Hey Mickey Mouse –

– Suck it up  rodent!

I swear, if you have not learned by now, we Floridians simply love our Gov. He takes sh*t from nobody, including the venerable rodent from the  Magic Kingdom. It’s amazing when a CEO listens to his employees, who in this case, I’m sure are the young spoiled brats of today’s generation, and makes a decision that affect the financial status of the corporation he is charged to run for the owners (shareholders).  This would have certainly gone over very well in Disneyland, but not here in Disney World. Perhaps this CEO thought he was in the Land not the World, Ha.

This is hilarious, and let it be a warning to all CEOs to be careful what you say. Run your damn company and stay out of politics, especially if you are located in Florida or the Gov will get you. I love it. 

Sadly, Mr. Walt Disney has to be screaming in his grave.



From the Wall Street Journal

Friday 22 April 2022


Revolt in Disney’s Florida’s Magic Kingdom

The Walt Disney Co. needs Florida more than Florida needs Walt Disney. That’s the latest chapter in this tale of a CEO who followed his woke staff like a lemming off the cliff of cultural politics. Disney employees demanded that Mickey Mouse oppose Florida’s misdescribed “don’t say gay” bill. Now state lawmakers are reacting by putting down a few glue traps.

The Florida Legislature voted this week to abolish the Reedy Creek Improvement District, which in effect lets Disney World run its own private government. Created by the Legislature in 1967, the district covers about 40 square miles and features two water parks and four theme parks, including the Magic Kingdom. Disney essentially controls land use, environmental protection, fire service, utilities, more than 100 miles of roads, and more.

Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to sign the bill. The Journal cites a source who knows Disney’s finances and says the district saves the company tens of millions of dollars a year. Without it, services like fixing potholes could revert to county government.

Disney largely funds the Reedy Creek district, which had about $150 million in revenue last year. It also carries close to $1 billion in debt. The mayor of Orange County warned Thursday that if the district goes, then upkeep will “fall to the county’s budgets,” putting “an undue burden on the rest of the taxpayers.” The headaches look large enough that it’s difficult not to wonder about the bill’s effective date. It dissolves the Reedy Creek district on June 1, 2023—time for Disney and Mr. DeSantis to make up.

Are Florida Republicans engaged in unfair political retaliation? “As a matter of first principle,” Mr. DeSantis said last month, “I don’t support special privileges in law, just because a company is powerful.” Live by the corporate carve-out, die by the corporate carve-out. As a matter of political realism, the Reedy Creek district is a perk the state gave Disney. The mystery is why Disney thought it could push around state lawmakers without any pushback.

One answer is that previous corporate political signaling came with little cost and media hosannas. Recall when Major League Baseball pulled its All-Star Game out of Atlanta, as a punishment for Georgia’s new voting law. “Fair access to voting continues to have our game’s unwavering support,” Commissioner Rob Manfred said. The voting law “does not match Delta’s values,” fretted CEO Ed Bastian.

Did they read the bill? Or did they trust President Biden, who called it “Jim Crow 2.0”? Voting absentee in Georgia is still easier than in New York or Delaware. The political frenzy in Florida began with a similar dynamic. Early versions of the state’s controversial bill were broader, but here’s the key line in the law that passed: “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate.” That language belies the claim that kids with gay siblings or two moms couldn’t talk openly about their families.

At first CEO Bob Chapek told employees that Disney would take no position. “As we have seen time and again, corporate statements do very little to change outcomes or minds,” he wrote. But inspired by an earlier tweet from former CEO Bob Iger, Disney employees went into open rebellion. Soon Mr. Chapek was groveling to his underlings and calling Florida’s bill a “challenge to basic human rights.”

Perhaps he thought this would be a freeway to mollify his staff, but Mr. Chapek misjudged the political moment. Republican voters who have watched companies side with the progressive agenda and silence employees who disagree are fed up. Mr. Chapek was right the first time: Disney’s political foray didn’t stop the Florida law. But it made a lot of people mad, including Disney customers and state lawmakers.

There’s a warning here to other companies, especially Big Tech and Wall Street, which are mainly based in liberal states but conduct business everywhere. If they try to impose their cultural values, they risk losing Republican allies on the policy issues that matter most to their bottom lines, such as regulation, trade, taxation, antitrust and labor law. Polls show rising GOP hostility to big business, and that is likely to be reflected when Republicans take power.

If good tax policy can’t pass Congress because Republican voters are furious about cultural imperialism from the C-suite, that’s bad for the country. It’s also bad for business. The Disney lesson for CEOs is to stay out of these divisive cultural fights. The lesson for political partisans in the workplace is that their bosses run the office, but they don’t run the country.

Originally posted 2022-04-22 11:35:40.

6 thoughts on “Hey Mickey Mouse –”

  1. Walt Disney was a great man. He created original attractions that thrilled young and old alike. There will never be the likes of him again. This Chapek has no imagination and no common sense. He’s derailing the entire corporation for the whining of stupid fools that dress up as mice with their bachelors degrees in gay rights.

  2. So Mickey and Minnie Mouse are before the judge in divorce court. The judge asks Mickey why he is divorcing Minnie. Mickey says, she’s f@cking Goofy.

  3. Jim I know that few will care about my post here but it is historical content. We moved from CT to CA in 1954 to Azusa. Route 66 via the New Jersey Turnpike. You could not find a Hispanic person back then in SOCAL except in Alvera street in LA. My Dad was a WWII vet and my sister had to move to a dry climate because she had a disease that required a dry climate. Dad had a friend, Mr, Schroder, who was a WWII buddy and we moved in with him. He was a painter at this new amusement park no one had heard of before called Disneyland. BTW Knox Berry Farm was being built at the same time but not getting the press Disneyland was getting. In July 1955 they had 1000 kids lined up to cross the bridge along with the rest of the grand opening folks which included six thousand invitations to studio workers, press offices and journalists, construction workers, etc. But the 1000 kids, mostly from workers who had worked on the place, stormed across the bridge into Disneyland before them all and my older brother and I were one of them. We were at the end of the pack but I have a picture of us in blue jeans and white T-shirt running with the pack. We were all given a set of Mickey Mouse ears (would be worth a million today for a collector) when we entered and allowed to roam the park for free eating what we wanted and going on all the rides free. But even then the rides were 10 cents back then after it opened to the public. I only mention this because the park was for the kids and the environment they grew up in. We did not have to be threatened with the shit the libtards in Disney are force feeding everyone now with the LGBT, transgender, be yourself BS. It was a fun place for kids to experience naturally. No politics. No outside pressure from politically correct morons. That was Walt Disney’s dream. I was fortunate to meet Walt years later as a Marine SSGT when we did a color guard ceremony there in Anaheim. I can tell you even though his grandkid is a transgender, mixed up kid, Walt would NEVER have supported this shit! EVER!!!!! Just sayin!

    1. Amen Tom. Well this CEO decided to take on the wrong fellow. Will be interesting to see how this ends since Ron made effective June of next year. The “World” is set to lose millions if this happens.

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