God Help Us!

The following was sent to me by John Reim who is an old time 8th & I Marine long before me. He received it from another old “slider and glider,” Bill Marshall, Drum & Bugle Corps 1957-59. I don’t usually do religious posts, but this one hit me where it hurts, and I hope it does you too!.

                        Hate of Self… America in Decline?                                                              “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;                                 but when the wicked bearith the rule, the people mourn.”            Proverbs 29:2 KJV

                                                 And Mourn We Shall

A very scary thought, but not simply a thought,,, it is truth for “When the wicked bearith the rule.”  Riots, murders, crime of all sorts, corruption in government, contempt for America on the world stage. The wicked has more openly revealed itself beginning Jan. 21st 2021, and the price is being paid.

                                                       Hate of Self

As we watch the nation we love slide farther and farther from the ideals and dedication to the God the “Founders” relied on for guidance, it is because of the nonchalance of attitude we find ourselves in the dilemma we are presently facing. While attempting to understand the wandering of this nation towards its present state, there was a discovery that forces us to look back several decade to the regression of this nation. Let us begin with the Democrat agenda and the attitude of “Hate of Self.”

It is determined that today, over 30% of this nations population is now ,,, anti-American. Only 36% of our youth claim to be proud to be American. 40% of millennial claim no religious affiliation what-so ever. This according to Pew Research Center. The major reason of hate??? Dedication to God.

God is a hindrance. Hindrance of an agenda once considered sinful and immoral. Hindrance because God makes the rules and as long as God makes the rules to which we must live,,, they cannot impose theirs. Recent past, churches were vandalized and invaded because of this hate.

Beginning with the eliminating of prayers to the God of the Bible in public schools, escalating to same sex marriage, murder of the unborn, educating children K thru 12 on transgenderism and a past prayer on the floor of Congress to the monotheistic god Brahma that asked for a blessing of Congress. That prayer for blessing from a pagan god could very well become a curse.

God has been mocked, demeaned, ridiculed and mostly eliminated by this nation that once relied on His powers to guide it. When there are no longer pleas for guidance, blessings and freedoms “Endowed by our Creator,” – those guidance, blessings and freedoms will no longer be.

“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.” 

In this prophetic announcement by Washington, this nation was forewarned of disaster if / when this nation strayed from those rules. The choice, the determination, and the commitment of this nation to comply with the “Eternal Rules of Order” is nor a request,,, it is a command. A command from the Almighty Himself. The “Smiles” (blessings) of Heaven cannot be expected of given to this        nation or any other that breaks God’s “Rules of Order,” — as this nation has done.

History will verify. Judgement will come. Whether a direct command from the Almighty or a decision by Him to leave us to our own demise — still judgement will come.

This nation once blessed so favorably was a beacon to the world of what an obedient nation would resemble. Now no longer obedient,,, now no longer blessed. Now a nation in decline. Now under the present administration, a laughing stock to the world.

What blessing can come to a nation that has broken every “Rule” given humanity to live by in order to live by the rules of the “Politically Correct” and the Democrat agenda. Under the guise of tolerance of many broken “Rules” and the condemnation of opposing speech and action, a new and intolerant agenda of the “Far Left Democrats” will descend this nation into the most deceptive lie  since Satan said to Eve. “You will not surly die.” They did …. and so shall this nation if not soon realizing this great lie being told to us.

These presently running our government are Globalist, – New World Order — anti-God people.

To accomplish their agenda, this nation must become insignificant, weakened, non-Christian, unarmed and worldly minded. Either we believe their lie and die as a nation … or not and live.

Semper Fi,                                                                                                                           Bill Marshall

Thank you Bill and God bless you sir!

Originally posted 2023-03-17 11:58:49.

10 thoughts on “God Help Us!”

  1. As a retired Gunnery Sergeant, I hate the disrespect and direction of our country today. I was a Marine brat , ha Marine brat friends. My Dad died on active duty (USMC) in 1965 and I joined in December 1973. I love my country and spent 6 + years deployed to other countries. Society needs God, rules and consequences today. If we had these I believe we would be a better country.

  2. Amen Bible and ⚔️ and we will need Both. What Would Joshua and Caleb do?

  3. Thanks Colonel. Bill’s message is both timely and true. C.S. Lewis said, “There are only two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done’ and those to whom God says, “All right, then, have it your way.” Our Nation is in grave danger of reaping the consequences of doing it “our way.”

  4. He’s on the mark, Colonel, in my book. In fact, he hit that mother center black. Prayers ongoing. Chuck sends

  5. LtCol Jack E Bennett ISMC (ret) This is an Article that should be placed in the Federalist Papers. As a God loving Combat veteran I am at 92 years of age still ready to “Stand in the Gap” .

    1. Bless you Jack, I am 10 years behind you sir. God please hear our prayers and save this country! I truly believe He is the only one who can!

  6. Bill provides a good summary of our depressing but very real state as a nation. Even now, after wrecking most of what we deem sacred, the Democrats have the support of about half of Americans. Yet there are still many good and godly people. We can either fight or watch in silence as our nation swirls in the toilet bowl on its way down. May God give us the strength to do what is right.

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