Humbled and Humiliated

Marines, family, and friends, I am both humiliated and totally embarrassed to do this. So many of you have reached out saying you truly want to do something to help as we recover from the destruction of  hurricane Ina (both cars flooded and totaled, house inside under 2-1/2 feet of water). At the height of the storm, Nancy and I were siting on folding chairs on top of the LR coffee table and the water was almost to our knees. Watching 155 MPH wind gusts turn 50-60 year old oak trees in to something akin to a cactus is something we will never forget. It was absolutely unbelievable how fast the water rose. Once the storm drain in our front yard could no longer handle the water it literally took over and our house became an island in a sea of water. And understand, we are many miles inland.

Many have offered to come to Florida but we have no place to put you up plus we have passed the point where we need physical help to remove everything from the house and not to the point where we can put things back together. The house is structurally sound but the contents were destroyed. The house has been gutted and we are  scrambling along with thousands of others trying to find a reputable contractor to put it all back together. The scammers are plentiful and from all over the country. We are living on the property in our RV at the present time but will probably have to move to a campground as it will, take many months to recover. Of course, in FL affordable homeowner’s insurance does not cover any personal items which includes furniture, not even a washer and dryer.  And no one offers flood insurance except FEMA. We have saved some items to see if they can be disinfected and reused, but I estimate about 3/4 of our contents are sitting on the curb waiting for the county to pick up.
We just found out our oldest granddaughter, Lindsay, set up a go fund me account to help us. PLEASE, PLEASE do not feel obligated to donate. Because you asked how you can help, other than keeping us in your prayers, this is the best way at the present time. With all the things I have experienced in my lifetime, this has to be the hardest to get my arms around. I never thought at my age I’d have to rebuild and furnish the entire inside of a home from scratch.

Please know that there are so many more in our area worse off than us. Many have no place to even live. If you would like to help them, the best way is through the SWFL Emergency Relief Fund where 100% of all donations goes to help those in need…/contribution…/Default.aspxs

Please know that we are both okay physically, and emotionally we are taking it one day at a time and with the help of the Lord we will get thought this in time. Your continued prayers are so very  much appreciated.
Hit by the hurricane: My grandparent's fundraiser, organized by Lindsay Hunt

GOFUNDME.COM Hit by the hurricane: My grandparent’s fundraiser, organized by Lindsay Hunt

God Bless everyone and please keep us in your prayers as we work through this tragedy.
Semper Fi

Nancy and Jim

Originally posted 2022-10-14 17:08:09.

30 thoughts on “Humbled and Humiliated”

  1. Many moons ago posted outside a chapel in NC: “No man reaches higher than when he kneels to pray.” It must have been quite humbling to be directly in the mix during nature’s rath.

  2. If everyone gives a little, we can accomplish a great deal. Our prayers are with you and Nancy.

    Robert “Bob” Armbruster, 69-71 8th & I

  3. Jim in life a man experiences both triumphs and tragedies, when tragedies strike is when the sum of a mans life is weighed. You were the best Battalion Commander I ever could have imagined and I thank God I could play a small part in helping you ! Barry Walker MGYSGT ret. old 2/6 hand!

  4. God bless you Jungle Jim. You were my BC in 2/6 and you saved my 6 from a Courts Martial at Parris Island. I Retired as a MGySgt with 37 years service thanks to you. The Best officer the Corps could ever produce. Remember that hump from hell we did in Spain and got stormed in on the beach ? WHAT A CAREER.

    1. BLESS you Master Guns!!!! And thank you soooo much. And yes, I remember Spain very well; we had fun didn’t we?

  5. Done ! My sincere thoughts and prayer go out to you and your wife Co. When viewing the destruction of the area I am left with a sick feeling as I know your area fairly well. My parents, who are now gone, retired to the Punta Gordon area and I visited them frequently. I am confident that the stiff determination you always displayed when on active duty, will serve to elevate you and yours above this temporary setback.

    1. Thank you so much for the encouragement and the prayers. I don’t know Master Guns, I wasn’t 82 back then. LOL But I am trying my best to stay positive. Bless you brother!

  6. Colonel and Nancy – would love to check on you in person but I am sure the last thing you need is trying to communicate with and answer the concerns of your legions of friends and admirers. Knowing you both these many years I understand it was difficult to ask for help but we are all glad to come to the aid in a very small way for two people who have done so much for so many. Keep us informed of your recovery. Kristi and I have you both in our prayers and in our thoughts. – Irondave (aka Rhino) – KEEP CHARGING!

  7. You are not forgotten Jim, keep fighting like the Marine you!
    My donation is on the way!
    Semper Fi

  8. Ain’t no humiliation in asking friends for help now and then, Jim. Family and friends are everything in this difficult life. Hang in there and let others help where they can. God bless you guys! SF…richard

  9. Colonel,

    Done, and done! My prayers are with you and Nancy. God bless you sir.

    Lee Waananen

  10. Colonel: Thanks for the go-fund link. Glad to try to help the very sad situation. You have done so much for your Country. We owe you much. And you both have our continued prayers. Always, Chuck sends .

  11. Colonel, my thoughts and prayers are with your and your bride and the many others who have suffered much due to Ian. I hope the recovery process takes place quickly so that all will have a place to call home very quickly.
    Semper Fi, Colonel

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