
Still working on my letter, but in the meantime,  a quick post from a very old and dear friend who never served . A school classmate who lived up the street from me; a fishing and camping friend. He follows the blog, but since he has no experience in the military he doesn’t feel qualified to comment. So, I will post it for him as Anonymous. I believe he has an interesting theory. Your thoughts? 

I’ve read every post…don’t nearly understand the jargon, but I’ve formed a crazy opinion of what’s going on, so I won’t embarrass myself by exposing it to the general group. It’s this…someone is trying to “blend” the Corps out of existence. What happens if you begin and continue to add water to your favorite Scotch? It will lose its quality. In the case of the MC, I don’t buy this crap of “making it look like our society”. If they continue with the women, homos, Sikhs, etc., the Corps will soon look like any other branch of the service or your favorite high-tech corporation (pick one, FAANG maybe?). In such an event it will be easy for the “management” boys to say how it would be so cost-effective to “merge” the Corps into Branch X. And just like that—over 200 years of history actually becomes history.

Your CMC strikes me as acting like a Trojan Horse. He doesn’t believe that America needs a Corps that we citizen civilians have always admired and respected. He and his fellow Copperheads won’t risk the outcry of dissolving the MC in one fell swoop, so they are going through this charade of “making it look like the rest of America”. I personally don’t understand why they don’t see the value of a highly trained strike force that would be available to serve our country. There are so many potential hotspots as we speak. Ye gods!

I’m looking forward to your next “open letter to___”.


Originally posted 2021-12-04 10:26:24.

11 thoughts on “Anonymous”

  1. I agree 100% Sir! Hope this letter finds its way to the Commandant! He’s has obviously forgotten where he came from! To fall to the WOKE MOVEMENT , he doesn’t deserve to be in his position! Marines don’t fall for others ignorance ! They are a special bread! People ask why some say that Marines are the best of all military ! Well let’s let some go to 8 weeks boot camp while the Marines serve 13 weeks! Most men don’t survive boot camp! Only the very of the very best graduates from boot camp and only then are the called Marine! They earn the title Marine. My husband took me to MCRD in San Diego! We watched young Marine practicing for graduation, my husband stood there laughing at them, when actually his mind was back in 1965. My husband retired in 1985, reativated during the Gulf War, wasn’t exactly excited about that. Throughout my 20 years with him he defended the Marine Corp and his Marines. Seen him beat the shit out of a few guys pretending to be a Marine. He hated wanna be and pretenders! They were a disgrace to the men that served honorably for this Country. I watched tears run down his cheek when we stood, he saluted the American flag! He truly understands what that Flag represented! Young Marines today are not like the old Corp. Most are a bunch of pussy and a disgrace to the uniform. And why? IT STARTED At THE VERY TOP! He guards the streets of heaven now, and I’m dam sure he doing a great job, he was one Proud Marine. There’s a piece of me glad he is not here to see the shit this country is going through, and disappointed in the Marine Corp.

    1. Saundra, May God bless you dear. Nothing like a Marine wife; they are the very best. Thank you for this post. And Semper Fi to you gal!!!

  2. I left for PI in 1968, I have been proud to be a Marine
    All my life, a life member of the Marine Corps League. No one will ever change that. This guy need to go, we need a new leader that knows Marine history

  3. The issues, as already stated, are significant in the long term interests of the United States. What Berger and others have failed to realize is that some doors, once opened, will never again be closed.

    At no time did any of these morons (and I mean that sincerely) consider combat effectiveness. If they had, then they could not have reasoned that placing women in rifle platoons was a good idea no matter what DACOWITS told them.

    They would not have decided that transgender persons, that is to say, people with deeply flawed psychological profiles, who require “forever” drug management protocols, and who are never “deployable” much less suitable for combat related stresses, was ever a neat idea.

    Making Marines “look like” America only works if you think that Marines are no better than the lowest common denominator in our goat-rope society.

    In this context, I’d have to say that Berger is even worse than Amos … and it is to him we must point when, in a few short years, the Marine Corps is no long America’s elite fighting force.

    But, then also recall that there are some generals who think that an infantry unit leader, in deciding NOT to call in supporting fires that might harm the wife of a Taliban fighter (who would disembowel you as soon as look at you) somehow deserves a combat medal for displaying passive courage, even when such a stupid decision results in his entire squad being wiped out.

    Colonel, these people are so incredibly stupid, I can’t get my head around it.

    1. Mustang, sir, you are SO correct. “Our” Corps that we loved and served with no regrets is gone. I sincerely believe it can never ever be repaired. And it all started with Amos. The rest of the world are surely laughing at us whilst they prepare.

  4. The other side of this “water down” coin is the distressing notion that the entirety of remaining forces, regardless of entity will be ill prepared to fight.
    Doug Horan

  5. I firmly believe everything happening under this administration is very intentional with a long term agenda. Like putting a frog in water and slowly bringing it to a boil it will not realize it’s slowly dying. People say Biden is making huge mistakes. No he’s not. He’s the puppet of the one world Marxists that know exactly what they are doing. Notice how the Marxist media selectively drops coverage of certain stories? And the attention span of a goldfish public has forgotten those abandoned in Afghanistan. They have forgotten the parade slaughter or absorbed the “accident” was caused by an SUV and not by a Trump hating black man. The public moves on and forgets or accepts. That’s the idea. The idea of dissolving the Marines will make sense after the lowered standards produce a force that fails miserably in a future battle. The public will accept. This is the most I’ve had to say on a topic because it hurts my heart and I fear anonymous may be correct.

  6. He might be right on target. With woke Army generals in both Sec Def and Chairman of Joint Staff, they may see this as a opportunity to suck the MC into the void of “no reason to be a separate service”. And CMC either doesn’t see or is just stupid enough to go along.

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