
Most do no know this but this place is not a state, but a Commonwealth. Big deal? No, not really as there are three others that are not “states.” Do you know which ones?  But then who cares, I sure don’t All of my kin came from PA, Altoona area to be exact. I spent a lot time there as a small child with my parents visiting kin. I always thought it was a beautiful place, and even considered possibly retiring there — sure glad that didn’t work out. Now it has become a liberal haven full of folks who are certainly not my kin anymore. I cringe when I see cars here with PA license plates during non-snowbird season. I hope they are here to escape the liberal mindset and not here with a goal of changing the color of our state.

Anyway, here’s one from my Marine brother, Greg.

Doubling down

By: G. Maresca

Given President Biden’s slumping approval numbers, CNN+s sudden termination, increasing crime rates, record inflation, a nonexistent border, transgender education being foisted upon kindergarten children, Democrats are doubling down with their four candidates for the open U.S. senate seat in Pennsylvania’s May 17th primary election.

It is easier to win an open seat than to defeat an incumbent. Retiring Republican Sen. Pat Toomey’s senate seat is a prime opportunity for Democrats to add to their senate number in a pivotal state that Biden carried in 2020.

 These are the haughty days for the left owning the White House, both houses of Congress, academia, and the mainstream media.  Not to be outdone, their four Democrat senate contenders in the Keystone state are ideologically pure exemplars of this self-aggrandizing age.

 Candidate Malcom Kenyatta’s senate website opens with a video of the 31-year-old state representative from Philadelphia kissing his gay lover. Prior to entering politics, Kenyatta served as the diversity and inclusion engagement coordinator for the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia and is polling in the single digits. The same poll results have been following Alexandria Khalil whose campaign is about “compassion, justice, and prosperity for all.”

Who isn’t for such things?

The frontrunner is the goateed and tatted up Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, who prefers gym shorts over a suit, who not only leads in fundraising but the polls, too.  Fetterman is a 6’9” cantankerous and unapologetic version of Bernie Sanders.

The huge fund-raising advantage for Fetterman underscores the blunder of ratifying the 17th Amendment, where candidates are more beholden to out-of-state donors than they are to their own constituents.

Fetterman supports abortion up until birth, allowing transgender males to compete athletically against females, Medicare for all, a $15 minimum wage, a moratorium on fracking and “climate justice” whatever that is. Fetterman is also a favorite of the defund-the-police mob never turning down a speaking engagement.

What is little known is how as mayor of Braddock, Fetterman pulled a gun on an unarmed Black man jogging and accused him of committing a felony he did not commit. This is the same Fetterman that wants to seize your guns and a major reason why a majority of Americans value their Second Amendment.

Fetterman never met a tax or government program that he did not love. He is better fit as a stand-in for an Addams Family revival as either Lerch or Uncle Fester than taking a seat in the U.S. Senate.

Trailing Fetterman in Franklin & Marshall College’s latest poll 41% to 17%, is U.S. Rep. Conor Lamb with 26% of Democrats still bewildered. Lamb is pro-abortion, supports Biden’s Build Back Better Act and having the federal government regulate all voting and ending the Senate filibuster.

Lamb was one of three House Democrats who voted to make permanent provisions of the GOP sponsored 2017 tax reform bill. Lamb has also voted on bills with small numbers of Democrats where the Democrat National Committee knew would not pass the House. Those meaningless votes bestowed upon him the much-ballyhooed canonization as a “political moderate” in an evident appeal to voters.

On key leftist issues, however, Lamb marches lockstep with House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi. Being able to manipulate the electorate into believing they are electing a so-called moderate when in fact, they are every bit as left as the privileged running the party is essential.

They are all the same wolves whether sporting gym shorts or a blue pinstriped suit.

Left-wing groupthinkers and scolds that makeup the current breed of populist progressives, believe their senate candidates will embolden their base to win a battleground state like Pennsylvania. Democrats see no problem in doubling down on issues that fail to resonate with the majority and are proven failures. With each passing day, Democrats fall further under the sway of an outspoken leftist minority whose members care more about imposing an unpopular agenda than winning elections.

Democrats today are what would have been called communists 40 years ago.

This is yet another refined illustration of the dismal state of the Democrats, but never underestimate the dogmatic trifecta of your median Pennsylvanian’s naivety, their dead relatives, and fabricated ballots when it comes to electing a Pelosi puppet or Bernie Bro.

Originally posted 2022-05-06 11:14:45.

2 thoughts on “Pennsylvania”

  1. Time to call a pig a pig. Let’s get the communists out of DC now & forever

  2. This crop of leftist progressives are so rabid in their agenda, they would rather destroy the Democrat party and the whole country, then let go of any of their psychotic demands. The Supreme Court leaker is more then willing to be disbarred and lose years of law school to further this sick agenda. “Radical” doesn’t explain these people.

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