In The Navy

If you have kids, grandkids, or friends who have some and they want their children to perhaps follow in some distant relative’s’ footsteps and join the U.S. Navy, they need to watch this. It’s a hoot!  You don’t have to watch it all since it’s about 7 minutes long as it won’t take you long to get the idea as to where the Navy’s priorities are today. Aren’t they or shouldn’t they  be defense oriented; I mean they come under the Department of “Defense” right? I don’t think so. And you can be sure the other services are going in the same direction, and yes even our once beloved Corps since our leader supported pride month Folks this is really hard to watch if you are cut from the same cloth as me. I could not stop laughing at these two idiots. I can only imagine what our potential enemies are thinking when they see where our military’s priorities are right now.

Lord, please help us.

Originally posted 2022-06-23 13:23:26.

7 thoughts on “In The Navy”

  1. Since you seem to be allowed to select you own pronouns to use, I choose to address the woke members as “Asshole”.

  2. This is just plain embarrassing. In one fell swoop we went from the strongest and most respected country in the world to a weak laughing stock. If Trump or DeSantis gets the presidency, I hope they toss all the woke morons out and call back all the patriotic ” radicals” that were removed by this administration.

    1. You are correct, the establishment is the disease masquerading as the cure they are not going to fix themselves.

  3. Thanks Jim. No surprise here at this point. But, should I reach for my gun or your favorite scotch to end this misery?

    1. No, and I am certain, it’s not just the Navy! Go for the Scotch, but keep your gun handy, the country gets sicker by the day.

  4. Unsat! This is the nonsense of believing in lies , fairy dust and unicorn farts that propels civilizations into the dust bin of history.

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