Boo-yah America

OMG, This clip would be so funny if it weren’t so true and sad. Can you even imagine what the world thinks of the US right now. We are at best giving them all something at which to laugh. Folks we are being lead by a trio of  incompetent blithering fools. And what amazes me to end is the 35% of Americans who can watch this and think all’s well in Washington. Can you imagine what the Germans sitting in that audience were thinking? BTW, did any of our MSM cover this speech? I don’t know since I don’t watch any. Perhaps some of you saw it? No? Hmm, wonder why?

Putin and that pachyderm from China must be having the laugh of their lifetime. Do you think they may fear us at all? LOL

Be sure to turn your volume up during Pelosi’s speech. That is if you think volume may help, it didn’t help me and I had it turned away up.

OK, did you get all that she said? Good, please translate. Remember now, this woman is third in line for what used to be referred to as the leader of the free world.  Sleep well Americans.

Originally posted 2022-02-17 09:17:19.

8 thoughts on “Boo-yah America”

  1. hopefully7 the midterm elections will turn things around

    1. Yes, and truly believe they could, but we have become a Third World Shithole who can’t hold a legal election. You can bet the Dominion machines are already being set.

  2. At least the European media understands and is truly talking the truth in the benefit of Americans. We so need that in today’s US mainstream media.

  3. We are in terrible trouble. 30 Trillion in debt, 2Trillion annual budget deficit and this is what we have for leadership.

  4. All scary. On a side note, Kamaltoe Harris just sent a written message to Iran that was translated to Farsi for them that stated ” America is a horrible country. It’s racist, misogynistic and transphobic.’ It went on from there. Can you imagine any vice president doing such a thing? Imagine if Trump or one of his kids did that. MSM won’t cover this at all.

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