Commercial Break

Well, after a little more than a year I finally received a book trailer I had requested and paid for back in January 2022. So, I thought I’d give it a try out here on the blog. LOL I just wanted to get it out there and see what it looks like and how it’s accepted. There is a gross error in it however. The book is NOT available on Amazon anymore at their highly inflated price that they never shared with me. Talk about a rip off. Anyway, I cut ties with the publisher and Amazon at the same time. Until I find another publisher, I do have a few of the hard covers that survived the hurricane here in September, and I do have a few that did get a little wet which I will sell really cheap. The others I’ll let go for $30 personally inscribed and I will eat the postage to you. Anyway, let me know what you think of the trailer.  You may have to copy and paste the URL below to see the trailer. I hope you enjoy it.



Originally posted 2023-02-18 16:44:27.

11 thoughts on “Commercial Break”

  1. The book gives the reader journey the unvarnished truth of this exceptional enlisted career followed by the only direct commission to 2nd Lt without having to attend one of the officer to be, or newly commissioned officer courses at Quantico as the journey continues in an exceptional manner as Colonel in charge of recruiting in the Chicago area. I have one of the early printings of Colonel Jim’s book that he autographed for me. As a former Gunnery Sergeant I can attest that this was an exceptional offer and leader of Marines. I marched behind the Lieutenant at the Marine Barracks in DC and across our nation with the same intense pride of doing so all my fellow Marines felt.

    Semper Fidelis
    DB Wright

    1. Wow, thank you for those kind words DB. Yes, they were some great times traveling around the US and Canada with the D&B. I think of those times often; what an joy to having had the opportunity to have done that. Semper Fi, Brother>

  2. Well done. If the book is not on the CMC’s reading list, it should be.

    1. GM, No it will never be on his reading list. I did not adhere to my favorite Reagan saying that a Republican (read Marine) should never speak ill about another Republican (read Marines). I tried to remind myself of that several times as I was writing the book, but just could not help it. I served with some real jerks during my career, and I simply could not hold back telling it like it was.. And some were generals.

  3. Jim, I have had your book for two years now. I would like to send it to you as a former Echo 2/1 member.
    Let me know.

    1. send it to me for ? To sign it? Sure, if that’s what you want, send it to me.

  4. Great job on the trailer, Jim! It inspires, and makes me want to be 17 once more and at the recruiter’s office. Yes, I would do it again. God bless the Corps! Rick

  5. Jim, if I had seen this trailer much sooner, I would have bought your book much sooner as well. I recommend the book very highly (even if you made up some of those stories about me). That commitment you have is also what got you and Nancy through your latest adventure with the storm.
    God Bless!

    1. Thank you Doug fr the kind words. It is almost over. We are moving back into the house this week. Well, you know what war stories have in common don’t you? The more they are told, the more they are embellished. LOL

  6. Jim, very well done!!!!!!! As you know, I bought your book some time ago. It provides me with great memories of my own career. Semper Fi my friend!!!

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