Drug Addicts Need Help

And here comes Joey to the rescue. Ha!

Folks, is there any end to the idiotic, lame brain, destructive, life threatening ideas that come from the swamp? I think not. Some of you who watch the news have probably already seen this, but I know there are a lot folks on here who, like me, do not watch any of the MSM  propaganda programs, and yes that even includes FOX. But I have some Marine and Navy brothers who insist on trying to raise my blood pressure and send me what they think I should know. about; really? LOL

I can’t imagine what this act by Joey, and his gang of thugs is supposed to do. I must simply be a right wing, conservative dummy. If any of you can explain in Grunt terms what this idea is supposed to do for racial equality, please enlighten me. Thank you.

Be sure to click on the link at the bottom and watch the short video as Leo points out some thing I hope you all know. One of the most important elections in your town is for the members of the school board. I totally agree! The sad thing is those running are not required to reveal what side of the aisle they are on. It is supposed to be a bi-partisan, non-political election for those seats. That is, in and of itself, a joke! You can bet your bippee I will know who is who when I vote for board members

Leo Terrell hammers Biden admin plan to distribute ‘smoking kits’: ‘How does this achieve racial equality?’

Fox News contributor Leo Terrell on Tuesday blasted the White House over a reported plan to give out “smoking kits” in poor communities in the name of racial equity and reducing harm.

“I want to be very clear. They are using the term racial equity. Racial equity is a code for affirmative action, low expectations. You’re basically having a government involved in distributing equipment, pipes to help encourage drug use in minority communities. How does that achieve racial equality?” Terrell told “Fox & Friends.”

The Biden administration is set to fund the distribution of “smoking kits and supplies” as part of a $30 million grant program aimed at reducing drug-related infections, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

An HHS spokesman told the Free Beacon the kits contain pipes for users to smoke crack cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, and “any illicit substance” and that the grants will be targeted to underserved communities to advance racial equity.

Leo Terrell hammers Biden admin plan to distribute ‘smoking kits’_ ‘How does this achieve racial equality_’ _ Fox News


Amazing! Thirty billion dollars of tax payer money will supply the drug afflicted folks in the poorer neighborhoods with pipes. Why? Because they can’t afford them? WOW! I wonder who the grant is going to and will be responsible for where they are distributed?

Originally posted 2022-02-09 16:58:31.

9 thoughts on “Drug Addicts Need Help”

  1. We used to always say “the only thing that is constant is change” and America is changing. From my perspective we are in a tailspin and can’t “pull out”. This is sad, if true but I agree with you and do not trust any of the media. The days of Walter Cronkite and Chet Brinkley in which the news was just reported without emotion is gone. Now all the news media must inject their opinons that support their own agendas. Iam tired of watching any of them; and mostly do not. Semper Fi Marine!

  2. Jim, I’m confused more than ever now. Will I be allowed to take my mask off to smoke my free Joe Biden crack pipe? Must I first make a contribution to BLM or AOC? Help me out here, puleeeez.

      1. Hmmm. Wise counsel. Maybe I should visit one of their many large mansions. Perhaps make my contribution in person.

  3. Any city folks who continue to vote for these Dems deserve all they get.

  4. The kits are supposed to include clean needles, candles and matches to cook heroin or whatever you shoot up. Now San Fran Sicko is asking the public to go out in the street and bring a homeless stranger into their homes and let them live in the spare bedroom. Can’t wait to see if some lib jackass does this and is found with their throat cut and valuables missing. San Fran also pays homeless people 650. a month for living on the streets. The new progressive socialist libs are mentally ill. Then again this is part of working toward a society dependent on the government. Earlier Fox showed a new cartoon aimed at toddlers for black children to tell white toddlers that they are guilty of micro aggressions. They are all sick and spreading the sickness as fast as they can. I will not put in writing what I wish would happen to them..

  5. I’m really not surprised by this, they already supply needles/syringes to the same people. I guess that’s racial equity too? I will never understand this and then they raise the price of insulin and cancer drugs to those who really need it. Unbelievable!

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