SOTU – Nothing but a Pack of Lies

Before I introduce this post I need to update you on my battle with USAA. The inevitable finally happened; all these years, 49 as of this month to be exact, I bragged about not hearing this from my bank, insurer, brokerage firm, mortgagor, and all around favorite organization in the U.S. But, it has happened. I called last week to discuss something with them and this is what I heard, “Welcome to USAA, press one for English.” That did it for me for I do not do business with a company that  doesn’t understand where they are and what language we speak. I am not trying to disparage those who speak Spanish, I am merely saying, if you want to live in the U.S. learn our language. If I would happen to move to some South American country would I expect them to speak my language? Hell no I wouldn’t; it would be my responsibility to learn their language.

So, starting this week I re-joined and began moving everything to NFCU to which I belonged starting in 1967 when I returned from RVN. I stayed with them until I moved to USAA in February 1974. Needless to say, I am really impressed with what they offer and am sure I will be happy with them. 

Okay, now to the post. Another good one from my friend and fellow Marine Greg, I did not watch the SOTU address as I knew it would be nothing but one lie after another and sure enough that appears to be exactly what it was. I have convinced myself that his election was, in fact, fraudulent in every aspect. I mean, do we really have that many stupid idiots in America that thought he was the best choice. I don’t think so, the problem is Trump just pisses everyone off all the time. He has certainly ruffled my feathers of late by his disparaging remarks against my Governor. I don’t think he knows DeSantis very well as he is not one he wants to spar with. And now that Haley has thrown her hat in the ring, he is even attacking her.  What does he think he is going to gain by doing that? I remember my favorite president of all times, Ron Reagan saying, “A Republican should never speak ill of another Republican. ” Trump had best shut his mouth. If the primary were held today, I would not be voting for Trump as I personally believe he hasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell of becoming president again. Shut the hell up Trump!!

Smoke, Mirrors, and Balloons                                                                                  By: G. Maresca
Since the Biden Administration took office, their billowing nonstop smokescreens are asphyxiating. Consider the humiliating withdraw from Afghanistan to the proxy war with Russia in Ukraine to record inflation claiming food, energy, and a stagnant stock market.

The mirrors are as plentiful as a carnival funhouse with the daily flood of illegals pouring across our Southern border as Biden toasts “President Harris,” while calling out to dead congresswomen and confusing Cambodia with Colombia. Biden’s response: blame Donald Trump.

Then there was the manifestation of a series of flying objects – the first one identified as a Chinese spy balloon. Four more objects appeared within days. Coincidental or is the logical conclusion too overwhelming? If Biden doesn’t know what these are, we should know.  For half a century, Washington claimed Biden doesn’t know anything, but when he admits he didn’t know anything, nobody believes him.

With layer upon layer of bureaucratic red tape that holds Washington hostage, we were fortunate that when Biden finally gave the order he didn’t shoot down the Goodyear blimp at the Super Bowl.  Popping China’s spy balloon was the first thing Biden did to reduce inflation since taking office. With Biden at the helm, it is like watching a kindergartener juggling hand grenades.

It took some cowboys in Montana to call attention to the first balloon. Then Biden claimed it posed no threat, only to shoot it down.  One more downed balloon and Biden gets the top prize at the funhouse.  The balloon didn’t penetrate Washington airspace because the Chinese knew there was no intelligence there to collect.

Being a national security issue, this is the bipartisan concern the nation has been searching for as China is testing American resolve. The communist Chinese must exit from our universities, research facilities, corporations, and from any land acquisitions.

President Obama’s East Asia Strategy afforded the Chinese plenty of intelligence correlated electronics, hardware, and software. Recall the 2009 hack of F-35 fighter-jet blueprints to the continuing theft across the board of intellectual property through clandestine cyberattacks. China’s thievery of American data and technology continues to be met with little to no consequences.  How much American technology was attached to that balloon?

The Rutherford Institute reports foreign entities owned 40.8 million acres of American agricultural land with China owning nearly 192,000 acres that were all near military bases. Customs and Border Protection reported a 700% increase in Chinese migrants at the Southern border as we witness the consequences of open borders and air space.

China is on a ceaseless campaign to embarrass and humiliate America while becoming the world’s dominant military. The obvious seems lost on those shining a seat with their groove thing in the Oval Office and throughout the Pentagon. How long have these flights been going on without a response and why? Sadly, the military is too consumed with reducing their carbon footprint and pushing their diversity inclusion and equity (DIE) agenda.

Biden appears compromised, yet Congress does nothing.

Since this is the Chinese “year of the balloon” and for better protection of their fleet of spy balloons in the future, the Chinese will be changing from white balloons to rainbow-colored ones stenciled with the letters: BLM.

From all these classified documents and balloons floating around and Hunter Biden’s foreign business deals, and the “big guy’s” stake in them, where are the straight answers? The nation’s media, its fourth estate, does not have the slightest intention of pursuing any of this.

American companies that deal in technology should not be doing business in and with communist nations. This did not occur during the Cold War with the Soviet Union, so why is today any different. Let China have the NBA. They deserve each other.

If anything, a Chinese balloon has brought to the forefront our military vulnerabilities that must be addressed. As a nation, we are not isolated from foreign military threats, and our pathetic response begs many questions about our military preparedness.

Meanwhile, at the southern border ….

We are trying to solve a spiritual problem through political means. Until we realize this, the situation and all the hot air surrounding it will only continue to inflate, and those Chinese spy balloons will be the least of our concerns.

Originally posted 2023-02-18 10:10:46.

12 thoughts on “SOTU – Nothing but a Pack of Lies”

  1. Trump also said some things about general mattis as well, back when he was president. I felt the same way about Trump crossing the line about a Marine. Turned out Trump was right. Not comparing mattis to Governor Ron by any means,but this is how Trump plays ball and I’m sure the career politicians understand his moves. Keep Ron as your beloved Governor in Florida for now and let Trump go after the true scum in DC. Peace

    1. I don’t know Todd, Think I will plat a wait and see game. Yes, I would love to keep Ron here in FL for four more years, but at this point in time, I would have great difficulty voting for Trump in a primary bc I do not think he can win on a national election. And that’s not even considering the fraudulent elections we have in this shithole we call America

      1. It is a mess for sure. Damn glad to see you posting again, after all you folks have been through. Semper Fi Jim always look forward to your posts

  2. This was a funny article with the well placed one liners. Sadly, it is truth. Our nation is on a dangerous course.

  3. I HATE agreeing with you about Trump as he was a great president but I have to. He talks like a narcissistic child. Biden did get more votes. Not because the public wanted him more but because they were voting against Trump. That said I do believe there was more than normal cheating in the election with mail in ballots. DeSantis may not want to run for another 6 years. He seems happy in Florida and may not be anxious to jump into the snake pit of Washington. One would think Trump has had enough of the relentless attacks but he’s obsessed with winning at everything and will run again. I will get ugly in the primaries.

    1. Yes, it will get ugly. Trump feds off the attacks and criticism, he loves it. That’s why he throws out stuff to get the attacks, he must think that’s what makes him popular. What a childish fool!

  4. I prefer competence and character over charisma, Chesty over Milley. So give me Trump – not everyone can be Reagan.

    USAA for insurance for 58 years (avoid USAA Bank), NFCU for financial for 58 years.

  5. I was a staunch supporter and advocate of Mr Trump when he began campaigning to be elected President. He identified the internal issues in our government of tenured civil service employees who are protected by laws that make it almost impossible to fire them, to say nothing of the bloat of employees who do little to no work. He understood that within those ranks key positions are, and have been for many years, held by people with direct ties to democrats who have led the ultra liberals in their party from their ever growing positions of power. He listened to our generals and admirals who had combat experience of leading from the front as young lieutenants, captains, and majors in Vietnam, not well to the rear. They wore ribbons on their uniforms that were for personal valor and wounds unlike we see today. I never saw a Bronze Star that did not have a “V” for Valor on it, unlike the admin “You finished your tour without a major foo-bah” Bronze Stars almost universally worn by senior officers today missing that “V” device, and yes sadly in our own Corps.

    Because I truly believed he would bring change to our government, restore our congress to civility, working together for the good of the voters who elected them instead of the paying lobbyists. That he would secure our borders from illegal aliens and return the illegal aliens spread across our nation back to their own countries while welcoming the immigrants who enter legally.

    Yes I was embarrassed by President Trumps inarticulate and at times demeaning and embarrassing comments. They were simply not presidential as we expect our presidents to conduct themselves. President Trump often praised President Reagan who often spoke in the home spun vernacular of Americans yet when he attempted to speak in similar fashion often seemed as if he missed quit a few english classes during his formative years. But when he ran for reelection my choice was a man I simply could never vote for or one who had made an honest attempt to govern and restore and reduce our government. So I again voted for President Trump.

    I do have strong suspicions that there was an organized, by democratic leadership starting in congress, corrupt interference in our balloting, and their counting on a scale never before seen in our nation. But that January day on the Mall when defeated President Trump spoke to the crowd he did so in a manner that was clearly intended to incite and give them his blessing for the assault on our Capitol building.

    This election cycle I hope the majority of our Republican Party people across our nation carefully read, watch, and listen to their speaches and the debates of those running to be our candidates, while learning a little about their accomplishments in elected offices they have held. I know I will be doing that as I seek the best possible candidate to support we, the common American! I hope you will as well.

    Semper Fidelis
    DB Wright

    1. Yes I will watch carefully DB, but Trump is going crazy, he gains nothing by slamming those in his party and giving them silly nicknames. He had better watch both DeSantis and Haley as neither of them are a slouch. DeSantis is a fire breather and quite capable of taking on Trump without the nasty comments and nicknames; furthemore, he is loved by many Republicans, not just in FL but all over this country. Trump is killing himself. Many of the votes Joey got were from people who just hated Trump; they didn’t have any faith or desire to see Biden as POTUS, they simply hated Trump. He is in all respects his own worst enemy. Someone, anyone, needs to tell him to shut the hell up about his GOP potential opponents. He will not get my vote in the primary unless he shuts up.

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