Let’s Hear it for Hockey Fans

It’s Fourth of July weekend – – time to celebrate our once great nation’s birthday. It is so heartwarming and exciting to see such out pouring of national pride. I guess hockey teams and  fans aren’t like all the other woke sports like MLB, NFL, et al. No kneeling here, if someone did disrespect the anthem he would probably have gotten his ass whipped! At least this video sure doesn’t show any wokeness. God bless those Islander fans. I wonder if all hockey fans are like that? If so, I may have to become one.  God bless this once great nation, and give us the wherewithal to come back from our current third world status. Enjoy and sing along.


Islanders Fans Sing the National Anthem Before Game 6

Originally posted 2021-07-03 10:37:28.

6 thoughts on “Let’s Hear it for Hockey Fans”

  1. Yes, hockey fans and hockey players are a different breed of athlete compared to the other sports. The players stand at both blue lines during the playing of the National Anthem and when the teams play a Canadian team they also stand when that anthem is played.

  2. Damn brings a tear to the eye. Outstanding. Happy Birthday America Semper Fi

    1. Me too Rodd, I watched twice; don’t see that at MLB or NFL games. May take up watching hockey!

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