“State Farm is There”

Yessiree, they sure are! It’s incredible to discover how many of our national corporations are participating in WOKE activities involving  the education of America’s most vulnerable treasures — our children. This one really caught me by surprise. The sad thing is the agents probably had nothing at all to do with this, that is unless they participated in the book collections. If I was a client of State Farm, which I am not, I would call my agent and play dumb, maybe even a tad supportive to get his/her take on this, and if I suspected he/she may have supported this endeavor, I would cancel my relationship with the company immediately. But if I detected he/she did not particpate and is truly against what the corporate heavies did, I would demand he/she contact the company HQ via email chastising their action and demand that I be Cc to the email. The big shots need to hear from their employees that this was outrageous, some heads should roll over this. The board of directors need  to take action.

State Farm in Retreat After Getting Caught Pushing LGBTQ Agenda on 5-Year-Olds

CV NEWS FEED // Though State Farm states it has ended its partnership with the “GenderCool Project” and ceased promoting progressive sexual content to children, some critics continue to demand the corporation be held accountable for the initial scandal.

State Farm was exposed to a public outcry this week when whistleblowers revealed the auto insurance company encouraged its agents in Florida to donate books promoting transgenderism to 5-year-olds to their local schools or public libraries.

“The project’s goal is to increase representation of LGBTQ+ books and support our communities in having challenging, important and empowering conversations with children age 5+,” said an internal email provided by a whistleblower to the nonprofit Consumers’ Research.

“State Farm is backing down Monday after outrage over its plan to donate books promoting transgenderism to schools and public libraries for children as young as five years old,” The Daily Wire reported:

“State Farm’s support of a philanthropic program, GenderCool, has been the subject of news and customer inquiries,” reads a May 23 email from Victor Terry, State Farm’s chief diversity officer, to State Farm agents…. “Conversations about gender and identity should happen at home with parents,” reads Terry’s email. “We don’t support required curriculum in schools on this topic.”

In response to the news of State Farm trying to walk back its promotion of LGBTQ materials to children, CatholicVote President Brian Burch said: “This is not enough.”

“This does not need to go away quietly with individual agents telling disgruntled customers the program is being dropped,” Burch said.

Burch added that State Farm’s corporate headquarters ought to disavow the entire effort, apologize, and make grants to pro-family groups protecting parental rights.

Who, pray tell, ,is “GenderCool Project?” Just in case you’re interested, as I was, you can check them out by going to: https://gendercool.org/what-we-do/

Originally posted 2022-05-26 10:52:09.

5 thoughts on ““State Farm is There””

  1. I’m not with State Farm; and I sure would cancel out immediately.

  2. We are witnessing a complete societal collapse of everything that has made America the leader of the free world. Our so-called “education system” has been indoctrinating our children for decades, and now this “woke” movement has infested corporate America to help spread this sick poison. I am a State Farm Insurance customer and will DEFINITELY be in contact with my agent concerning this assault on innocent children with vile and disgusting pornographic material. Corporations need to stick to what they do best and stay out of “social engineering” efforts.

    Rod “Scotty” Macleod – 100% Disabled Veteran – USMC – Vietnam

  3. I’m a simple sort of person. To me, diversity means recognizing that sailors are never going to change their disgusting habits. Inclusion, to me, means showing grudging respect whenever the band plays Anchors Aweigh. But if diversity now means acceptance of those who wish to marry their pet monkey, that’s not going to happen — and neither will I invite orangutans to my soiree. All I want to know about State Farm is how much they’re going to screw me on my insurance bill and whether they intend to pay me if some clown from Newark caves in the rear or my car. I don’t want to know how “woke” they are. If they insist on telling me that crap, I’ll find someone else to do business with.

    1. LOL, love it Mustang! Those sailors will never change their disgusting habits. LOL

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