FBI = Federal Bureau of Intimidation?

Another great revelation from my dear friend and Marine Brother. Is this what our law enforcement agencies are supposed to be doing in a free democratic society? I think not, but they are. This has to stop, and stop now. We need to write our elected mafia who are allowing this to happen without uttering a word. Thank you Mustangs, and press on Brother!

FBI: Broken Trust

by bunkerville

by Mustang

Good morning, America — or, as Joey Tribbiani might say, “How you do’in?”  Good, I hope — but I’m not placing any bets.  Recently, our friend Mark alerted us to a recent Rasmussen poll suggesting that Nearly half of Americans see Biden’s FBI as a “personal Gestapo.”  That may seem a bit extreme, except that the Biden Attorney General’s Office recently doubled down on its requirement that the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division open up investigations on parents demanding accountability from their local school boards.  That’s right, folks.  The FBI is less concerned with Moslem extremists than John and Mary Doe, who object to idiotic racial theories being crammed down the gullets of their young, impressionable children.
Then they came for the SocialistsAnd I did not speak outBecause I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionistsAnd I did not speak outBecause I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the JewsAnd I did not speak outBecause I was not a Jew
Then they came for meBut there was no one leftTo speak out for me

Mustang also blogs at Fix Bayonets and Thoughts From Afar0


Originally posted 2022-01-12 14:38:25.

7 thoughts on “FBI = Federal Bureau of Intimidation?”

  1. From where I am sitting they have always been an amerkian version of the kgb. That started under their founder hoover who used them to spy of his enemies & then who ever he thought was an enemy of the state, Right through the jfk murder, ml king murder, Ruby ridge,
    Waco Tx & others.Then let us not forget the debacle of watergate when an fbi/kgb agent named g. gordon liddy broke into the dnc hq for political reasons, then let’s move on to the Jan 6th Coup De-teat against a duly ELECTED sitting President.
    JFK actually wanted to break up the fbi & the cia as he had found out what they were up to everywhere & that cost him his life.

    1. LOL, sorry Mike, I somewhat disagree with your assessments of the past, but then you are entitled to your opinions.

      1. Then look into their history, hoover kept files on everyone, then the the murder of Dillinger in Chicago, to others, to include Ruby Ridge, Waco Tx, to the Jan 6 coup de’teat against a sitting duly ELECTED President
        Now does that sound like an upstanding “law enforcement” agency? It sounds more like an amerkian version of the kgb to me

        1. I know all about their history, am a avid reader and have been around awhile Mike, I still disagree with “some” of your assessments (conspiracy theories at best). I am not a past looking fellow, I am talking about the here and now so let us not confuse the current issue.

  2. Interesting and sadly very true the fact’s are More often than not very cold and very brutal. I take no joy in saying this , our government and the agencies that conspire with them to cover up the corruption and other crimes against humanity in our nation’s capital have become the very epitome of all that is evil In the world today. The establishment is the real Disease masquerading as the Cure! S/FI!

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