OMG – What’s Coming Next?

Folks, I know I’ve already posted today, but just saw this and had to post it. Please click on the URL, go there, read, BUT be sure to read the comments at the bottom; they’re hilarious,. You might want to add some of your own to my blog. OMG, what is the homosexual freak going to do next.  I might have to stop paying my taxes , especially if it is going to shit like this. LOL





Pete and his husband, OK, so he’s the wife?

Pete Buttigieg Begins $1 Billion Plan to Ensure ‘Racial Equity’ in Roads (

Originally posted 2022-06-30 12:37:27.

8 thoughts on “OMG – What’s Coming Next?”

  1. The moral decay under the Biden administration remains ongoing. FJB. Is it November yet?

    1. Thanks for posting a comment Dave; haven’t heard from one of my favorite Captains!!!!!

  2. Where does this bullshit end?. Just drink the friggin Kool aid already and get the helll off my planet.

  3. Biden loves being surrounded by like minded jackasses. Tearing down highways is all part of the UN’s Agenda 21. Get rid of gasoline and roads and you essentially trap people and stop movement. The black neighborhoods that were divided from white neighborhoods by major highways do not want the roads taken down and state it’s their only way to get to work. Also part of the plan. As silly as it sounds when you first hear about racist roads, it becomes serious when major highways are demolished.

  4. Lovely. What a piece of shit we are living through, and God help us, to get through it. Chuck

  5. Mayor Pete is just one of so many incompetent “persons” in Biden’s administration. I don’t think I can improve upon the many high quality, hilarious comments that follow the article. I pray this November we can start to build a broom large enough to sweep all these “gifted” idiots back into the sewer in 2024.

  6. As in the days of Noah. Unfrieking believe. Sodom and Gomorrah might be owed an apology.

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