For What, You Say???

If this one doesn’t make the list of the most abusive use of my tax dollars, I will be disappointed. I could save them all that money. Here’s how:

1) Look down your pants. 2) If something is looking back, you are a male. Otherwise, a female. 3) If you think you are something other than what you see in 2), see a psychiatrist at your earliest opportunity

The United States Census Bureau is requesting at least $10 million to fund research and development on how to ask citizens about their sexual orientation and identity.

The money, which would be spent over several years, would be used to test different wordings for the question, examine response patterns, and craft the most succinct questions for the American Community Survey.

The census and its questions are often used as guides or referenced by other government agencies when crafting their own questionnaires for employees or the public.

A major consideration in crafting new questions for the U.S. Census is that many citizens’ information is reported via proxies. This includes parents, spouses, heads of household and more.

Proxies often fill out census information for everyone in their home, and how proxies describe the sexual identities of others in their house is another area of consideration.

The wording and details of the question could have cascading ramifications on how the government asks about sex and sexuality for years to come.

The House Committee on Oversight and Reform is currently discussing legislation that could require federal surveys to provide more nuance on sexual identity questions.

Population estimates released last month by the U.S. Census Bureau revealed that eight of the 10 largest cities in the U.S. lost population during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Wow, that is really important to know that, but, what sex where they? OMG!

Inflation running wild, gas prices to the ceiling, massive illegal immigration, and many more issues facing our once great nation, and they want $10 million to study how to ask someone what sex they are.  Folks, we are doomed as  a nation. The world is laughing at us. Meanwhile the so-called “silent majority” sits idly by suck their their thumbs.

Originally posted 2022-06-17 11:15:27.

5 thoughts on “For What, You Say???”

  1. Colonel,

    We (the law abiding Silent Majority) are at a significant disadvantage at this time. We believe in the Constitution and the rule of law. It is repugnant to many to step outside boundaries we have accepted as legally and morally right. Don’t get me wrong – every bone in my body wants to physically take out the enemies to me and my country’s way of life. I see little chance of change during the current administration. Unlike the British system, we cannot remove an elected (still questionable) government with a vote if no confidence.

    We will have to resist within the framework of the law, remaining steadfast in what is right and not fighting among ourselves. We will have to subsist until the next national election then stand united (a problem with the right wing) until we are back to a government of the people.

    Capt. William Graves (ret)

    1. Amen Bill, thanks for you comment. My ONLY fear is whether any election we hold will be legal

  2. We have 280 war ships. China has 390. We are spending on how to ask what sex you are without offending and on transgenders getting free surgery. China is laughing at how stupid we are.

  3. Jim, I share your aggravation and anger. I’m trying to figure whether this is higher or lower on the llist of government waste than the study of “shrimp on a treadmill”. Soooo many candidates……….

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