Silent Majority –

– get out from under your rock and off you butt and DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN BITCHING TO YOUR NEIGHBOR!

When I wrote “The Book,” I was forced to add another chapter after a dinner out with our neighbors at the time. The book was basically done; Dennis and I were in the throes of rereading the chapters over and over editing for errors. I became so upset at that dinner, my bride and I left before desert and came home. I went straight to my office, fired up my computer, opened a new Word doc, and did what Denny always told me to do – just put words on paper. I finished spewing out words around 0300 and emailed the doc to Denny. Of course him being on Pacific time and me on Central, it arrived around 0100 his time. 

The next morning Denny called me and jokingly said “Wow, were you pissed or what?” He had been trying to get me to say something about how we were treated upon returning from Vietnam, but I refused. I simply wanted a dead horse to die once and for all. Therefore, needless to say, he was elated by my rant. Instead of it becoming the last chapter, it became #28, which was where it belonged.

Why am I telling you this you ask. Because I still feel the same way today about the so-called “silent majority” as I did when I wrote that chapter. They suck. Their cowards. Traditionally, they are a group  self indulged, self absorbed, lazy folks who bitch and complain about everything, then do nothing – – absolutely nothing! There is no organization about them. Many are well educated, but they live in their own world, they only have time to bitch, of which they do a lot. Where am I going with this? Watch both video s in the order I have them listed and your question will be answered. Be sure to read some of the comments afterward. Many, I’m sure are part of the silent majority.

Questions? I do. Are you using a Harry’s Razor? Or what about any Gillette product? I used a Harry’s razor for years, that is till they came out woke over a year ago. I trashed the razor and bought a Gillette, that is till they went woke. Now I use my electric razor more often, except when I want a really close shave, then I use my Schick until my Jeremy’s razor order comes in.

When will the silent majority wake up and realize the power they have when opening their wallet? Who still buys China junk? My bride wanted a new fridge and wanted the new GE style. We had to wait seven months because the one we chose was made in America. We could have gotten a similar model in two weeks, but made in China.

Who still buys Woke Coke products? Who still pays $6-8 for a cup of coffee at Starbucks? Folks the list goes on and on. How about Disney’s latest comments? I guess they’ve lost sight of in which state the world is located. Taking on our Governor is not a smart move. Walt must be screaming from his grave. PLEASE wake up and understand the power you have. Open your eyes and ears, watch the TV commercials and see who is filling their ads with BS. BTW, that will be my next post, watch for it, it’s another real eye opener.

PS, when you discover another woke company, send me the info and I will keep a running list of these companies that hate us, but want us to buy their product.

Originally posted 2022-04-03 17:39:50.

6 thoughts on “Silent Majority –”

  1. Oh Hell yes, I don’t drink soda, I don’t razor shave from September till about May cuz it’s fn cold in Wisconsin, I don’t waste time on sports. Any of it anymore. Very little TV cuz it’s absurd. Mostly you tube for gardening and farming and fishing knowledge. That said I believe I’ll be ordering a Jeremy,s razor if for no other reason, the commercial is dead nuts on being a Man. Peace… Semper Fi

  2. Over a year ago cancelled Harry’s with a letter to corporate office – they didn’t even care enough to respond. Been using generic Wal-Mart brand bu just ordered Jeremy’s.

  3. Col, you mentioned Coke of course, but don’t forget MLB who had a shit fit when GA wrote and passed a good, solid voting law. More recently, Hershey fired a bunch of folks who wouldn’t take the shot. Maybe they should be on the list as well. lg

  4. I agree, when you hit their pocketbooks, it is an astonishing thing how quickly their self righteous hypocrisy reverses itself.

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