A Tribute

Another time for a respite, away from the sad commentaries and news of the destruction of our once great Nation. I received the below from Greg, a brother Marine and constant contributor to this blog. Thank you and God bless you Greg! What a beautiful tribute to one of our brothers who is now guarding the streets.

Enjoy and have a great weekend everybody.

Another Marine reporting

By: G. Maresca


Robert Jasinski, better known to his old platoon mates as Jazz, loved God, his family, the nation he so faithfully served and the eagle, globe, and anchor he proudly earned so long ago. To Jazz, the Marine Corps’ motto of Semper Fidelis – always faithful – was not just some benevolent military proverb, but a way of life.

Once we reconnected after a nearly 20-year hiatus, we would see each other by attending the annual Army/Navy game. Being the most prestigious rivalry game of college football that there is, the best and most anticipated part of the day for me was always seeing my old friend and once again breaking bread with him. For a brief few hours we got to feel like young men again, Marines, surrounded by all this pomp and tradition wrapped in this timeless venue that seemed more like a giftwrapped time machine for two aging veterans.

The last time we were together, he told me he still had that voicemail I had left years before when we reconnected.  At first, I thought he was kidding, but in retrospect it made perfect sense. In our last communication on his 60th birthday less than a month ago, he reminisced writing: “It has been a wonderful 60 years!  I think of all I’ve learned and the places I have been to. But nothing ever comes closer to being home with family. I miss my parents especially, but I know they are with me.  I dream of yesterday, of my time in the Corps.  We have had so many great examples of such good people in our lives.  I cannot forget to always reflect upon that, as I am sure you do also.”

It was poetic as it was prophetic.

I can see him arriving at the Pearly Gates commiserating with St. Peter about how another Marine was reporting-in, while giving Our Lord’s lead apostle an earful of intercessory prayer and then finally requesting mast for the well-being of his family and the nation he so dearly loved and served faithfully.

Robert Jasinski is on familiar turf once again back on point watching and waiting for the rest of us. I will miss him but take solace knowing he remains in good company until we meet again.

Godspeed, my brother, requiesce in pace.


Originally posted 2022-01-29 14:04:00.

4 thoughts on “A Tribute”

  1. Tks for posting Col. Jazz would have been honored. He will be laid to rest in Arlington…

  2. Great tribute. May God rest his soul and reward him for his service.

  3. What a tremendous and so eloquently written tribute to a fellow Marine from a dear fellow Marine true friend.

    This is such a thought-provoking tribute that I often wonder how people will remember me, a long time from now I hope, but most importantly how my Marine family will remember me. Many of you may have the same thoughts…albeit humble and not possessed. 32 years of my life were dedicated to the Corps and my immediate blood family aside who I love dearly, I can never forget, nor do I want to, my Marine family and the many, many friends and acquaintances I know from all ranks as a private to Colonel. The Marine Corps shaped me and molded me when I came from nothing.

    This tribute is so impressive and heartfelt it simply makes one think out loud. Forgive me for showing the soft side of this hard ass Marine!

    1. Not a problem with the soft side Tom, I feel exactly the same way. Maybe someone will remember me beyond my bride of 35 years and kin. Yes it was an eloquent tribute.

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