Dear Mom

Taking a break from the Swamp Creatures today. So much going on with that group of scum suckers, it’s difficult to keep up with them without raising my blood pressure dramatically. So, here’s one that if you have teenagers as children, grandchildren, or even as great grandchildren show them this video. Maybe. just maybe, they may get something from it that could change their lifestyle? Most of the teenagers today were just like us, we knew it all; Mom was old and out of date. NOT! =0

Originally posted 2021-03-18 12:35:44.

6 thoughts on “Dear Mom”

  1. I cried like a baby. Better I suppose then the anger I feel watching the news!

  2. Ok Col, you’ve got me in tears! This was beautiful and worth the watch. I will be sharing this with our YM’s this Saturday. Very powerful.

  3. Very powerful messages being sent in that video. Like Phil, I also lost my mom at an early age to Lupus. She raised three great children on her own. She was a super hero, because back then, being a single mother (Widow) of three, and holding down multiple jobs while trying to keep everything straight in her household had to be exhausting. Us kids would never know that, as she would never let it show.

    Now that I am older, I find myself making mistakes in life and looking up to the stars… sometimes in shame, sometimes embarrassed, but mostly as a boy who still misses the guidance of his mom.

    Thank you for that video Colonel

    Lee Waananen

  4. Well Jim, as an old man today, who lost his Mom when I was 15; who did love his Mom and was a good kid; today I cried for Marc and the kids in his audience .

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