Gunny Grump


I don’t know if any go back as far as you and I do.  Jan 1966 we were in Camp Pendleton  in route to RVN then our ocean cruise to DaNang. The next time I saw you, you had the drill team at 8th& I .

The next time was after 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines came back off of a Med deployment and we shared coffee and  sea stories at Camp Geiger. I met your wife at my bank and went to her every time I went there .

One day she wanted my address with no explanation; only to receive  an Invitation to your Retirement  which I was proud to attend.

Then nothing for years until I saw your name on Way-Mor’s web site. The rest is history and that covers soon-to-be 50 years of Brotherhood..

Semper Fidelis my Brother

Gunny Grump

Originally posted 2015-12-01 12:12:43.

One thought on “Gunny Grump”

  1. JB,
    Thank you for clarifying the 2/6 for me. I didn’t realize it when we
    where catching up at the time. My first unit that I went to after ITR was
    Bldg 102 mainside,E 2/6 as an Ammo Humper for 3.5 Rockets. Kept
    that to W-1-4 at K-Bay and then went to Gunner Flame Section. Then
    to MT and stayed there the rest of my time except for the last 2 years when I ended up in the Bn 4 shop.S/F


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