Go Army!

Don’t know if anyone has seen this, I think I saw it a while ago, but don’t think I posted it. Anyway if I did, sorry about that, here it is again.

Additionally, I believe enough time has gone by for me to post the results of my poll on changing the clocks. I will say I am disappointed in you guys. Eighty-six hits on the post and only twelve comments. Clearly, that sucks! Why do I waste my valuable time even posting if you are simply going to read it and not even click if you like it or not and  then less than 14% of you take the time tell me keep it or ditch it. Sad! to say the least. Why do you even come and read the posts? Anyway twelve comments and  eleven said keep standard time. One felt the need to tell us that since he retired he doesn’t care what time it is. Hmm, I felt that way when I first retired, but wait till he gets to my age, and finds that the body and the mind doesn’t like changes and trying to adjust to something as evident as daylight is a little tougher.  So, if everyone says stop it and keep standard time, why are we still doing it? Send your congressman an email and tell him to stop it. I did, have you?

Anyway folks, meet the new Army, and bear in mind the Corps is not far behind them. Me thinks our CMC is having mental problems. I’ll post something about that late when I have time, but then some of you will read it and pass on.

Originally posted 2023-03-14 16:52:07.

14 thoughts on “Go Army!”

  1. Colonel, certainly a lot has changed since we were both in 2/7 back in the day. Living outside Camp Lejeune, I witness the changes all the time, none for the better. No discipline in the way they look or carry themselves, SNCO’s and Officers included. Ask them about our history, and they have no clue. As far as changing time, my body has a hard time adjusting to the changes, even when I go somewhere in different time zones. Leave if alone.
    Paul Siverson SgtMaj (Ret)

    1. Yes, Sgt Major, times, they have certainly changed, and I’m sure you see it very well so close to the base. Thanks for the comment SgtMaj!

  2. Yes this is pathetic, not much challenge to join the military anymore. I seen the candy bar woke crap as well, lucky for me, I’m allergic to one thing and that’s chocolate. I should have been a little more clear on not caring about time change lol. Standard is my preference but I’m on a farm and my milk cows and goats don’t go by the clock and neither does our gardens or crops. I worked a 55 hour a week night shift job for 14 years, the job had to be finished before you go home in the morning , so again the clock was just a way to let me know how many hours I worked. Not complaining just explaining. Daylight savings is just another way the government controls us. And yes my body feels the changes, I’ll be damn lucky if I do live to be your age Jim, can’t imagine the wrecked shape I’ll be in lol. Semper Fi .

    1. Understand Todd. Hope you do make it to my age. You cannot believe the shape this old body is with being a grunt for 36 years. I’m lucky I can still walk without a walker. LOL

  3. That video SUCKED!!!
    The USA is obsessed with the gay life style.. WOKE is going to sink this country! I’m happy to be nearly 77 as I won’t see the big ass kicking we are going to experience, or at least I may have dementia and won’t notice.
    But I will use all my Ammo first!!

  4. I am embarrassed to have ever been in the Marine Corps. Everything I thought the Marine Corps was or at least tried to be is turned upside down.

  5. I call it the pussifying of the military. We USED to make ads like the Russians did. No more. Have you heard, I believe it’s the Army, intends to discontinue sniper training as it’s too cruel and war like. WTF?

  6. Oh dear lord, we are doomed…..when will the insanity stop….

  7. Today I stopped buying/eating Hershey’s products – likely a lifestyle change that will actually make me healthier. Not a big sacrifice but I will miss Kisses, Twizzlers, Reese’s, KitKats, York mint paddies, whoppers, milk duds, Skinny Pop popcorn and the list goes on. Hello Godiva and Mars’ products. What a stupid business decisions to use a transgender biological man to launch a candy bar honoring women on Women’s International Day. I texted them at their “800” number but they responded they were too busy to get back to me. In the future war, which might not be too future, we will loose thousands of our young people because this woke crap has infiltrated our fighting services. We no longer have a warrior culture and we will pay dearly for it. Go woke and go broke. We have to turn this thing around or start learning Chinese.

    1. Interesting Dave, I had not seen that ad. Damn, I shall miss their products as well, but principles are more important than a dam Hershey Bar.

  8. Mu opinion about time change is this. Leave it on standard time year around changing the time makes no sense.

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