony, slaps “Stop Hate” and “End Racism” along the backs of end zones and players’ helmets, then invites Snoop Dogg to be the star of the Super Bowl.

Maybe Snoop will be granted a police escort to the stadium. For his safety, of course.

Officer Rivera was 22. Officer Mora was 27. Just keepin’ it real.

Postscript: Well let’s see I stopped buying Coke products because they went Woke and now Pepsi is sponsoring this half time debacle so I reckon I’ll have to stick with my single malt. HA! Corona? Eh? Not a beer drinker so that’s not a problem, but I do have some in my lanai fridge for guests; that’ll be gone

Originally posted 2022-01-31 08:59:00.

11 thoughts on “Super Bowl LVI”

  1. I no longer watch any sports. It started when they let pros in the olymipics As a Marine fighting Crhons, diabitys, dialysis and stage 4 lung cancer. I would fire them all and take that money and give it health care workers and that poor kid I see in the local supermarket at 6am stocking selves

  2. Phil Mushnick is a Staten Island guy who has always kept it real in the only “somewhat conservative voice” in NYC, the New York Post. I too no longer imbibe in the NFL. Chante and dark chocolates are more to my taste accompanied by some nonfiction.

  3. I doubt that I’ll waste my time watching the game or that punk Snoop Dog at halftime. I hardly watch any professional sports these days due to the fact that too many of the leagues and players have taken political positions that are far too liberal for my taste.
    What happened to the concept of playing the game for the entertainment of the paying fans? Too much politicking and posturing by “Authorities” in nothing more than running, catching, throwing or catching a ball.
    I would make an exception only if my beloved Seahawks were participating.

  4. Was never into sports of any kind so it’s just another day for me. Seeing as age has turned me into the crazy cat lady I’ll be doing my regular routine of feeding cats, cleaning litter boxes, picking up books knocked on the floor and sweeping cat hair that I swear comes from a herd of yaks. Hope you all have a day of peace and moments of rest mixed in to your chores. Be well all.

  5. Nope won’t be watching it, couldn’t care less about it. I used to be a die hard packer fan till kopernick decided to take a knee on lambeu field and nobody stomped his afro into a puddle of bloody pudding. I haven’t heard a game or watched a game since. They can all rot in hell together for all I care. I’ll probably be ice fishing that day and sipping a ice cold beer. Cheers and Semper Fi

  6. I will be doing my household chores, as I am the caregiver to my 2 other disabled family members [son has Down syndrome & Asperger Syndrome (a form of autism)] and the wife has such a bad/injured back that she can hardly walk. so I am the caregiver, cook, it repairman,errand runner, laundry man, & what ever else you can think of. I work longer & harder hours now than I did when I was at MCAS Yuma, [Material NCO and had over 250 Marines to take care of on a daily basis.

      1. This is what a husband & father does for his family.
        And this just part of our living
        I was disabled while on active duty at MCAS Yuma, [I was run over by an illegal alien & was forced to med retire due to all the injuries (she cot the Marine corps & Navy close to $750,000.00 {from the accident scene on through multi surgeries & physical therapy & transportation costs}] so I am the least disabled here, so I have to pick up the slack because the family can not do.
        Just remember there are other Marines/Veterans just like me out there, do the right thing for our families

    1. I know where you are coming from Mike. I’ve got same chores & responsibilities taking care of my bride. Good luck to you and your family and Semper Fi my brother.

  7. Good morning Sir , I haven’t watched a game of any kind since the Saints won the Super bowl and that trend for me is now a commitment forever. When I think of all the young folk’s who sacrificed their lives and limbs because they believed in something greater than themselves. While The District of Corruption lined their pockets. And then these criminals are celebrated by society. It’s just a symptom of the real Disease masquerading as the Cure that plauges our Republic and Western Civilization. “As in the Days of Noah”. S/FI!

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